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In many countries of the world, winter means the return of snow.Snow is a form of frozen water.It contains many groups of tiny ice particles called snow crystals (结晶体).The shape of a snow crystal may change from one form to another as the crystal passes through levels of air with different temperatures.

Much of the water we use comes from snow.Melting snow provides water for rivers, electric power centers and agricultural crops.In the Western United States, mountain snow provides up to 75% of all surface water supplies.

Snowfall helps to protect plants and some wild animals from cold winter weather.Snow is also known to influence the movement of sound waves.When there is fresh snow on the ground, the surface of thesnowtakes in, or absorbs sound waves.However, snow can become hard and flat as it becomes older or if there have been strong winds Then the snow’s surface will help to send back sound waves.Under these conditions, sounds may be clearer and travel farther.

Generally, the color of snow appears white because the light we see from the sun is white.Sometimes, snow may appear to be blue.The blue light is the product of a long travel path through the snow.In simple terms, think of snow as a filter.A filter is designed to reject some substances, while permitting others to pass through.In the case of snow, all the lights make it through if the snow is only a centimeter thick.If it is more than a meter thick, however, the blue light can often be seen.

Snow falls in extreme northern and southern areas of the world throughout the year.However, the heaviest snowfalls have been reported in the mountains of other areas.

36.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.The shape of snow.            B.The usage of snow.

C.The disaster caused by snow?   D.The color of snow?

37.The color of the snow appears blue because_______

A.the snow reflects the blue sky   B.the snow is polluted bybluechemicals

C.the snow is melting into water   D.the snow is too thick to let allthe lights through

38.When _______, your voice will be heard lower thannormal.

A.it just snowed                        B.the snow becomes hard

C.there is strong wind while snowing       D.there is a filter on the ground








Levitation (空中飘浮) has a surprising number of links with the UFO and aliens.Human levitation occurs when a person hovers(盘旋)or moves through the air with no visible means of support, seemingly in defiance(反抗)of the force of gravity.

The phenomenon of human levitation is at least a clearly visibleact.In several ways we can regard human levitation as a phenomenon.There have been many surprisingly similar reportsthroughout history from all over the world.I suspectthat where there’s smoke, there is probably fire. It may be discovered that real instances of levitation,for example spiritualism and Chinese qigong,have different explanations.Perhaps aliens and invisible spirits do exist and can levitate people, but, with the right training, a person may learn to levitate at will without the help of spirits.The energy involved in human levitation might, like electricity, be accessible to anyone who has the appropriate motivation, resources and skills to use it.We might even discover that some sort of anti gravity force does actually exist, with the result that eventually a few people might start to levitateasameans of getting about or climbing over things.

I am currently researching human levitation and would like to hear from anyone who has either found themselves levitating,or seen someone else doing it.I can be contacted at simonhw@webace.com.au, or at PO Box 670, Mundaring, Australia.I may want to interview you or send you a questionnaire (调查问卷) later, but you would be completely anonymous(名字不公开的) if the research was published.

39.What is the purpose of writing this passage?

A.To teach people how to levitate.

B.To explain the links between human levitation andthe UFO.

C.To introduce human levitation briefly and ask forproof.

D.To look for someone.

40.How many explanations for human levitation are mentioned in the passage?

A.5  B.4   C.3  D.2

41.What does the underlined sentence in the secondparagraph refer to?

A.There is no firewithout smoke.

B.Where there is human being,there’sprobablyhuman levitation happening.

C.People cannot live without fire andsmoke.

D.Fire and smoke can cause human levitation.

42.What’s the writer’s attitude toward the phenomenonof human levitation?

A.It’s religious imagination.    B.It only appears in science fictions.

C.It exists but needs proving.    D.It’s nonsense.


提示:由文意可知,本文简单介绍human levitation  以及要求得到一些关于它的证据。


提示:文章中提到的解释有:①aliens and invisible spirits;②The energy like  electricity;③some sort of anti?gravity force。






This will probably be the first time a dog’s memorial service is attended by 300 cats.A schnauzer Siberian husky mix named Ginny will be awarded on November 19th at the Westchester Cat Show, where she was named Cat of the Year in 1998 for her skill and bravery in finding and rescuing endangered cats.

Ginny once threw herself against a vertical ( 直立的)pipe at a constructionsiteto topple (推倒) it and reveal the kittens trapped inside.Anothertime sheignored the cuts on her paws as she dug through a box of broken glass to find an injured cat inside.

Her owner, Philip Gonzalez of Long Beach, saidthat he had tried to train other dogs to rescue cats like Ginny, but they just didn’t do it.“I didn’t train her,”hesaid.“Ginny was just magical in a way.I adopted her from a shelter, and they said she had never been with cats before.But she just had this knack of knowing when a cat was in trouble.”

As he used to do with Ginny, Gonzalez still goes out every night to feed homeless cats in the area.The cats seem to miss Ginny too, he said.“They want nothing to do with my other dogs.They used to come up to Ginny andrub against her, even ifIwas putting food out.”

The memorial service will be followed by this year’sCat of the Year award, which is going to an actual cat -Zoe, an 8-year-old ragdoll from Larchmont who saved her owner from carbon monoxide poisoning.

43. The underlined word “knack” in the third paragraph probably means _______

A.sense        B.talent      C.training      D.speciality

44. Ginny did all the following things EXCEPT _______.

A.reveal the trapped kittens

B.find an injured cat inside a box of broken glass

C.go out to feed wandering cats with her owner

D.train other dogs to rescue cats

45.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.The life of a skilled dog                  B.A dog and a cat

C.Hero dog memorized as Cat of the Year      D.The dog’s skills


提示:由第三段Ginny 的主人从未训练过她,她在某种程度上是很神奇的……可知,knack的意思为“才能”。


提示:由第二段的内容可知A、B两项是Ginny 所做的事情,第四段的内容说明Ginny常和其主人一起出去喂流狼猫,而D项没被提及。




I visitedmy aunt in the countryside near the city last week.

I was surprised to see that great changes had been taken place        46._______

in the countryside.Take myaunt’s family for example.We                  47. _______

supply precious trees and flowers to the stores in the city and             48. _______

have over ten workers working for themselves.Their family’s            49. _______

income reached as much 100,000 yuan last year.Not only                  50. _______

did they have a house,a car and computers,they can also afford          51. _______

a trip abroad every year.When asking what else they needed                     52. _______

most,they said that they wanted to learn a few English so that            53. _______

they could do business with foreigners directly.To their delighted,      54. _______

my cousin can use that he has learned from university to help.           55. _______

答案:46.去掉been  47.We→They  48.√  49.themselves?them  50.much后加as 51.did→do  52.asking→asked  53.few→little  54.delighted→delight  55.that→what




城市名称:New City;




Hi, Brian,

I’m glad you are interested in my hometown,New City, and I’m now giving you a brief introduction to it.New City lies in West China. It is a new city growingwith the Great West Development. Firstly, the city has been designed to high standards,with broad streets and rounds. Everywhere is green grass, beautiful flowers and trees alongside modern style high buildings. So the environment is wonderful.Secondly, public facilities are advanced, which makes the life of the citizens more convenient,such as facilities for transportation, education, and medical treatment. Large shopping centers attract a lot of people every day but the streets are not crowded since the population is not large. Of course the city is just going on its way and things will get on smoothly.Talk to you next time.

Wang Ping



高二英语必修三unit5练习:Canada—“The True North”



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