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高二英语必修四随堂演练:Unit 1



世界上60%以上的信件是用英语书写的,上两个世纪英国和美国在文化、经济、军事、政治和科学上的领先地位使得英语成为一种准国际语言。以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高二英语必修四随堂演练,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。

一 词汇检测 用所给的单词的正确形式填空(有多余选项)

Wealth, distant, figure, surround, celebrate, terrify, behave, consider, connect, special

1 She observed chimps for many years in order to find out the ___________ between chimps and human beings.

2 An eye_______ checked her eyes and advised her not to use her eyes too much.

3 He found himself ________ with an atmosphere of kindness.

4 I spent hours ________ those maths problems.

5 Their _______ towards me shows that they don’t like me.

6 The boy was________ at the terrible sight.

7 She is so kind and _______ that all her workmates like to be together with her.

8 I was ________ to work harder than ever before by what the teacher had said.

9 What’s the ________ from Chicago to Detroit?

10 He is a _________ businessman.

二 词汇用法

1 devote

1) Although the work is very busy, she still_______ a lot of time _______ her children.

2) His _______ _______ his wife and family is touching.

3) The young girl devoted _____________________________________


2 deliver

1) We’ll have the goods_______  ______  _______ ______(送到你家)

2)He _____ ______ _________  ________(发表重要的演讲) this morning.

3) We must ________ ________ ________ ______(从苦难中解救出来)

3 inspire

1) His noble example ________ the rest of us _________ great efforts.

2) It was my father’s courage and devotion that ________ his men ________ the determination.

3) What inspired him _________ (give) such a brilliant performance?

4 worthwhile

1) Nursing is a very ___________________(很值得干的职业)

2)It’s _____ the trouble to explain a joy fully to new employees.

A worthy taking  B worthwhile taking  C worth to do  D worthy of doing

3) He thought that __________.

A the effort doing the job was not worth

B the effort was not worth in doing the job

C it was not worth the effort doing the job

D it was not worth the effort by doing the job

5 condition

1) I will come _____ _______ ______ Peter is invited.(如果Peter 会来)

2)My car is old but ______ ______ ________ (车况良好)

3)________ _______ _________(我们的住房条件) are much better than before.

6 behave

1) She ______ _____ _______ ________(她表现了很大的勇气)

2)She _______ ________ (对 态度很好) to the customers.

3) You should ________ _______ ________(学会举止得体)

7 observe

1) They were observed ________(进了) the hall.

2) We must ____________________________(遵守交通规则)

8 理解划线部分词语的含义

1) They have worked out the details of the plan

2) The sun won’t work out

3)Things will work themselves out

9 the rest

用适当的be 动词填空

1)      John is from England and the rest of us _______ from China

2)      The rest of the apple _______ still on the table.

3)      The rest of the work ________ to be finished tomorrow.

10 refer to

1) He didn’t __________________(提及那个问题) at the meeting.

2) He cooked dinner by __________________________(参考一本食谱)

3)The problem _______________________(以被提交法院)

4)What do these numbers____________________(表示… 的意思)

11 carry on

1) It’s difficult to __________ the discussion with all this noise around us.

A carry about   B carry on  C carry off   D carry away

2) The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see_____ the next year.

A carry out  B carrying out  C carried out  D to carry out

三 话题小练笔

介绍一下 “Madame Curie”,用下列词组

Famous, be born in, at the age, leave for, live a … life, devote…to, win the Nobel Prize, be remembered as

Keys to exx:

一 1 connections  2 specialist  3 surrounded  4 figuring  5 behavoiur 6 terrified  7 considerate 8 inspired  9 distance  10 wealthy

二 1 devotes to/ devotion to/all her spare time to learning English

2 delivered to your home / delivered an important speech / deliver them from suffering

3 inspired to / inspired with / to give  4 worthwhile career / B / C  5 on condition that / in good condition / Our housing conditions 6 behaved with great courage / behaved well / learn to behave 7 to enter / observe the traffic rules 8计划,搞清 /算出,计算出 /有结果;给…带来好结果;成功的发展 9 are / is /is 10refer to the problem / referring to a cooking book / has been referred to the court. / refer to  11B / C



高二下册英语一单元同步训练:Women of achievement

高二英语下册随堂检测题及答案:Unit 5


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