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42. We can infer from the part of EBook Downloading 101 that    .

A. it is difficult for students to use an eReader

B. eBooks can only be read on eReaders

C. most teenagers don’t like to use eReaders

D. an eBook needs transferring before you read it on your eReader


Living in space is not the same as living on the earth. Many things are different. For example, the way astronauts stay clean and neat in space is different. Learn how astronauts stay strong, clean and neat in space.

In space, astronauts’ bodies change. On the earth, our lower bodies and legs carry our weight. This helps keep our bones and muscles strong. In space, astronauts float. They do not use their legs much. Their lower backs begin to lose strength. Their leg muscles do too. So their bones begin to get weak and thin. This is very bad for astronauts’ bodies. They must exercise in space every day to keep themselves healthy.

On the earth, people need to stay clean. In space, astronauts need to stay clean, too. Staying clean takes more work in space. In space, astronauts do not have a bathroom as we do at home. But they have their own toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, brushes, and shavers. These things are kept in a special box. Astronauts use toothpaste and toothbrushes just like ours. There is no sink like ours, though. Astronauts have to spit into a washcloth.

Astronauts take baths in a different way in space, too. They use special kinds of soap and shampoo, which do not need water. Astronauts must use them carefully. They cannot let the soap bubbles go all over the place. After washing, they use a towel to dry off. These special soap and shampoo are also made for patients who cannot get in the water.

Doing housework is not always a fun thing. But we have to keep our rooms clean and neat. In space, astronauts live in very small space. They have to keep their area clean just like we do on the earth.

43. Why do astronauts’ leg muscles lose strength in space?

A. Because they carry too much weight in space.

B. Because they take little exercise in space.

C. Because they have little space to move around.

D. Because they seldom go out and walk in space.

44. How do astronauts keep their mouth clean after brushing their teeth?

A. By washing their mouth with water.

B. By cleaning their mouth with soap.

C. By cleaning their mouth with a towel.

D. By spitting into a washcloth.

45. Astronauts have to bathe carefully so that    .

A. they can save more water   B. water will not fly everywhere

C. soap bubbles won’t go all over the place

D. they can keep the bathroom dry and clean

46. From this passage we can learn that    .

A. it is very interesting to live in space

B. it is more difficult to live in space

C. living in space costs a lot of money

D. it will be a long time before humans live in space


There you sit in the backseat. Mile after mile passes by on the highway. Every once in a while you notice a little green sign with a number on it. If you pay attention, you notice that the numbers either increase or decrease by one. What are these things? Highway mile markers, of course!

Have you ever seen these mile markers and wondered why they’re there? What purpose could a small green sign with the number “137” on it possibly have? As it turns out, mile markers serve several important purposes.

For example, if you were driving on a lonely highway at night and your car broke down, what would you do? You would probably call someone for assistance (援助), such as the police. But did you ever stop to think how you’d tell them where you are? Telling them you’re on Highway 37 near the big oak tree probably isn’t going to help you out of trouble. If you can tell them you’re only about a quarter mile past mile marker 23, though, you’ll probably get the assistance you need quickly. So the next time you see a mile marker, you’ll understand that it can help you tell someone exactly where you are.

On most highways, the mile markers are related to the exit numbers. If you know you’re headed for Exit 57 and you just passed mile marker 47, then you know you’ve got about 10 miles to go until you reach your destination.

Mile markers on interstate (州际的) highways can also help you determine which direction you’re going in. On most interstates, mile marker numbers begin at the southern state line on north-south routes and increase as you travel north. On east-west routes, the numbers begin on the western state border and increase as you travel east.

47. Which of the following can be the right order of the mile markers?

A. 1, 2, 3, 4…    B. 2, 4, 6, 8…     C. 1, 3, 5, 7…   D. 5, 10, 15, 20…

48. The writer offers an example in the third paragraph to tell us that    .

A. accidents may happen at any time on the highway

B. policemen are always ready to help others

C. highway mile markers are very important

D. people are easy to find on the highway

49. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that mile markers    .

A. help you travel around

B. show you the right direction

C. remind you of the possible dangers

D. tell you the exact time of the day

50. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. How to recognize mile markers?

B. Why do highways have mile markers?

C. Where can you find mile markers in America?

D. The difference between different sorts of highway mile markers

第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)


Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world for good reasons. It’s easy to learn at a young age.     51     Plus, it’s an exciting and fast-paced game that’s lots of fun to play.

52     So safety is very important. Always warm up and stretch before playing. Do some jumping jacks or run in place for a few minutes to get the blood flowing, and then slowly and gently stretch, paying attention to every part of your body. Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds before moving on to the next one.

53     Unsafe play is a major cause of injuries and will lead to you getting kicked out of the game. In fact, many leagues will suspend (停赛) you for additional games if you are a repeated offender (犯规者).

Keep your head up and be aware of your teammates and opposing players at all times. Collisions (撞击) are more likely if you don’t pay attention to other players.

Learn and use proper skills, particularly when it comes to heading the ball.     54     If you don’t know where other players are, you run the risk of head-to-head collisions if two of you jump to head the ball. And protect your tongue — keep your mouth closed and your tongue away from your teeth while heading the ball.

If you get a cramp (抽筋) or feel pain while playing, ask to come out of the game. Don’t start playing again until the pain goes away. Playing through pain might seem like a brave thing to do.     55

A. Know and obey the rules of soccer.

B. It is also a great source of exercise.

C. So you’d better start this sport as early as possible.

D. Soccer is a contact sport, and injuries often happen.

E. But it can make the injury worse and may even ruin your soccer career.

F. Heading the ball can injure your head and neck if you don’t do it properly.

G. For example, you had better not use your head if the ball is coming too fast.

四、写作 (共两节, 满分35分)

第一节 短文改错 (共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)



删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Cooperation plays an important part in getting us out of the trouble. There was a time which I was so proud that I refuse to work together with my classmates. Therefore, there was no doubt whether I was left alone, suffered from loneliness and failure. Fortunate, a teacher told me the value of cooperation. From then on, I learned to help others and turn to friend for help whenever I had difficulty finishing a task of my own. Surely cooperation made a difference. Now I am getting along well with my classmates. Besides, I am more confident. My experience has taught myself that only if we attach great importance to cooperation we go beyond ourselves.

第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)


1. 时间:上周日;

2. 地点:学校附近的一座小山上;

3. 活动内容:观察流星并拍摄流星图片。


1. 100词左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





51-55 BDAFE


Cooperation plays an important part in getting us out of trouble.

There was a time which I was so proud that I refuse to work

when                  refused

together with my classmates. Therefore, there was no doubt whether


I was left alone, suffered from loneliness and failure. Fortunate, a

suffering                      Fortunately

teacher told me the value of cooperation. From then on, I learned to

help others and turn to friend for help whenever I had difficulty


finishing a task of my own. Surely cooperation made a difference.


Now I am getting along well with my classmates. Besides, I am

more confident. My experience has taught myself that only if we


attach great importance to cooperation ∧ we go beyond ourselves.


One possible version:

Dear Mark,

I’m writing to tell you a stargazing activity that I took part in last Sunday. I’m sure you will be interested in it.

That night we camped at the top of a hill near our school, waiting patiently for the falling stars. We chose the hilltop, because it was far away from city lights and we could observe them very clearly. When the first falling star fell from the sky, we became so excited that we all shouted with joy. The bright falling stars lightened the sky. After a while, we realized we should take photos of the amazing scene. Could you imagine how excited we were at that moment? Do you have a similar experience?


Li Hua



高二英语必修三同步检测试题:Unit 1(含解析)



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