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高二年级英语必修三课时练习:Healthy eating




一.Translate the following phrases:

1. 能量食品

2. 健身食品

3. 保健食品

4. 平衡膳食

5. 减肥食品

6. 感到沮丧

7. 到吃午饭时

8. 烤猪肉

9. 炒饭

10. 应当,应该

11. 羊肉串

12. 生菜

13. 对感到惊讶

14. 对...厌倦

15. 减肥

16. 不能容忍...做...

17. 被放过

18. 说谎

19. 作些研究

20. 过多的脂肪

21. 保持健康

22. 赢回顾客

23. 谋生

24. 期待

25. 欠债

26. 不再

27. 怒视

28. 暗中监视

29. 宣传...的好处

30. 同意做...

31. 油腻、难消化的食物

32. 把...和...结合起来

33. 提供

34. 而不是

35. 削减

36. 不就以后

37. 增加体重

38. 转变为

二.Retell the passage:

Usually Wang Peng got up early and ________ his menu of mutton kebabs. His restaurant _____ ___ be full of people. But not today! "Nothing could have been ______ ," he thought. He ________ Li Chang into a _____________ small restaurant, which was run by Yong Hui. It was ___ __ people. He was _______ at this and especially at the prices. It _____ more than a good meal in his own restaurant. He _____ _____ the menu and decided that he couldn't _____ Yong Hui ______ _____ ____ telling people ____! After doing some _________, he ________ what was _______ with Yong Hui's restaurant.

The next day, his restaurant was full of people again. He did not look forward to being ____ ____. Suddenly Yong Hui walked in. She ______ ___ him. She thought he came to her restaurant only to ____ ___ her and menu. Wang Peng invited her to try a meal in his restaurant. They _____ ______ the ice cream. And they had a good time. After that, they _________ their menus and _________ a balanced menu _____ food full of energy and fibre. At last, they ____ ________ and lived happily.



高二年级英语同步测试题:Women of achievement



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