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高二第二学期英语期中练习题:Working the land



W:Are you on holiday?

M:Well,...er...I’m here to improve my English.I’m from Greece,you see.

W:I didn’t think you were English,but your English is very good.

M:Thank you very much.

答案:9. B 10.C 11.B


12.What happened to a bag of corn?

A.The bag was torn open.

B.It was stolen.

C.It was sent to the poor.

13.Why did the judge give each man a stick?

A.To change for the farmer’s corn.

B.To beat the thief.

C.To find out the thief.

14.What happened to the thief when he cut his stick short?

A.He was found out.

B.The judge couldn’t catch him.

C.His stick had an equal length with the others’.

15.What was the purpose of the judge?

A.To make the thief add an inch to his stick.

B.To make the thief cut an inch off his stick.

C.To make the stick grow an inch longer.


8. According to an old story,a farmer once found that a bag of corn had been stolen from his house.He went to the judge and told him about the loss.The judge ordered all the people of the farm to come before him.He took a number of sticks of equal length and gave one stick to each man.He then said,“Come before me again tomorrow.I shall then know which of you is the thief because the stick given to the thief is one inch longer than the others.” The thief was afraid of being found out,and so he cut an inch off his stick.The next day the thief’s stick was found to be one inch shorter than any of the others.In this way the thief was found out,and at once taken to prison.

答案:12.B 13.C 14.A 15.B


16.Where did Jane buy a laptop(手提电脑)?

17.How did Jane buy a laptop on the net?

18.When will the laptop arrive?

9.Shopping on the Net and Its Service

Joe:Hey,why are you here sitting at your computer again?You said you were going downtown to buy a laptop.

Jane:I said I was going to buy one,but I didn’t say I was going downtown,did I?


Jane:So I’m going to buy one right here.


Jane:On the Net.

Joe:Really?Show me how you do it.

Jane:That’s easy.First you type www.yahoo.com in the address column.Here is the commodities centre,see? Click “electronics”,and here is “portable pc”.


Jane:The second from the bottom.

Joe:I see.

Jane:It’s cool,isn’t it? Then register for it.Type in your E-mail address,password...Click“I accept”,name,address,city,province,post code,telephone number...and my credit card number.

Joe:Hold on!Your number could be hacked.

Jane:Never mind.I simply can’t wait.Click “Confirm” and it’s done.

Joe:Better check your mailbox now.

Jane:Yeah,here we have a message.It says it’ll arrive in two weeks.

Joe:That’s not very fast.It only takes me two hours to go and buy one at the department store downtown.

Jane:Well,at least that saves you the trip.This is only a beginning ?experiment? for me.There are many other interesting markets on the net,for instance,the auction markets and flea markets.

Joe:I hope you aren’t going to buy a lot of junk.

Jane:Certainly not.I don’t have that much money to spend,but I’d like to give it a try.

答案:16.On the net.

17.First type www.yahc.com in the address column,then click “electronics”,and then register for it.Type in your E-mail address,password...Click “I accept”,name,address,city,province,post code,telephone number and your credit card number.Finally click “Confirm” and it’s done.

18.It will arrive in two weeks.


19.How many vans will the customer hire?

A.Six.B.Two.C.Only one.

20.Which of the following statements is true according to the dialogue?

A.Each one of their cars is in good condition according to the clerk.

B.The customer tried both the vans.

C.The rent for the van is 53 dollars each day.

10.Renting a Car 租车

Joe:Do you hire out vans(客货车)?

Clerk:Yes,sir.Ten people or six?


Clerk:You’re lucky,sir.We still have two spare vans.This is the high season,you know.Nearly ninety percent of our cars have been ?reserved?.

Joe:Can you let me take a look at the vans?

Clerk:Sure.This way,please.

Joe:Are they in good condition? Clerk:Certainly.Each one of our cars is in perfect condition.We don’t allow even slight problems.When customers return them,we always have a thorough examination and give them good maintenance(保养).It’s our wish to provide our customers with good vehicles and good trips.

Joe:Nice saying,but I’d like to have a test drive.

Clerk:You’re welcome to do so.Here are the keys.Which one would you like to try first?

Joe:This one.(They get in the first car,drive around two blocks and then come back.)Not bad.The seats are comfortable as well.

Clerk:Should we try the other one?

Joe:No,I don’t think so.This one is all right.How much is the rent for this one?I’ll hire it for this weekend,from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening.

Clerk:Thirty-five dollars each day.Now please fill in this form,and give me a deposit.You can come for the van anytime on Friday.

答案:19.C 20.A


21.Mr.Read made up his mind to devote all he had to           some schools for poor children.

A.set up         B.setting up

C.have set up        D.having set up

解析:devote...to+n. /v. -ing形式是固定结构。he had是定语从句。


22.Before he went abroad he spent as much time as he           English.

A.could learning       B.learned

C.to learn         D.could learn

解析:spend time (in)doing...是常用句型。he could是定语从句。


23.You can hardly imagine the difficulty Mrs.Jones had            up her children.

A.brought        B.to bring

C.bringing        D.to have brought

解析:have difficulty/fun/trouble/a hard time...(in)是常用句型。Mrs Jones had是定语从句。


24.—Shall I open the window to let some fresh air in?

—No,        . A.I’d rather not       B.I’d rather you not

C.I’d rather you didn’t      D.I’d like not to

解析:本题考查情景交流用语。I’d rather not是I’d rather not open the window的省略句,意思是“我不愿开窗”。I’d rather后不跟you not结构,B项语法不正确。I’d rather后可跟从句,从句中的谓语动词用一般过去时态,所以选项C为正确答案。


25.I would rather you            with us yesterday,but you left.

A.had stayed        B.stay

C.stayed         D.have stayed

解析:解此题的关键是would rather后接从句,从句用虚拟语气,用过去完成时表示过去要做的事,又根据信息词yesterday进一步说明选项A是正确的。


26.It’s no use            a lot without doing anything.

A.to talk         B.talking

C.to talk about        D.A and C

解析:句型It’s no good/use doing sth.。


27.He has made another wonderful discovery,          of great importance to science.

A.which I think is       B.which I think it is

C.I think which is       D.of which I think it is

解析:which引导的定语从句,which作主语,do you think是插入语。


28.Jia Sixie           a lot of time on research           agriculture.

A.took;into        B.spent;into

C.spent;of        D.took; on



29.You can use one or another of these ways,no matter          .

A.how         B.what

C.who         D.which



30.He promised me to make a phone call to me          .

A.every five day       B.every-five-day

C.every fifth day       D.every fifth days




31.Since then the number of people taking driving lessons          20%.

A.has increased to       B.increases by

C.has increased by       D.have increased by



32.It’s December now.In            three weeks or so,we’ll have our winter holidays.

A.the others        B.other’s

C.others         D.another

解析:本题考查不定代词。another与数词连用时,应位于数词前。in another three weeks or so 再过三周左右。


33.Since you are an excellent student,I don’t think         difficult for you to work out the problem.

A.that         B.it

C.this         D.one



34.—What is your favourite sport in summer?

—I like         ,but I don’t want         today because I am ill.

A.to swim;to swim       B.swimming;to swim

C.to swim;swimming      D.swimming;swimming



35.—The boss will offer me a pay rise.

—Pigs might fly! You are day-dreaming.You’re lucky enough not to have been fired.

The underlined phrase means         .

A.Wonderful        B.Impossible

C.Too bad        D.Congratulations

解析:本题为词义猜测题。根据“You are day?dreaming.You’re lucky enough not to have been fired”可知答案。





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