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The Palace of Westminster

The proper name for the Houses of Parliament is the Palace of Westminster and, in fact, there has been a royal palace on that site ever since the days of Edward the Confessor_H. The last king actually to live there was Henry VIII who left the Palace of Westminster after a bad fire in 1529. The Houses of Parliament are still a royal palace and were controlled by the Lord Great Chamberlain himself until 1965. There are records of a keeper of the palace since 1150, and he was paid 7d a day for the job from that day until 1884, when the position was abolished. And if you think that is funny, remember that even today all the M.P.s’ cloakroom pegs have a little loop of red tape hanging from them --- to hold their swords! The oldest part of the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Hall. Parts of this were built by William Rufus who succeeded William the Conqueror_H. But most of it was built by a famous architect called Henry Yevele between 1394 and 1399. When William Rufus first built Westminster Hall it was called the New Hall to stop it being confused with the Old Hall built by Edward the Confessor. From that day to this the courtyard in front of it has been known as “New Palace Yard.”


Text 1

W:I’m hoping to get some bread from the bakery before it closes.

M:My watch is 6:15,so,we have to get there within 15 minutes.

Text 2

M:The city government has decided to build a school for disabled children here.

W:It’s high time.I don’t know why it took so long.

Text 3

M:Jack and Sue have booked a room at one of the best hotels in New York and they’ll stay there for a week.

W:Yes,they’re going to New York specially to spend their honeymoon.

Text 4

M:Which bed would you like? They both seem very comfortable.

W:If you don’t mind,I’d like the bed with the bedside light so I can read.I’ve almost finished that detective story I started yesterday.

Text 5

M:Miss,you have tried 17 dresses in three hours,but would you like to buy one?

W:Of course not.I thought this was the only way I could wear them when I saw the price.

C. 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


W:We’ve been hearing a lot over here in the United States about the actor,Vinnie Jones.Over in Britain he’s really well known,isn’t he?

M:Well,yeah,he’s much better known in Britain than he is here,in America.

W:So,what’s the big deal? What’s so special about Vinnie Jones?

M:Well,before he became an actor,he was already well known as a soccer player.In fact,I’d say he’s still more famous for his soccer skills than his acting.

W:Which team did he play for ? Manchester United?

M:No,no,actually for much of his profession,he played for Wimbledon.


M:Yes,they’re not as successful as Manchester United.But while he was playing for them,they beat Liverpool and won the Cup.

听第7段材料, 回答第8至9题。

M:Jennifer,I hear you like films.Do you have a favourite director?

W:Well,there are so many,but I think I still like Spielberg most.I’ve seen most of his films,like Jaws,Jurassic Park,ET and last week I saw AI.

M:What’s that film about?

W:AI is about a time in the future when people make robots that love people.The film is about a little boy,who is really a machine.The people throw him away.The biggest dream of the boy is to become a real human person,so that the family will love him.The film shows that true love is forever.

M:What did you think of his film?

W:I like the film a lot because the story is simple but touching.


M:What do you think of today’s TV programs?

W:Well,they are terrible.Most of the programs are a complete waste of time.How do you feel about them?

M:Well,in general,I agree with you.But what troubles me most is that they are too violent.There are too many police shows and there are not enough educational programs.

W:I think so,too.In my opinion,the news shows are extremely silly;they don’t tell anything.

M:Oh,I don’t think so.I think the news reports are excellent.Reporting the news is what TV does best.

W:Maybe,but I don’t like them.


Putting on a play can be fun.Acting can be like the dress-up games that children play. For a while,to pretend to be someone else can be a very exciting experience.

Professional actors take part in plays and television programs given in New York and other large cities.They earn their living by acting.But other people act in plays just for fun and are not paid for their work.They are high school or college students and adults who belong to “little theatre” groups.In the daytime,they are students,teachers,doctors,lawyers and policemen.They are actors only in the evenings or weekends.

One of the America’s oldest little theatre groups is in Indianapolis,Indiana.They are called the Players Club,and they put on 8 plays a year.People in the city buy tickets to see the plays.Anyone who wants to act may join the Players Club.

There are little theatre groups in many cities. They continue to put on plays because they bring pleasure to a large number of people.People in a little theatre group enjoy having the chance to act,while the audience enjoy watching the plays,too.


