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11. I don’t know if he will come . If he       , please let me know .

A. will come     B. come     C. comes     D. is coming

12. Jack       to several places in North China since he came to Beijing with his parents .

A. was traveling     B. had traveled     C. is traveling     D. had traveled

13. I wasn’t at home yesterday . I       to help with the harvest on the farm .

A. asked     B. was asked     C. was asking     D. has asked

14. —I can find few children in the classroom . Where are they ?

—They       the World Cup Football Games on TV in the hall .

A. watch     B. have watched      C. watching      D. are watching

15. —When       this kind of computer       ?

—Last year .

A. did, us     B. was , used     C. is , used      D. are , used

16. “ Harry Potter ” is a very nice film . I       it twice .

A. will see      B. have seen     C. saw     D. see

17. The old man was quite weak after the accident , so he       .

A. must be take care of        B. must take care of

C. must be looked after      D. must look after

18. —Don’t forget to post this letter for me , please .

—No , I       .

A. don’t       B. won’t     C. mustn’t      D. can’t

19. Linda often       her homework in the evening , but this evening she       TV .

A. does ; watches       B. is doing ; is watching

C. does ; is watching  D. is doing ; watches

20. —It’s time to do your homework , Jack .

—Yes , Mum . I’ll turn off the TV as soon as the programme       .

A. ends     B. end     C. will be ended     D. will end

威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理了2014年英语高二必修同步训练,希望对大家有所帮助。


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