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高二英语Unit5同步练习题Canada—“The True North”



7.Since I won the big prize,my telephone hasn’t stopped ringing.People ________________(打电话)to ask how I am going to spend the money.(phone)

解析:考查动词时态。由my telephone hasn’t stopped ringing可知,人们“一直在打电话”,因此用完成进行时或进行时。

答案:have been phoning/are phoning

8.Have you ever expected ________________(有这么好的一次机会)for further education abroad?(there)

解析:考查特殊结构。本题是there be作宾语用法,由于谓语动词是expect,所以要用expect there to be形式。

答案:there to be such a good chance

9.The news ________________(房价将要下跌)has caused many people to sell their houses at lower prices.(fall)

解析:考查同位语从句。用that引导同位语从句,“房价”译成“housing price”。

答案:that housing price will fall

10.When reports came to the office ________________(轮船沉没了),they were not taken seriously.(sink)

解析:考查同位语从句。用that引导同位语从句,“轮船沉没了”应用过去完成时 。

答案:that the ship had sunk


Words:513 难度系数:☆☆ 建议用时:7′

(2011年安庆市检测)Have you played it?It’s a game for a person or for a carload.

Someone begins,“I’m grateful to God for...”And he or she shares something.Then the next person gives gratitude for something.This goes on for 5 minutes or more until you reach your destination.There’s no loser.Everyone feels happy after expressing gratitude.And sometimes you discover amazing things.

My 5-year-old granddaughter and I played the gratitude game when she visited us.I found out she was grateful to her friend Josh...and “the other Josh”.She was grateful to go swimming at the pool.She was grateful to have a daddy who played with her and to a nice mommy.

She would begin the gratitude games as soon as we settled into the car to drive somewhere.Playing it with her,I tried to be honest and not just say something fast.I really stopped to think.What was I grateful for at the moment?That our country was not at war.That we had plenty to eat.Playing the game made me more aware of the good things in my life.

A friend of mine was having a tough time seeing that there wasn’t any good in his life.I suggested to my friend that he take a few minutes before going to bed and write down all the good things he could think of that happened during the day.

Later he told me what happened.He couldn’t think of anything good.But he persisted until he was able to write a few things down.

The next morning he decided to look for signs of good during the day.He sat down on his front steps.A robin(知更鸟)landed on the grass.In his words,it began“doing a little dance”,preening(整理羽毛)and cleaning itself.He watched the entire show.It was delightful.He realized that if he hadn’t been really looking for good,he would never have noticed the robin and would have missed what to him was a remarkable display.

That evening he filled several pages with recordings of good that had happened during the day and things he was grateful for.Gratitude had made a huge difference!

【解题导语】 这是一篇生活类短文。作者通过一个感恩游戏引入话题,提醒我们要寻找身边美好的东西,学会感恩。

1.The purpose of the gratitude game is to __________.

A.let people share their gratitude to God

B.discover amazing things in life

C.make people realize the good things around them

D.practice people’s skill of expressing themselves


2.From the description by the writer,we can know that her granddaughter __________.

A.spoke much faster than the writer

B.enjoyed the gratitude game

C.finished the game within five minutes

D.doubted her honesty

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第三段中的My 5-year-old granddaughter and I played the gratitude game when she visited us和第四段中的She would begin the gratitude games as soon as we settled into the car to drive somewhere可推断,作者的孙女喜欢玩这个游戏。

3.What was the problem with the writer’s friend?

A.He saw nothing worth his appreciation.

B.He had lost his purpose of life.

C.He had trouble remembering what had happened during the day.

D.He found it hard to play the game.


4.The story of the writer’s friend tells us that __________.

A.life is meaningless to a person who doesn’t know how to give gratitude

B.one can always find relief in nature when he is in depression

C.gratitude plays an important role in changing a person’s character

D.it’s not difficult to find good things in life if one starts looking for them









With the development of science and technology,the Internet has come into our everyday life. It helps us in many ways. Shopping online is a good example....




One possible version:

With_the_development_of_science_and_technology,the_Internet_has_come_into_our_everyday_life.It_helps_us_in_many_ways._Shopping_online_is_a_good_example.We can buy the things we want on the Internet without leaving our homes. Shopping on the Internet can save us a lot of time. What’s more,the goods may be even cheaper than those in shops.

Though it is convenient and fast to shop on the Internet,there is still something for us to worry about. Quality is a big problem. We can’t see the goods on the Internet.After all,we can’t choose them by ourselves. Besides,lots of advertisements on the Internet are untrustworthy,so sometimes we are easily cheated.

Therefore,we should be careful while we’re enjoying the convenience of high technology.




高二英语Unit5同步练习:Canada—“The True North”


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