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英语高二级课时训练:Working the land




8. According to an old story,a farmer once found that a bag of corn had been stolen from his house.He went to the judge and told him about the loss.The judge ordered all the people of the farm to come before him.He took a number of sticks of equal length and gave one stick to each man.He then said,“Come before me again tomorrow.I shall then know which of you is the thief because the stick given to the thief is one inch longer than the others.” The thief was afraid of being found out,and so he cut an inch off his stick.The next day the thief’s stick was found to be one inch shorter than any of the others.In this way the thief was found out,and at once taken to prison.

答案:12.B 13.C 14.A 15.B


16.Where did Jane buy a laptop(手提电脑)?

17.How did Jane buy a laptop on the net?

18.When will the laptop arrive?

9.Shopping on the Net and Its Service

Joe:Hey,why are you here sitting at your computer again?You said you were going downtown to buy a laptop.

Jane:I said I was going to buy one,but I didn’t say I was going downtown,did I?


Jane:So I’m going to buy one right here.


Jane:On the Net.

Joe:Really?Show me how you do it.

Jane:That’s easy.First you type www.yahoo.com in the address column.Here is the commodities centre,see? Click “electronics”,and here is “portable pc”.


Jane:The second from the bottom.

Joe:I see.

Jane:It’s cool,isn’t it? Then register for it.Type in your E-mail address,password...Click“I accept”,name,address,city,province,post code,telephone number...and my credit card number.

Joe:Hold on!Your number could be hacked.

Jane:Never mind.I simply can’t wait.Click “Confirm” and it’s done.

Joe:Better check your mailbox now.

Jane:Yeah,here we have a message.It says it’ll arrive in two weeks.

Joe:That’s not very fast.It only takes me two hours to go and buy one at the department store downtown.

Jane:Well,at least that saves you the trip.This is only a beginning ?experiment? for me.There are many other interesting markets on the net,for instance,the auction markets and flea markets.

Joe:I hope you aren’t going to buy a lot of junk.

Jane:Certainly not.I don’t have that much money to spend,but I’d like to give it a try.

答案:16.On the net.

17.First type www.yahc.com in the address column,then click “electronics”,and then register for it.Type in your E-mail address,password...Click “I accept”,name,address,city,province,post code,telephone number and your credit card number.Finally click “Confirm” and it’s done.

18.It will arrive in two weeks.


19.How many vans will the customer hire?

A.Six.B.Two.C.Only one.

20.Which of the following statements is true according to the dialogue?

A.Each one of their cars is in good condition according to the clerk.

B.The customer tried both the vans.

C.The rent for the van is 53 dollars each day.

10.Renting a Car 租车

Joe:Do you hire out vans(客货车)?

Clerk:Yes,sir.Ten people or six?


Clerk:You’re lucky,sir.We still have two spare vans.This is the high season,you know.Nearly ninety percent of our cars have been ?reserved?.

Joe:Can you let me take a look at the vans?

Clerk:Sure.This way,please.

Joe:Are they in good condition? Clerk:Certainly.Each one of our cars is in perfect condition.We don’t allow even slight problems.When customers return them,we always have a thorough examination and give them good maintenance(保养).It’s our wish to provide our customers with good vehicles and good trips.

Joe:Nice saying,but I’d like to have a test drive.

Clerk:You’re welcome to do so.Here are the keys.Which one would you like to try first?

Joe:This one.(They get in the first car,drive around two blocks and then come back.)Not bad.The seats are comfortable as well.

Clerk:Should we try the other one?

Joe:No,I don’t think so.This one is all right.How much is the rent for this one?I’ll hire it for this weekend,from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening.

Clerk:Thirty-five dollars each day.Now please fill in this form,and give me a deposit.You can come for the van anytime on Friday.

答案:19.C 20.A


21.Mr.Read made up his mind to devote all he had to           some schools for poor children.

A.set up         B.setting up

C.have set up        D.having set up

解析:devote...to+n. /v. -ing形式是固定结构。he had是定语从句。


22.Before he went abroad he spent as much time as he           English.

