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三、Language study(语言学习)



1. As we joined in the crowd,I got s__________from my parents.

2. The book will have a great i____________on children’s growth.

3. Our library has a large c___________ of fairy tales.

4. Much to our d_____________,Mary won the first prize in the competition.

5. Expensive as it is to live in cities,it brings much c___________to our lives.

6. We benefit a lot from the s_________he made on how to learn English.

7. Our class is d__________ into four groups.

8. You will be informed when the book is a____________.

9. The medical team c___________ of ten doctors and a nurse.

10. The woman’s illness p_________the doctor;he couldn’t find the cause.

B、 用恰当的介词或副词填空。

1. It is known ______us that Mary is known ________a writer.

2. I don’t think Tom is connected _______the murder.

3. _________ no condition will he give in to others.

4. Much ______our surprise,the boy failed _______the exam again.

5. Teachers ask us not to leave ______key points while taking notes.

6. The illness is believed to be linked ______the use of chemical pesticides.

7. I’d like to have attended the lecture,but my car broke_____ on the half way.

8. Much of the crime in the area is related ______ drug abuse.

9. He founded the charity ________memory of his late wife.

10. The prisoner broke away _________the guards and fled at full speed.

11. I have no idea what he means _________saying that?

12. I can see a horse fasted _______a tree next ______the house.

13. The squid lives ______the dark ______a great depth of the bottom of the ocean.

14. He keeps _______touch _______his parents _______telephone.

15. The man stood _______the pole ______a cigarratte in his mouth.


thrill, debate, arrange for, influence, available, consistent,

refer to, take the place of, leave out, break away

1. The theater’s future is a subject of considerable __________.

2. The TV series from Korea has a strong ___________ on children.

3. Who do you __________ to settle the pollution problem?

4. The arrival of the famous film star has _________audiences all over the city.

5. Parents must be ______________in educating children.

6. Tickets are ___________ free of charge from school.

7. I promised her never to ____________the matter again.

8. Under no conditions will the Chinese allow Taiwan to _________China.

9. It is believed that computers can’t __________humans completely.

10. He asked us not to _______our English teacher in the invitaion.

2、 语法(过去分词作补语)


1. 书一有货,我就通知你。

I’ll keep you ________ the __________the book is available.

2. 他醒来结果发现他的汽车被偷了。

He woke up ________to find his car _________.

3. 在这个发达的国家里,你很少听到有人讲脏活。

You seldom hear rude words __________ in this ___________country.

4. 他提高嗓音以便别人能够听见他。

He raised his voice so as to _________himself ____________.

5. 他匆忙离开家,留下很多事没做。

He left home in a hurry,__________many things _____________.

6. 回来时,他很惊讶地发现房间被彻底的打扫了,一切都布置得井井有条。

On his return,he was very ________to find his room thoroughly __________and everything ___________in good order.

7. 明天我将请人把门油漆一下。

I’ll ________ my bike _________ tomorrow.

8. 人们正在热烈讨论我们希望能够尽快的工程。

The project we would like to see__________out as soon as possible is under _________discussion.

9. 老师手里拿着一本书进来了。

The teacher entered the room ___________a book ___________ in his hand.

10. 在下班回家途中,他非常恐惧的看到一个被打死的男孩躺在路边。

On his way home from work,he was _________ to see a boy ________to death lying by the road.


1.___ poor at English, I'm afraid I can't make myself ___.

A.To be;understand B.I'm ;to understand

C.Being ;understanding D.Being;understood

2. I have had my bike ___ ,and I'm going to have somebody ___ my radio tomorrow.

A.repair;to repair B.repairing;to be repaired

C.repaired;repair D.to repair;repairing

3. Laws that punish parents for their little children’s actions against the laws get parents____.

A.worried B.to worry C.worrying D.worry

4. ___ the room,the nurse found the tape-recorder ___.

A. Entering;stealing B.Entering;gone

C.To have entered; being stolen D.Having entered;to be stolen

5.The boy caught_______the flowers was fined.

