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英语的母语使用者数量位居世界第三,威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高二英语期末考试同步测试题,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。


1.n.&v.赌,打赌______________ 2.n.一场;现场________________

3.n.故事;传说 __________________ 4.n.仆人______________________

5.vt.&vi.许可;允许___________ 6.n.海湾____________

7.vi.凝视;盯着看______________ 8.vt.发现;认出_____________

9.n.通道;船费_______________ 10.n.说明;理由__________

11.n.出现;外貌 _____________ 12.n.耐性;忍耐_____________

13.adj.愚蠢的;无聊的________ 14.adj..嫉妒的;猜疑的____________

15.adj.难以置信的_____________ 16.n.肉块;鱼排_________

17.adj.很小的;微小的________ 18.n.狼;残忍贪婪之人 ______

19.n.餐后甜点_________________ 20.adj.粗鲁的;无礼的_________

21.n. ;礼貌;风格_______________ 22.vi.尖声叫_______________

23.n.肩;vt.肩负 __________ 24.n.破布;碎布________________

25.adv.真正地;确实___________ 26.v.&n.鞠躬;弯腰_____________

27.n.十年;十_________________ 28.n.飞行员;领航员______________

29.n.幽默;诙谐 ________ 30.n.小说;长篇故事_________

31.n.主任;主管 _______________ 32.n.理发师______________

33.phr.打赌_____________ 34.phr.前进 ______________

35.phr.偶然_________________ 36.phr.导致;做出解释__________

37.phr.说实话_________________ 38. phr.衣衫褴褛_________________

39.phr.尽管;即使_______________ 40 .phr.陷入困境_________________


1. The sunrise is a beautiful______________(景象).

2. It was _____________(仅仅 )a question of time.

3. In _________________(外貌) ,he is both tall and handsome, much like his uncle.

4. It's_____________(难以置信的)how many cats Mrs Jones has!

5. It's bad ___________(礼貌,举止)to stare at foreigners.

6. Prices has risen steadily during the past ______________(十年).

7. The book is cheerful and full of _____________(幽默).

8. He is a man of strong ____________(性格).

9. Shall we order some _____________(甜点心)?

10. Loo after children requires _____________(耐心).

11. You may not collect money in the streets without a p________.

12. His story of rescuing six drowning men was i__________.

13. Have you bought the special stamp i__________ last month?

14. W_________ kill sheep and sometimes even attack men.

15. The house has an underground p_________.

16. I am alone at home today but I don't feel l__________.

17. The man couldn't stand it any longer. He had reached the limit of his p________.

18. It was quite a while before he s_________ Mr. Smith in the crowd.

19. Columbus discovered America by a ________.

20. I think it's a genuine Ming case, not a f_____________.



高二英语期末复习题:Unit 1(附答案)

高二英语上学期复习题:Unit 1


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