A.could learning       B.learned

C.to learn         D.could learn

解析:spend time (in)doing...是常用句型。he could是定语从句。


23.You can hardly imagine the difficulty Mrs.Jones had            up her children.

A.brought        B.to bring

C.bringing        D.to have brought

解析:have difficulty/fun/trouble/a hard time...(in)是常用句型。Mrs Jones had是定语从句。


24.—Shall I open the window to let some fresh air in?

—No,        . A.I’d rather not       B.I’d rather you not

C.I’d rather you didn’t      D.I’d like not to

解析:本题考查情景交流用语。I’d rather not是I’d rather not open the window的省略句,意思是“我不愿开窗”。I’d rather后不跟you not结构,B项语法不正确。I’d rather后可跟从句,从句中的谓语动词用一般过去时态,所以选项C为正确答案。


25.I would rather you            with us yesterday,but you left.

A.had stayed        B.stay

C.stayed         D.have stayed

解析:解此题的关键是would rather后接从句,从句用虚拟语气,用过去完成时表示过去要做的事,又根据信息词yesterday进一步说明选项A是正确的。


26.It’s no use            a lot without doing anything.

A.to talk         B.talking

C.to talk about        D.A and C

解析:句型It’s no good/use doing sth.。


27.He has made another wonderful discovery,          of great importance to science.

A.which I think is       B.which I think it is

C.I think which is       D.of which I think it is

解析:which引导的定语从句,which作主语,do you think是插入语。


28.Jia Sixie           a lot of time on research           agriculture.

A.took;into        B.spent;into

C.spent;of        D.took; on



29.You can use one or another of these ways,no matter          .

A.how         B.what

C.who         D.which



30.He promised me to make a phone call to me          .

A.every five day       B.every-five-day

C.every fifth day       D.every fifth days




31.Since then the number of people taking driving lessons          20%.

A.has increased to       B.increases by

C.has increased by       D.have increased by



32.It’s December now.In            three weeks or so,we’ll have our winter holidays.

A.the others        B.other’s

C.others         D.another

解析:本题考查不定代词。another与数词连用时,应位于数词前。in another three weeks or so 再过三周左右。


33.Since you are an excellent student,I don’t think         difficult for you to work out the problem.

A.that         B.it

C.this         D.one



34.—What is your favourite sport in summer?

—I like         ,but I don’t want         today because I am ill.

A.to swim;to swim       B.swimming;to swim

C.to swim;swimming      D.swimming;swimming



35.—The boss will offer me a pay rise.

—Pigs might fly! You are day-dreaming.You’re lucky enough not to have been fired.

The underlined phrase means         .

A.Wonderful        B.Impossible

C.Too bad        D.Congratulations

解析:本题为词义猜测题。根据“You are day?dreaming.You’re lucky enough not to have been fired”可知答案。




The Florida sun baked my shoulders as I worked along the Ⅰ-595 freeway near Fort Lauderdale,picking up rubbish.I paused to  36  the sweat off my forehead and look up at the cloudless blue sky.“ 37  can’t it rain?”I thought.That would  38  things off.?

I thought about my  39 ,who were  40  sitting in an air?conditioned classroom at the high school right now.I had some  41  in school,so my parents decided to let me work ? 42 with my dad.We both worked for my uncle,who had taken  43  of a road maintenance(道路养护)company.It was up to us to keep the roads  44  of rubbish.The job was  45  and dirty,especially on hot days like this.I  46  why I ever agreed to do it.?

We continued our  47  route(路线)along 595, 48  for the overpass bridge.Then I ?noticed? an area where some  49  were broken on the ground.They weren’t like that before.?

“Dad! Pull over! I want to  50  something out.”?

I jumped off the truck and rushed to the bridge.Something was telling me to  51  ...there wasn’t much time. 52  I saw a Toyota that  53  upside down in the trees.Maybe it was a stolen car that somebody  54  there.Then I noticed something  55 .It was a bloody leg reaching out of the driver’s side window!?

“Heeeelp! ”a lady moaned(呻吟).