A.to pick B.picking C.to have picked D.having picked

6. Mrs. Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had ____ went wrong again.

A.it B.it repaired C.repaired D.to be repaired

7. It is wise to have some money ___ for old age.

A.put away B.kept up C.given away D.laid up

8. I don't want the children ___ out in such weather.

A.take B.to take C.taken D.taking

9. The boy lay on his back, with his teeth______ ,his right hand_______ , and his glaring eyes _________straight upward.

A. set, raising, looked B. set, raised, looking

C. setting, raised, looked D. to set, raising, looking

10.The murderer was brought in, with his hands ___ behind his back.

A.being tied B.having tied C.to be tied D.tied

11. The boy is always found______in reading books.

A. to bury B.burying C.buried D.buries

12. Jane got her bad tooth ___ at the dentist's.

A.to put in B.pulled out C.pushed out D.drawing out

13. With a lot of difficulties ___ ,they went to the seashore and had a good rest.

A.settled B.settling C.to settle D.being settled

14. Before he came to London,he had never heard a single English word ___

A.speaking B.speak C.spoken D.to speak

15. They hurried back home only to find their house ___ into.

A.break B.to break C.broken D.breaking

16. When he came to,he found himself ___ on a chair, with his hands ___ back.

A.to sit;tied B.sitting;tying C.sat;tied D.sitting;tied

17. I'm going to have my letters ____ tomorrow if I've got them ready by then.

A.to type B.type C.typed D.typing

18. Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty ___ in art and literature.

A.expressed B.to express C.being expressed D.to be expressed

19.The manager discusssed the plan that they would like to see ______ the next year.

A.carry out B.carrying out C.carried out D.to carry out

20. You should understand the traffic rule by now. You’ve had it ____ often enough.

A. explaining B. to explain C. explain D. explained

21.In the past few years,we have had thousands of trees ______ around our school.

A.plant B.planted C.planting D.being planted

22. Is this the recorder you want ______?

A.to have repaired B.to repair it    C.to have it repaired D.it repaired

23. She was glad to see her child well ______ care of.

A.take B.to be taken C.taken D.taking

24.The result of the entrance exams was not made ______ to the public until last Thursday.

A.knowing B.known C.to know D.to be known

25. He found them ______ at a table ______ .

A.sat;to play chess B.sitting;to play chess

C.seated;playing chess D.seat;play the chess

26. I can make you ______ what I say,but you can't make yourself ______ in English.

A.understand;understand    B.understand;understood

C.to understand;understand    D.understand;to be understood

27.The girl asked him not to leave the door ______ .

A.to close B.closed C.to be closed D.closing

28. I have often heard the"ABC Song" ______,but I have never heard Alice ______ it.

A.to be sung;to sing    B.being sung;sang

C.sung;sing    D.sang;singing

29. John rushed out in a hurry,______ the door ______ .

A.leaving;unlocked   B.leaving;unlocking

C.left;unlocked   D.to leave;unlocking

30. Before she came to England,she had never heard a single English word ______ .

A.speaking B.spoken C.to speak D.speak

31. Tom has been away from home for two years,leaving his room_______with dust.

A.to cover B.was covering C.covering D.covered

32. My brother left the work half_____ , for you can find many books____ scattered on the floor.

A. done, lying B. doing, lain C. done , lay D. did, lie

33.You must get the work ______ before Friday.

A.do B.to do C.doing D.done

34. When I turned back,I found the boy’s eyes_____on the window.

A.fixing B.to fix C.are fixed D.fixed

35. When his wife returned,the husband noticed her hair ______ short.

A.cutting B.to be cut C.being cut D.cut

36.The student are told to have their homework ______ in before tomorrow afternoon.

A.hand B.to hand C.handed D.handing

37. We are pleased to see the problem ______ so quickly.

A.settled B.having been settled

C.be settled D.settling

38.The ______ professor found the matter ______ .

A.surprising;surprised B.surprised;surprised

C.surprised;surprising    D.surprising;surprising

39. Having passed all the teats,she felt a great weight ____off her mind.

A.taking B.taken C.take D.to be taken

40. The woman kept her eyes_____ on her baby for quite some time.

A. to fix B. fixed C. fixing D. being fixed


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