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高二必修三英语五单元基础训练(人教版)Canada — “The True North”





1.I'm so ________ that you are willing to help me.(please)

2.When he visited China,he gave me a remarkable ________.(impress)

3.Health and wealth ________ together as twin brothers.(mix)

4.According to a survey,________ more than 70% students in China are short-sighted.(slight)

5.Spring festival,as a ________ celebration in China,has gone further to foreign countries.(tradition)

6.Did you hear the________ call just now?Maybe the plane will take off.(board)

7.They finished________that piece of land last week.(measure)

8.We were most________ with/by your efficiency.(impression)

答案 1.pleased 2.impression 3.are mixed 4.slightly 5.traditional

6.boarding 7.measuring 8.impressed


1.____________,he sold them at half price.(rather than)


2.______________we'll have a sports meeting next week.(confirm)


3.______________ between Philadelphia and Chicago?(distance)


4.Up to now,the local government______________the unemployed.(measure) 到目前为止,当地政府已经承诺采取措施帮助失业者。

5.I think English is much__________________________.(...than any other) 我认为英语是各学科中最简单的。

答案 1.Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad

2.It's been confirmed that

3.What is the distance

4.has promised to take measures to help

5.easier than any other subject


Mike:Hello, I'd like some information about trips to Katmandu.

Wad:Well, how can I help you?

Mike:Wad:Yes, that's true.

Mike:Wad:Well, the bus sleeps ten. Usually there are eight travelers, two drivers, and a

girl to act as your tour guide.

Mike:Wad:Mike:We leave from London?

Wad:Yes , and return to London.

Mike:Wad:Oh, we give everyone a list of suitable clothes and all the things to bring. Of .


Wad:come in and we can go over the details?

Mike: OK, I'll come and see you next Wednesday.

Wad:OK, thanks for calling.

答案 1.bus 2.the 3.comfortably 4.equipped

5.permitting 6.that 7.anything 8.limited 9.can 10.before



高二英语Unit5同步练习《Canada ---“The True North”》

高二英语必修三基础训练题:Unit 5


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