36.A.wipe   B.clean   C.dry   D.brush

37.A.When   B.How   C.Why   D.How long

38.A.wash   B.keep   C.stay   D.cool

39.A.relatives   B.neighbours  C.friends   D.workmates

40.A.happily   B.probably  C.really   D.finally

41.A.difficulty   B.trouble   C.questions  D.problems

42.A.full-time   B.part-time  C.all the time  D.some time

43.A.advantage  B.possession  C.position  D.place

44.A.away   B.from   C.far   D.clear 45.A.easy    B.exciting  C.smelly   D.comfortable

46.A.know   B.wonder   C.believe   D.admit

47.A.regular   B.common  C.unusual  D.old

48.A.leaving   B.going   C.coming   D.heading

49.A.cars    B.bottles   C.trees   D.glasses

50.A.check   B.turn   C.make   D.bring

51.A.decide   B.hurry   C.consider  D.listen

52.A.Above   B.Behind   C.Ahead   D.Below

53.A.hung   B.pulled   C.caught   D.knocked

54.A.treasured   B.deserted  C.kept   D.hid

55.A.pushing   B.shouting  C.moving   D.crying



37.解析:由上文“the sweat off my forehead”和“cloudless blue sky”推断出该空应填why,表示主人公期盼下雨的急切心情。








41.解析:由下文“so my parents decided to let me work”可推断出我在学校出了问题。


42.解析:由下文“especially on hot days like this”推断,我和爸爸做高速公路清洁工是全日制的。


43.解析:take possession of “拥有”,符合句意。take advantage of “利用”,take the position 采取的立场、态度;take place “代替”。


44.解析:keep sb.clear of “使……没?有……?”,符合语境需要。








48.解析:head for “朝……方向前进”。


49.解析:由53空后面的“a Toyota that        upside down in the trees”可推断出,被弄断在地上的应是树。


50.解析:check...out “核对,检查”。










55.解析:由下文“‘Heeeelp!’”a lady moaned(呻吟)”可知,这位女士没死,当然还能动。




In some parts of the United States,farming is easy.But farming has always been difficult in the northeastern corner of the country,which is called New England.?

New England has many trees and thin,rocky soil(多石土壤).Anyone who has wanted to start a new farm there has had to work very hard.The first job has been cutting down the trees.The second job has been digging out the roots(根)of the trees.Then the farmer has had the difficult job of removing(移走)stones from his land.This work of removing stones never really ends,because every winter more stones appear.They come up through the thin soil from the rocks below.Farmers have to keep removing stones from the fields.Even today,farms which have been worked on for two hundred years still keep producing more stones.That is why stone walls are used instead of fences in New England fields.The stone walls are not high and a man can easily climb over them.However,they keep the farmer’s cows from joining those of his neighbours’.


56.The most difficult job for the farmers is digging out the roots of the trees.

57.Stones keep appearing because the farmers need stones to build walls.

58.New England lies in the northeastern corner of England.

59.The farmers build stone walls,not fences because it is easier to build stone walls.

60.In New England one can usually find trees and thin rocky soil.

56.解析:从 “Then the farmer has had the difficult job of removing(移走)stones from his land”可知本句表述错误。


57.解析:从“because every winter more stones appear.They come up through the thin soil from the rocks below”可知本句表述错误。


58.解析:从“But farming has always been difficult in the northeastern corner of the country,which is called New England”可知本句表述错误。


59.解析:从“farms which have been worked on for two hundred years still keep producing more stones”可知石头的资源是源源不断,用石头比较方便。


60.解析:从“New England has many trees and thin,rocky soil(多石土壤)”可知本句表述正确。



LONDON(Reuters)—Organic fruit,delivered right to the doorstep.That is what Gabriel Gold prefers,and he is willing to pay for it.If this is not possible,the 26?year old computer technician will spend the extra money at the supermarket to buy organic food.?

“Organic product is always better,”Gold said.“The food is free of pesticides(农药),and you are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms.And more often than not that it is locally(本地)grown and seasonal,so it is more tasty.” Gold is one of the growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend,and supermarkets across Britain are counting on more like him as they grow their organic food business.But how many shoppers really know what they are getting,and why are they willing to pay a higher price for organic product? Market ?research? shows that Gold and others who buy organic food can generally give clear reasons for their preferences-but their knowledge of organic food is far from complete.For example,small amounts of pesticides can be used on organic products.And about three quarters of organic food in Britain is not local but imported(进口)to meet growing demand.“The demand for organic food is increasing by about one third every year,so it is a very fast-growing market,”said Sue Flock,a specialist in this line of business.

