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高二下学期英语期中练习题:Women of achievement



23. A large number of people ______present at the meeting.   a. was   b. were  c. be  d. have

24. The number of students in the class _____ limited to fifteen.  a. have  b. are  c. is   d. had

25.The number of people who gathered there ___ uncountable.  a. were  b. was  c. be   d. had

26. There _____ in this room.   a. are too many furnitures    b. are too much furnitures

c. are too much furnitures     d. is too much furniture

27. Tom, with a dag, __ standing on the floor upstairs yesterday. a.was  b.were  c.are  d.will be

28. Either you or the headmaster __ the prizes to those gifted students at the meeting.

a. is handing out   b. are to hand out   c. are handing out   d. is to hand out

29. I, who__ your teacher, will try my best to help you with your English. a.is b.are  c.be  d.am

30. E-mail, as well as telephones, ____ an important part in daily communication.

a. is playing    b. have played   c. are playing   d. play


1. ---- Have you known Dr Jackon for a long time?  ---- Yes. Since she __ the Chinese Society.  a. has joined  b. joins  c. had joined   d. joined

2. ----- Let` s learn to use the problem we are facing ___ a stepping-stone to future success.

a. to   b. for   c. as  d. by

3. A small car is big enough for a family of three __ you need more space for baggage.

a. once   b. because   c. if    d. unless

4. It `s not _____ good idea to drive for four hours without ______ break.

a. a; a    b. the; a   c. the ; the   d. a;  the

5. ----- I `m still working on my project.  ---- Oh, you `ll miss the deadline. Time is _____.

a. running out   b. going out   c. giving out   d. losing out

6. The science Museum, ____ we visited during a recent trip to Britain, is one of London `s tourist attractions.       A. which   b. what   c. that   d. where

7. _______ what she was going off to sleep, I asked if she` d like that little doll on her bed.

a. Seeing   b. To see    c. See    d. Seen

8. It was along the Mississippi River _____ Mark Twain spent much of his childhood.

a. how   b. which  c. that   d. where

9. As he works in a remote area, he visits his parents only ___.

a. occasionally   b. anxiously   c. practically   d. urgently

10. Occasions are quite rare _______ I have the time to spend a day with my kids.

a. who  b. which  c. why   d. when

11. The play had already been on for quite some time when we ____ at the New Theatre.

a. have arrived   b. arrived   c. had arrived   d. arrive

12. Cathy is taking totes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School, where she __ English for a year.     a. studies   b. studied   c. is studying   d. has been studying

13. The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the entrance, __ in the natural light during the day.    A. to let   b. letting   c. let   d. having let

14. I want to catch _____ early train, but couldn’t get _____ ride to the station.

a . an; the   b. ; the   c. an;   d. the; a

15. “Goodbye, then,” she said, without even _______ from her book..

a. looking down   b. looking up   c. looking away   d. looking on

16. I smell something ____ in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute?

a. burning   b. burnt  c. being burnt   d. to be burnt


1.       ---- _____? ----- She is an animal and biology scientist.

a. What does your father enjoy most  b. what does your new neighbour look like

c. who is the middle-aged woman    d. How much could you own in a month

2.       Mr. Wang would have continued to lead _ poor life instead of changing his lifestyle if he hadn` t met Mr. Smith by _ chance who was a businessman.  A. the;a b. a; the c. a; / d. /; the

3.       They are arguing ___ who will win the football match and whether they should have respect ___ their team once they fail.  A. about; against  b. on; of  c. about; for  d. on; for

4.       Each boy and each girl ___ the right to get entertainment and support in his or her childhood. A. is  b. has  c. are  d. have

5.       Miss Lee is a rich lady but she still thinks it is not ______ things which are not needed even very modern at a low price.  A. worth to buy  b. worthy buying  c. worth buying  d. worthwhile to buy

6.       It s reported that the police will soon _____the case of the two missing children. a. look upon b. look after   c. look into d.  look out

7.       My teacher often tells us to ___each other and not _____those who failed and we should look forward to their succeeding in the future.  a. support ;look down upon  b. campaign; look on  c. respect; look back on  d. consider; look into

8.       Only after we have learned the manners well in English ___know how to __ourselves at table in a foreign country. a. we can; dress b. we might; tell c. must we ; show d. can we ; behave

9.       ----As is ______in the laws, passengers and drivers all should _____the traffic rules.    ------Yes, Driving too fast will cause accidents, as well as drinking wine.

a.       referring to;  look  b.  referring to ;watch  c. referred; see  d. referred to; obey

10.   I ___a classmate while______  in a supermarket, who I kept in touch with by QQ and his QQ name is Wild Wolf.   a. came across; wandering  b. came about; wondering

c.       turned around; wander  d. turned into; wonder

11.   ------Darling! It’s my fault. But I didn’t mean ___ you. I’ll do better. ----Don’t mention it. What you said mean __kind to me.  a .to hurt; your being  b. hurt;  you are

c .hurting; you to be   d. to hurting; your to be

12.   A good idea _____ the general engineer when the typhoon hit the being built over-sea bridge from Shanghai to Ningbo.  a. crowded in  b. resulted in  c. joined in   d. got in

13.   In the performance, there ____ only a box and a red piece of cloth. However , with a flash of light , a beautiful girl fell under the audience `s ____ .

a. was; observation b. were; determination  c. had; emergency  d. has; sickness

14.   ----- I `m a student in Senior One. I meant to improve my English grammar. What book shall I buy?  ---- What about this one? it is____ for beginners.

a. intended  b. operating   c. operated   d. intending

15.    It was in New Zealand __Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith.  A. that  b. how c. which d. When

E4 unit2

E4 unit1 Key:

词语训练1. connect, with   2.is connected with  3.behaved, under fire 4.behaving 5.worthwhile considering /to consider carefully 6.well worthwhile, in the future  7.observe  8.observe the school rules  9.Respect for 10.respect my privacy 11.argue with, about /over, last decision  12.argue, for against 13.entertained, all kinds of tricks  14.entertained  15.the entertainment

16.beauty, inspired 17.inspired, to be brave 18. Support himself  19.supports 20. B   21.intend to   22.was intended for  23.a   24.determined   25.determined, to   26. Have determined  27. C   28.which, careful consideration   29.considering 30.was delivered of  31.deliver, prepared

语法精炼 :1-5 bdbaa  6-10 cccba  11-15 bcbaa    16-20 cdabd  21-25 abbcb  26-30 dadda

经典高考 :1-5 dcdaa   6-10 aacad  11-15 bdbdba

单元测试:cccbd   cadda   aaaaa



2016高二英语下册Unit 3课时质量检测题

2016高二英语下册同步检测题:Unit 4 Body language


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