一、Listening (听)

A、1.palace 2.left 3. controlled 4.1884 5.even

6. hold 7.oldest 8.famous 9.first 10. known


C、6~10 CABCA 11~1 5BACAB

二、Talking (说)


1. 选B。上句是在问路,从答语中的后半句可知,表明此人是走错路了。

2. 选A。从下文可知,警察告诉他要向左拐,是他本人弄错。

3. 选E。从下面的答语中可知,上文是问“多远”。

4. 选D。根据上下文可以推断出此选项。

5. 选C。根据上文可推断出要选C。

6. 选F。这是一句答谢用语。


1. 选C。 当对方邀请做某事时,可以回答Yes, I will.或Certainly, I will.译文:“我非常喜欢这种食物。”“我很高兴你喜欢它。请什么时候顺便到家来。”“好的,我将会来的。”用Is it all right?和I’m afraid I won't be free.回答很不客气。That's great.的意思是“那太好了。”不符合日常说话的习惯。答案为C。

2. 选D。take your time的意思是“别着急”。译文:“恐怕这周内我完不成这本书。”“别着急。”Please go ahead意为:说吧,做吧,是不阻止别人请求的一种答语;That's all right意为:不谢,没关系。但从对话可知甲是在说明一个事实:一周内完不成,而没道歉或感谢之意,故排除B。Not at all用法等同于That's all right。答案为D。

3. 选C。从doctor这个词可以判断这是病人与护士之间的谈话。病人想见医生,所以护士说Certainly. May I know your name?其他几种回答都不符合现实情况。译文:“喂,我可以和医生订个约会吗?”“当然可以,我可以知道你的名字吗?”答案为C。

4. 选D。 They couldn't have done better.在这里是一句赞扬的话,说明他们已经尽到了最大的努力,不会打的比这再好了。译文:“你认为昨天的篮球运动员打得出色吗?”“他们做的不能比这更好了。”答案为D。

5. 选A。 What about doing…?是征求对方意见的日常用语。Good idea.则是对别人的提议表示赞成。Help yourself意为:请便,是对他人要做的事的一种赞同;Go ahead也是同意别人做事的答语;Me, too则表示别人怎样,你也怎样,与题意显然不符。答案为A。

6. 选A。 这是饭店服务生常用的对顾客的一种答语。Yes, sir ?的意思是“先生,什么事?”以便知道对方的请求。答案为A。

7. 选A。Shall I help……?是提供帮助的交际用语。It's all right, thanks.表示接受对方的帮助,并表示感谢。用Yes, go ahead please.“好的,你做吧。”回答不太客气。如果你不需对方帮助一般要说:Thanks all the same, I can manage it myself。答案为A。

8. 选B. You’ve given us a wonderful dinner, Mrs Wang.是以赞扬对方的话表示谢意,对方可以回答说Thank you.或I'm glad you enjoyed it.选项A和D都是中国式的答语,不符合西方的习惯。Come again when you are free.显得过于唐突。答案为B。

9. 选A。 Do you mind if…?是表示征求许可的日常用语。对Do you mind…的回答要注意:不介意时要说:No, certainly/Not/Of course not;如果介意要说:Sorry, but…或I’d rather you didn't…,所以选项B和D都是错误的。选项C不符合西方人的习惯。答案为A。

10. 选D。 Will you…?是表示请求对方做某事的日常用语。No problem的意思是“没问题”。That's fine是同意别人去干;Nothing serious:没啥严重的;Never mind不要紧,均没有给出明确答复,也不符合回答习惯。答案为D。

三、Language study(语言学习)



1. separated 2. influence 3. collection 4. delight 5. convenience

6. suggestion(s) 7. divide 8. available 9. consistent 10. puzzled

B、 用恰当的介词或副词填空。

1. 填to, as。 be known to“对-----来说是有名的”,be known as“作为-----而出名的”。

2. 填 with。 be connected with“与-----有关系”。

3. 填under。 under no condition“在任何条件下都不”。

4. 填to, in。 to one’s surprise“令某人惊讶的是”。

5. 填out。 leave out“漏掉”。

6. 填to。be linked to“与------有关连。”

7. 填down。break down“坏了”。

8. 填to。be related to“与-----=相关”。

9. 填in。in memory of“为纪念-------”。

10. 填 from。break away from“挣脱、脱离”。

11. 填by。mean by doing“做某事的目的”。

12. 填to。to be fastened to“在-----” next to“在-----旁边”。

13. 填in, at。in the darkness“在黑暗中”,at a depth of“在------的深度”。

14. 填in, with, by。keep in touch with“与------保持联系”,by表示手段。

15. 填against, with。stand against“靠着树站着”。


1. debate 2. influence 3. arrange for 4. thrilled 5. consistent

6. available 7. refer to 8. break away from 9. take the place of 10. leave out

2、 语法 (过去分词作表语和定语)


