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高二英语期末考试复习题:Astronomy the science of the stars




1.It’s a ______(谜) to me why they didn’t choose him.

2.There is still a lot that scientists don’t know or explain in the field of ______(天文学).

3.In the Chinese education ______(体系) exams are laid in the most important place.

4.Music is quite ______(不同,不像) any other art form.

5.The scientists say that dinosaurs ______(存在) millions of years ago but then died out suddenly.

6.A plastic bag was seen ______(漂浮) in the water.

7.Children should not be allowed to watch any ______(暴力) movies.

8.Drinking alcohol is ______(有害) to people’s health.

9.When I entered the meeting room I sensed the ______(气氛) was unusual and everyone kept silent.

10.Don’t ______(拉) so hard or the handle will come off.

. 填空并对号入座(注意时态,千万不要坐错位置哦)

1.watch ______密切注视;当心;提防

2.Break ______突发;爆发

3.______ that既然

4.cheer ______感到高兴;感到振奋

5.block ______挡住(光线)


7.______ one’s turn轮到某人;接着

8.give birth ______产生;分娩

9.______ eggs下蛋

10.______ time及时;终于

(1)You will succeed              as long as you don’t give up.

(2) She                    a fine healthy baby.

(3)The rain             us          playing football.

(4)The heavy smoke from the forest               the sky.

(5) I will ,                    , clean the window next week.

(6) The crowd               when they saw the pop star’s appearance.

(7)                it is raining ,let’s stay here for a break.

(8) A quarrel                suddenly between the salesgirl and a customer.

(9)               ! There is a car coming.

(10) Hens               while cocks don’t ------ this is a natural rule.




高二英语期末复习题:Unit 1(附答案)


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