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(一) 介词专项练习

1. He suddenly saw Sue _____ the room. He pushed his way ___ the crowd of people to get to her.

A. across, across B. over, through C. over, into D. across, through

2. We hadn’t planned to meet. We met _________ chance.

A. of B. in C. for D. by

3. No one helped me . I did it all ___________ myself .

A. for B. by C. from D. to

4. John became a football coach in Sealion Middle School__________ the beginning of March.

A. on B. for C. with D. at

5. ----You know. Bob is a little slow _________ understanding, so…

----So I have to be patient __________ him.

A. in; with B. on; with C. in; to D. at; for

6. It’s quite __________me why such things have been allowed to happen.

A. for B. behind C. against D. beyond

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