1. informed, moment (instant, minute) 2. only, stolen 3. spoken, developed

4. make, heard 5. leaving, undone 6. surprised, cleaned, arranged

7. get, painted 8. carried, heated 9. with, held 10. scared, beaten


1. 选D。being表示原因状语,understood作宾补,使某人被理解

2. 选C。have sth done让某事被做,have sb do sth让某人做某事

3. 选A。get sb worried让某人感到忧虑 过去分作定语

4. 选B。entering现在分词作时间状语;gone作宾补

5. 选C。catch sb doing抓住某人做某事,过去分词作定语

6. 选C。have sth done让某事被做

7. 选A。过去分词作宾补,put away 表示储存备用

8. 选C。过去分词作宾补

9. 选B。set, raised过去分作宾补;looking现在分词作宾补

10. 选D。“with+宾语+过去分词”作伴随状语

11. 选C。be buried in表示埋头做某事,过去分词作宾补

12. 选B。get sth done表示让某事被做

13. 选A。过去分词作宾被补,问题已解决

14. 选C。过去分词作宾补,表示被讲

15. 选C。过去分词作宾补,表示被闯入

16. 选D。tied过去分词作宾补表示被动,sitting分词作宾补表主动

17. 选C。表示让某事被做,过去分词作宾补

18. 选A。过去分词作宾补,表示被动

19. 选C。过去分词作的see宾补表示被动;定语从句的连接词that充当see的宾语已省略。

20. 选D。表示让某事被做,过去分词作宾补

21. 选B。表示让某事被做,过去分词作宾补

22. 选A。表示让某事被做,过去分词作宾补;引导定语从句的连接词that充当have宾语已省略。

23. 选C。过去分词作宾补,表示被照顾

24. 选B。过去公词作宾补

25. 选C。seated作宾语表示状态 作伴随状语

26. 选B。宾语是宾补的执行者用原形,宾语是宾补的承受者用过去分词

27. 选B。过去分词作宾补,表示被动

28. 选C。宾语是宾补的执行者用原形,宾语是宾补动词的承受者用过去分词

29. 选A。leaving作结果状语,unlocked过去分词作宾语,表示被动

30. 选B。过去分词作宾补表示被动

31. 选D。过去分词作宾补表示被动

32. 选A。宾语是宾补的执行者用原形,宾语是宾补动词的承受者用过去分词

33. 选D。过去分词作宾补表示被动

34. 选D。过去分词作宾补,表示被动

35. 选D。过去分词作宾补,表示被动

36. 选C。过去分词作宾补,表示被动

37. 选A。过去分词作宾补,表示被动

38. 选C。surprised感到惊讶 表示令人惊讶

39. 选B。过去分词作宾补,表示被动

40. 选B。过去分词作宾补,表示被动



1. 选B。by+doing以某种方式,例如:I killed the spider by hitting it.用with表某种方式 时,后面接工具等名词。如:I killed the spider with a newspaper.

2. 选D。number修饰可数名词,amount修饰不可数名词;没有the lot of这种构,quantity不接具体数量词,只表示物质多少,如:A large/small quantity of beer was sold.

3. 选A。前句谈到的是学生的增长,此处用more than更连贯。much为形容词原形,后面不接than; fewer than, less than少于。?

4. 选B。from…to为一固定结构,意为“从……到”。

5. 选C。代词与self分开用时,中间一般有形容词,如:He put his whole self into the job.

反身代词一般作宾语或同位语,不作定语。因此, 此处排除选项self;personal(个人的)能作定语,但不符合题意;own(自己的)常作定语。

6. 选C。consist of与take in, include近义:consist of宾语是主语的全部内容,而include和take in的宾语有可能只是主语的一部分。例如:The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom includes Northern Ireland.

7. 选D。as用法广泛,as well as“也……”,“除…之外”,相当于介词,as long as是连


8. 选A。在具体的时间名词后,可用ago。 before和after作副词,此处用after翻译不通。Before 和ago的区别在于:ago的时间参照点是现在,“before now”;而before

的参照点不是现在,“before then”,而且before在具体的时间名词后作副词时,一般用于完成时。例如:last summer, I left the firm that I had joined eighteen years before.

