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1. He was _________(轻微地 )injured in yesterday’s accident. 2. He was frightened by the ________(令人害怕) sound. 3. India’s _______(官方) language is French.

4. Someone who is _____(富有的) has a large amount of money. 5. The temperature outside falls below ______(冰点) point。

6. There are altogether seven _____(大洲) and four oceans in the world. 7. Lucy sat at her desk, ______(围绕) by books and papers. 8. You’re going to see great _____(景色) on your trip. 9. They can sit in the Rocket Mountains and sail in the _____(海港)

10. Cowboys come from all over North America to compete in ____(骑) wild horses. 11. The cousins _____(做梦)of French restaurant and red maple leaves. II.

Complete the sentences.

9. I’ll walk with you _____________________________.(一直走道邮局) 10. The professor has ________________________ of animals.(渊博的知识) 11. The child _____________________(因一个人留在家里而害怕)

12. Can you _____________________________________(计算出这所房子的花多少钱?). 13. Bamboo is ________________________for building.(不仅用于) 14. It _____________________ whether you are right.( 留待以后去看)

15. She ________________________ in the next room when we passed by.(被听见唱歌)

16. Mother will wait for him to have dinner together,______________________(无论多么的晚). 17. ____________________________,(据我所知) he is still working here.

18. We were excited at the news _________________________________(我们队赢了的消息). 19. The city plans to build a park _____________________________________(在过去曾经是湖的


20. There is only ___________________(剩下五美元) in his pocket.

21. Mr. Green has been elected ___________________________(这个工厂的领导).

22. ___________________uniform,(穿着白色的制服)he looks more like a cook than a doctor. 23. _______________________(太可惜了), you didn’t go to the theater yesterday. 24. It was the order that all the prisoners _________________________ ..(被送进了监狱)

III. 翻译句子:

1.灾难过后,百分之八十的人无家可归。 2. 我能辨认出三个人影在远处移动。 3.这个湖四面环山。

4. 加拿大有世界上三分之一的 淡水。 5.我将尽力说服我的 父亲戒烟。



高二英语Unit5同步练习:Canada—“The True North”



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