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高二英语下册同步练习:unit 1





1. It is worthwhile to study hard and learn English well because that means you’ll have a good job in the future.

2. It is worthwhile to go abroad because that way you make more money

3. It is heard that film is not very good. Is it worthwhile to see it?

4. It is not worthwhile to give him some presents. He is so selfish.

5. I don’t know what it is worthwhile to do.

6. He is worth respecting.

7. The Great Wall is worth visiting.

8. This magazine is worth reading.

9. It is worthwhile to study IT.

10. He must have finished his homework because he was watching TV.

11. It must have rained last night because the ground is so wet.

12. Mike must have been sad when he failed the exam.

13. Yesterday he was very glad. He must have got a good job.

14. The ground was very wet .It must have rained last night

15. A rather worrying thought struck me.

16. The first thing that struck me was the fact that there were no other women present.

17. I looked around the room and it struck me that I was probably the poorest person there.

18. It struck her that losing the company might be the least of her worries.

19. It struck her one day, when she was walking home from school, that she hadn't thought about her weight for over a month.

20. A good idea struck me.

21. It suddenly struck me how to solve the problem .

22. It suddenly struck me how difficult it was for a woman to do such a dangerous job.

23. Only when you study hard can you learn English well.

24. Only when you are friendly to me, will  I  be friendly to you.

25. Only when the war was over did she find her own mother.

26. Only after I grow up can I marry a man that I love.

27. It was in the street that I met her.

28. Was it in the street that you met her?

29. Where was it that you met her?

30. It is this book that I can not wait to buy.

31. What is it that you can not wait to buy?

32. It is her beauty and good nature that lead her to fortune.

II. 单项选择


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高二英语下册随堂练习:unit 2

高二年级英语下册课时训练《Women of Achievement》


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