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高二年级英语下册单元同步练习:working the land




1 Ten years ago the population of our village was _____ that of theirs. (2008 陕西 )

A. as twice large as

B. twice as large as

C. twice as much as

D. as twice much as

*2 I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs almost three times______.

A. as much B. as many

C. so much    D. so many

3 It is reported that the United States uses ___ energy as the whole of Europe.

A. as twice

B. twice much

C. twice much as

D. twice as much

4 The chairman thought _____ necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting .

A. that  B. itC. this  D. him

5 *A modern city has been set up in ____was a wasteland ten years ago.

A.What B.Where

C.That  D.Which

A modern city has been set up ina place___wasa wasteland.

A.What  B.Where

C.That  D.Which

We live in what is called China.

=We live in a place that/which is called China.



6  Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from ____their parents speak at home.  (2008 浙江 )

A. what B. that  C which  D one

7  According to a recent US sursey, children spend up to 25 hours a week ____ TV.

A. to watch  B. to watching

C. watching D.watch

(2004 上海 )

8 He is the last person       to Mary’s birthday party.

A. to invite B. to be invited

C. invited       D.  being invited



高二下册英语课时训练(Unit 1)

高二英语下册同步练习:unit 1


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