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高二英语下册单元课时质量测试题答案与解析(Unit 1)



7.A.negotiation    B.lunch

C.party     D.discussion

8.A.as well      B.except for

C.as well as     D.in addition

9.A.spent     B.met

C.managed      D.shared

10.A.got     B.enjoyed

C.made      D.paid

11.A.thought      B.spirit

C.flight     D.mind

12.A.time      B.plans

C.reminders    D.remainder

13.A.way      B.cut

C.method     D.break

14.A.stored away     B.put on

C.set aside     D.given out

15.A.celebrations    B.memories

C.awards     D.presents

16.A.cupboard    B.books

C.childhood    D.photos

17.A.shouted     B.phoned

C.called      D.commanded

18.A.left      B.boarded

C.jumped      D.reached

19.A.upset     B.happy

C.crazy      D.surprised

20.A.taking     B.seizing

C.reflecting    D.bringing



1.B 由下文“with lots of meetings”可知,答案选B,这里指很“繁忙的(busy)”三天,而不是important“重要的”,useful“有用的”,convenient“方便的”三天。

2.D 依据上文“about 30 minutes before the check­in”可判断,此处指“我”有额外的时间来做别的事,因此答案选D。

3.C 结合上文语境,此处指“我”很乐意有额外的时间来计划第二天“需要(needed)”做的事,所以答案选C。have to do sth.“不得不做某事”;fail to do sth.“未能做某事”;manage to do sth.“设法做成某事”,均不符合语境。

4.A 依据语境可知,这里应指机场发布了一项通知,因此答案为A。

5.D 从下文可知,航班是被延误了(delayed),所以答案选D。cancel“取消”,不符合文意。

6.A 飞机出了故障,“我”当然是等待“航班(flight)”,因此答案为A。

7.B 由下文“Our lunch”可知,答案选lunch“午餐”。negotiation“谈判”;party“聚会”;discussion“讨论”,均不符合文意。

8.C 答案选C,用as well as连接recalling和filling两个动名词短语。

9.D spend,meet,manage都不能与先行词times和experiences很好地搭配,因此答案选D,share“分享,共有”。

10.B 由“we must do it again”可知,“我们”很满意那天的聚餐,因此答案选B。

11.D 句意为“有这样额外时间来回想我们的对话实在是太好了”。回想应是在大脑中,因此答案为mind。thought“思想”;spirit“精神”;flight“班次”,均不符合句意。

12.C 这里说的是“我”的感受:“我”认识到经常回顾生命中的快乐时光是多么重要。reminder“引起回忆的事物”;time“时间”;plan“计划”;remainder“剩余物”,依据句意,答案选C。

13.D 由下文“reflect on the good things”可知,这里表示“我”有机会来短暂地放松,因此答案为D,take a short break“短暂地休息”。

14.A 句意为“这就有点像是在看储藏在家里柜子里的老相册一样”。store away“贮藏”;put on“穿上”;set aside“留出”;give out“分发”,依据句意,答案选A。

15.B 既然“take you back to times and places”,那么应是“许多精彩的回忆”,因此答案选B。celebration“庆祝”;award“奖品”;present“礼物”,均不符合句意。

16.D 上文已经提到“an old photo album”,因此答案为D。

17.C 由上文“As I sat waiting for my __6__ to be called”可知,此处答案应为C。

18.B board the plane“登飞机”,答案选B。

19.A 由“I smiled”可知,此时“我”的心情是很愉快的,所以对飞机的晚点并不“心烦(upset)”,故答案为A。

20.C 由上文“reflected on my last meeting of the day”与“reflect on the good things”可知,答案选C,reflect on“认真思考”。take on“呈现”;seize on“抓住(可利用的事物)”;bring on“导致,促使生长”,均不符合语境。


E­mail has brought the art of letter writing back to life,but some experts think the resulting spread of bad English does more harm than good.

E­mail is a form of communication that is changing,for the worse,the way we write and use language,say some communication researchers.It is also changing the way we interact(交流)and build relationship.These are a few of recently recognized features of e­mail,say experts,that should cause individual and organizations to rethink the way they use e­mail.

“E­mail has increased the spread of careless writing habits,”says Naomi Baron,a professor of linguistics at American University.She says the poor spelling,grammar,punctuation(标点符号)and sentence structure of e­mails reflect a growing unconcern to the way we write.

Baron argues that we should not forgive and forget the poor writing often shown in e­mails.“The more we use e­mail and its tasteless writing,the more it becomes the normal way of writing,”the professor says.

Others say that despite its poor prose(文字),e­mail has finished what several generations of English teachers couldn't:it has made writing fashionable again.

“E­mail is a critical new communication technology,”says Ian Lancashire,a University of Toronto professor of English.“It fills the gap between spoken language and the formal methods of writing that existed before e­mail.It is the purest form of written speech.”

Lancashire says e­mail has the mysterious ability to get people who are scared by writing to get their thoughts flowing easily onto a blank screen.He says this is because of e­mail's close similarity to speech.“It's like a circle of four or five people around a campfire,”he says.

Still,he accepts that this new found freedom to express themselves often gets people into trouble.“Almost everyday I get e­mails that apologies of previous e­mails,”he reports.

In the U.S.,the number of e­mails sent in a day exceeds(超过)the number of letters mailed in a year.But more people are recognizing the content of a typical e­mail message is not often exact.

1. The passages mainly shows us that ________.

A.people should stop using e­mail to communicate

B.experts hold different opinions about e­mail

C.Americans only use e­mail to communicate

D.e­mail makes people lose interest in English

答案与解析:B 主旨大意题。根据第一段及第五段等处可以归纳出:本文阐述了对电子邮件不同的观点。

2.In Lancashire's opinion,e­mail is a wonderful technique because ________.

A.it can be used all over the world

B.it is the fastest way to communicate

C.we can express ourselves in a free way

D.we can save a lot of paper

答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可以看出Lancashire的观点,他认为电子邮件可以使人自由地表达思想和情感,类似于口头语言。

3.Which of the following is NOT true about e­mail?

A.It is changing the way of communication.

B.It is used more than letters in the U.S.

C.It helps us write better.

D.It causes us to write more.

答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据第三段第一句可知,电子邮件促使了不良写作习惯的形成,故C项不正确。

4.The author discusses e­mails by ________ in this passage.

A.giving examples  B.giving others' remarks

C.using arguments  D.objective description

答案与解析:B 主旨大意题。作者在整篇文章中都在引用别人对于电子邮件的评价,并没有表达自己的态度。故选B。



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