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英语是世界上最被广泛使用的第二语言,威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高二英语必修三单元同步测试,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。


1. Canada is the only country that _____ an entire continent in the world, facing the Atlantic ____ the east.

A. makes up; on B. covers; on C. takes up; to D. do up; in

2. After visiting the harbor in the bay, they took a tour around the downtown area, ______ they visited many

art galleries, shopping centers and had their lunch in a restaurant that served fancy foods.

A. which B. as C. where D. what

3. As she was approaching the telephone booth at the street corner to make a call on a dark rainy night, a tall

figure suddenly coming out of it terrified her, _____ that she screamed and started to run away.

A. too terrified B. so terrified C. such terrified D. very terrified

4. The wealthy are always wealthy and the poor are always poor. It is extremely difficult for the poor

_____wealthy, _____ they struggle to their full abilities.

A. becoming; even if B. to become; even so D. becoming; if so D. to become; even though

5. The police were trying to _____ where the drug dealers were _____ it suddenly dawned upon them that

they might be hidden somewhere 10 miles within the border between the two countries.

A. come out; when B. make out; while C. figure out; when D. think out; since

6. It _______ this morning that two of the body guards of the prime minister got killed and the minister

himself got ______ hurt in the violent car bomb explosion.

A. officially announced; slightly B. was officially announced; lightly

C. was official announced; seriously D. was officially announced; slightly

7. Foreign visitors will be amazed ______ the art work of three cowboys on horseback ______ a crowd of

cows back home along a road on the Rocky Mountains on one broad maple leaf.

A. seeing; driving B. to see; to drive C. to see; driving D. seeing; to drive

8. The worried general was looking at the map when the idea of the enemy’s attack might be launched

______dawn ______ his mind.

A. at; crossed B. at; to cross C. before; came across D. after; went over

9. My father seems to have a natural gift _____ treating frostbites(冻伤). ______ , he is able to cure it.

A. at; however serious a frostbite is B. for; whatever serious a frostbite is

C. with; however a frostbite is serious D. for; however serious a frostbite is

10. Always surrounded by honors, praises and gifts, young kids nowadays are easy to suffer psychological

problems when things _____ them.

A. come across B. go against C. go through D. go without

11. On my way home, I saw a young man with __ shoulders trying to find out how ___ the river is by walking

across it.

A. wide; wide B. broad; broad C. broad; wide D. wide; broad

12. The naughty boy spends most of his time playing computer games ______ his lessons.

A. rather than study B. other than studying C. rather than studying D. other than to study

13. It was reported that the passenger ship was sailing eastwards in the Atlantic Ocean ______ its captain and

some passengers on board_______ something supposed to be a UFO flying overhead.

A. while; caught sight of B. when; caught sight of C. as; saw D. since; caught a sight of

14. –How do you keep in touch with your old classmates or schoolmates?

-- By chatting with them on the Internet, _______for three hours every day.

A. approximately B. averagedly C. mostly D. absolutely

15. Ten passengers ______ the plane, which crashed into the urban area last night because of the thick fog,

are reported to have survived the crash, but the news has not been ______ yet by the officials in charge.

A. on board; made known B. aboard; confirmed C. on board; said D. aboard; made sure

16. Just _____ oil ___ well with water, my little daughter never __ well with her schoolmates in school.

A. like; doesn’t mix; mix B. as; is not mixed; get on C. like; isn’t mixed; get along D. as; doesn’t mix; mixes

17. In his impressive manly voice, my father always __the importance of setting proper goals in different

stages of life.

A. explains us B. impresses on us C. suggests to us D. describes to us

18. A mixture of joy and anxiety ______ me as I watched the rocket soaring upward into the deep universe.

A. held B. caught C. settled D. measured

19. When the seriously injured boy was taken to a ______ hospital, he was half conscious; while lying in bed,

he heard a voice _______ calling him.

A. close; at a distance B. near; in the distance C. nearby; in the distance D. close; from distance

20. ___ development, a multicultural society is believed to have more advantages __one that is mono-cultural

A. As for; about B. To; over C. As for; over D. With; above

21. The beautiful___ beyond the mountain was so beautiful that the tourists couldn’t ___themselves away

from it.

A. scenery; tear B. view; take C. sight; keep D. places of interest; pull

22. Though difficult, I ________ him find a job, which made him very pleased.

A. tried to help B. managed to help C. tried helping D. succeeded to help

23. Friendship can’t be ____in terms of money but money is an effective means to ___ how strong the

friendship is.

A. measured; test B. weighed; weigh C. measured; measure D. tested; measure

24. It is normal for kids to feel anxious and not to be able to ______ their studies just before a quiz or an

examination. Parents should try their best to help them relax within their power.

A. settle down B. devote to C. get down for D. settle down to

25. It is a tradition for the Chinese to ______ about the bush, which sometimes makes foreigners puzzle or

misunderstand what you are saying.

A. go B. eat C. beat D. wander



高二英语Unit5重点词汇讲与练:Canada ─ “The True North”

高二英语必修三基础训练题:Unit 5


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