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14年高二英语必修同步训练题Unit 2 The United Kingdom



高中是重要的一年,大家一定要好好把握高中,威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理了14年高二英语必修同步训练题,希望大家喜欢。

blame; in addition to ; under control; expect; attend; lead to; enthusiastic; take the place of; make sense; puzzle; consist of; draw a conclusion; contribute to; expose to; valuable; break down; apart from; announce

I got a new job in Catholic University in Washington. 1  a good chance, I was offered a new flat to live in. One summer vacation, 2  going to the park, I had not been outside my flat, doing an experiment about a disease. The results of the experiment were 3  to me and they would 4 the success of my research. It is really difficult 5  without enough evidence. I felt quite 6 . I even doubted that the experiment would  7  . Gradually, I was not 8 about it. After all, too much hard work and too little rest 9 illness. One night, I went out to 10 a lecture by a famous philosopher. Inspired by him, I went back to continue the experiment and eventually got the 11 result. How happy I was! The next day, I proudly 12 that the disease was  13.

在高中复习阶段,大家一定要多练习题,掌握考题的规律,掌握常考的知识,这样有助于提高大家的分数。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了14年高二英语必修同步训练题,供大家参考。


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