61.More and more people in Britain are buying organic food because         .

A.they are getting richer

B.they can get the food anywhere

C.they consider the food free of pollution

D.they like home-grown fruit

62.Which of the following statements is true to the facts about most organic products sold in Britain?

A.It grows indoors all year round.

B.It is produced outside Britain.

C.It is grown on family farms.

D.It is produced on large farms.

63.What is the meaning of “the organic trend” as the words are used in the text?

A.Growing interest in organic food.

B.Better quality of organic food.

C.Rising market for organic food.

D.Higher prices of organic food.

64.What is the best title for this news story?

A.Organic Food-Healthy,or Just for the Wealthy?

B.The Making of Organic Food in Britain

C.Organic Food-to Import or Not?

D.Good Qualities of Organic Food

61.解析:从Gold所说的话“Organic product is always better.The food is free of pesticides,and you are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms”可以判断出,人们喜欢organic food(绿色食物)是因为它们没有受到农药的污染。


62.解析:第二段中“And about three quarters of organic food in Britain is not ?local? but imported”说明英国的绿色食物大部分是进口的,即在英国的国外(outside Britain)生产的。


63.解析:根据短文最后Sue Flock所说的话“The demand for organic food is ?increasing? by about one third every year,so it is a very fast-growing market”可以判断出,由于人们对organic food越来越感兴趣,使其需求越来越大。


64.解析:人们越来越重视自己所吃的食物,由于绿色食品中不含有农药,所以越来越受到人们的青睐。绿色食品的需求量每年以三分之一的速度上升,这使得绿色食品市场成为快速增长的市场,销售人员由此获得大量财富。所以,“Organic food—Healthy,or Just for the Wealthy?”是比较恰当的题目。



Although more and more people are exercising regularly,experts note that eating right is also a key to good health.Nutritionists recommend(推荐)the “food pyramid” for a simple guide to eating the proper foods.At the base of the food pyramid are grains and fiber.You should eat six to eleven servings of bread,cereal,rice,and paste every day.Next up the pyramid are vegetables and fruits; five to nine daily servings from this group are recommended.The next pyramid level is the dairy group.Two or three servings a day for milk,yogurt,or cheese help maintain good nutrition. Moving up the pyramid,the next level is the meat,fish,beans,eggs,and nuts group,of which everyone should eat only three servings a day.At the very top of the pyramid are fats,oils,and sweets; these foods should be eaten only infrequently.?

You don’t have to shop in health food stores to follow the guidelines.One easy way to plan menus that follow the food pyramid is shop only in the outer aisles of the grocery store.In most supermarkets,fresh fruits and vegetables,dairy,fresh meat and frozen foods are in the outer aisles of the store.Grains,like paste,rice,bread,are located on the next aisles,the first inner rows.Finally,the farthest inside of the store is where you’ll find chips and snacks,cookies and pastries,soda pop and drink mixes.These are the kinds of foods that nutritionists say everyone should eat rarely,if at all.If you stay in the outer aisles of the grocery store,you won’t be tempted to buy foods you shouldn’t eat,and you will find a wide variety of healthy foods to choose from.Another benefit of shopping this way is that grocery shopping takes less time.

65.A good title for this article would be         .

A.How to Shop in a Health Food Store

B.How to Shop Efficiently

C.How to Shop for Healthy Food

D.How to Cook Healthy Food

66.According to the food pyramid,people should        .

A.eat more grains than meat

B.never eat fats and sweets

C.mostly eat meat only with vegetables

D.rarely eat bread and other starches

67.According to the passage,on the inside aisles of the grocery store you will find        .

A.cleaning products

B.dog and cat food

C.wine and beer

D.chips and snacks

68.In order to follow the main advice in the passage,it would be most helpful to know       .

A.where to buy a copy of the “The Food Pyramid”

B.whether rice has more calories than paste

C.which supermarket the author is referring to


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