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1.The results of the sports meeting will be _____ on Sunday morning.

A. put away     B. put off      C. put up      D. put down

2. What we have to admit is that never in the past thirty years_____ so greatly as today.

A. did China change   B. China has changed   C. has China changed   D. China had changed

3. 'Sister Phoenix' is said ________ to the USA early this year, who was one of the best known celebrities on the web

A. to go   B. to have gone     C. having gone    D. to get gone

4. They began to think about ____ use could be made of these valuable books.

A. how     B. where     C. why    D. what

5. In 2009, more than a student ______ admitted into Peking university in Shucheng high school.

A. has been   B. have been       C. were        D. was

6.____ a regulation from the authorities, Super Girls, one of the country’s most popular TV talent shows, will be called off next year.

A. Violated      B. Violating        C. To violate      D. Being violated

27. As is known to all, it is 100 years _____ the revolution of 1911 was launched

A. since     B. before     C. when     D. after

8. The people all over the world were deeply ____ by the news that Steve Jobs, the founder and former CEO of Apple, died on Oct 5.

A. effected    B. attacked     C. affected.     D. attained

9. -----How was your recent trip to Wanfo lake during National Day?

-----I’ve never had ______ one before.

A. a pleasant    B. a more pleasant     C. a most pleasant   D. the most pleasant

10. ----- Why didn’t you come to David’s party last night?

----- I wanted to, but my mom simply ____ not let me out so late at night.

A. could    B. might    C. would    D. should

11. When asked what original intention would lead them to volunteer, _____ said they were willing to do something they could.

A. half of them     B. half of which   C. half of whom    D. half of who

12. Look, it is the raw material one ____ the house.

A. uses to build    B. used to building   C. is used to build   D. is used to building

13. Mr. Smith has a gift for creating an atmosphere for his students ______ allows them to communicate freely with each other.

A. where    B. which     C. what    D. who

14. ---- I need to advertise for a roommate for next term.

-----____? Simon is interested.

A. Why bother      B. How come    C. So what      D. What for

15. How _____ I _____ what has become of her?

A. am; to know     B. am; knowing    C. was; to know     D. will; know

威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理了2014高二必修英语同步训练,希望对大家有所帮助。


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