9. 选D。参照此句前部分,此处derive“得到”后应为政府拨款,即选项D.funds(资金)。

10. 选B。pay the fees支付费用;make, change, delay,一般不与fees搭配。

11. 选C。该句为一定语从句。the place是先行词,从句he lives缺状语,故用where引

导定语从句修饰the place。

12. 选C。lodging and food食宿,此处不用living。因为living包括lodging在内。

13. 选D。一般来说,只有家庭贫穷,学生才可申请补助。

14. 选B。上句谈到学生学费问题,此处承接上句,继续谈学生赚钱之事。也可结合后

面的take jobs in the summer综合考虑。

15. 选D。for后面接一段时间;at, since后只能接时间点。例如:I used to study German

for two years.过去我曾学过两年德语。

16. 选B。“在假期工作”,承接本句上半部分。用work取代job,力求语言的多样性。

17. 选A。take responsibility for对……负责,用duty则是It’s the duty of the Department

of Education to pay the money…;take the advice of采纳……的建议。

18. 选C。本文讨论的是关于大学的问题,此处讨论教育部在资金方面对大学的责任。

19. 选C。have influence on… 对……影响;例如:Listening to the music has a calming

influence on her.听音乐可以使她的心情平静。

20. 选B。“由……组成”可由comprise, consist of, be composed of, be made up of表示, 例

如:The United Kingdom comprises/ consists of/ is composed of/ is made up of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. “组成”则用constitute , comprise。

例如:England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland constitute/comprise/make up the United Kingdom.(be composed of:由……组成)。


1.选A。根据文章第二段“Great Britian, or Britian…”可知,他们是指同一个地方。

2. 选B。根据第二段第一句话“The British isles refer to the main islands and several thousand small ones as well, which you can see on the map.”,可知B项是正确的。

3. 选D。国是不列颠群岛的一个部分,英格兰是英国的一个部分。

4. 选B。在写英文信件的地址时,地址书写的顺序是有小到大,即Edinburgh要写在

Scotland的前面。而Scotland是Great Britain的一个部分。

5. 选C。根据文章第一段中“the government was looking for a way to reduce traffic problems in the city of London.”可知,C项是正确的。

6. 选B。根据文章第二段“However, the smoke from the engine soon filled the air in the

tunnels with ash and soot(煤灰), as well as chemical gases. Fans had to be put in the tunnels later to keep the air clean enough for people to breathe.”,可知应该选B。

7. 选B。根据文章最后一句“It carried 9 million riders in its first year.”,可知,catch on的意思为“受欢迎的”。

8. 选C。当初建造地铁的目的就是为了缓解交通,最后为缓解了英国的交通问题。



1. stood-改为standing。standing用作现在分词,在此处用作状语。

2. 去掉the。某个部门的独一的领导前不用冠词。

3. lay改为lying。lying为现在分词作宾语补足语。

4. whether改为that。that引导一个宾语从句。

5. that改为where。此处表示这个词可被用在哪个情景里。

6. made改为making。此处为have some problems in doing sth结构。

7. requiring改为requires。主语为problems,he referred to为定语从句。

8. 第二个to改为with。be connected with意为“与……有关系、牵连”。

9. surprised改为surprise。to one’s surprise为习惯短语。

10. with改为in。表示“穿着什么颜色的衣服要用介词in。

11. whether改为that。no doubt与that 连用。

12. get改为got;或在get前加should。It’s high time后接从句时,要用虑拟语气。

13. affair改为matter。Matter在此相当于wrong。

14. don’t改为will。此句为祈使句,后面要用will。

15. coming改成come。is supposed to 意为“应当”“理应”,后接动词原形。


1. Tom broke down because of overwork, which worried his parents a lot.

2. Dickens was well-known to the whole world for his short novels.

3. Does the suggestion coming up at the meeting make sense?

4. He referred to going abroad for further education in his letter.

5. We can hardly understand why on earth he is connected with the case.

6. What does he mean by arranging for him to take the place of me?

7. A monument was set up on top of the mountain in honour of the soldiers killed in the flood.

8. I’m too busy to afford time for the film.

9. The police were called in to separate the fighting crowds.

10. The bridge joins our village to other cities.


Why not visit my hometown?

My beautiful hometown is located in what is surrounded by green hills and clear water. Row upon row of old styled and newly-built houses line on both sides of the road. Birds either chirp or sing to their heart’s content in the woods. It is fit for people to live in. People here are enjoying an easy and peaceful life. In the past ten years, its economy has been developing rapidly. Many factories can be seen here and there. It is taking on a new look. It has become a place of interest attracting a lot of people from home and abroad.

You can’t afford to miss it.

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