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英语高二综合练习第一部分: 单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分;满分20分)

1. I know you don't like _______ music very much. But what do you think of _______ music in the film we saw yesterday?

A. /; / B. the; the C. the; / D. /; the

2. - But, Mr. Taylor, your suggestions don't seem to be ______ the aims of the project.

- Maybe they should make some changes to their project.

A. in honor of B. according to

C. satisfied with D. in harmony with

3. He took care of the boy ______ he were his own son.

A. because B. as though C. for D. even though

4. We should keep our strength _____ for the big race.

A. in store B. in shop C. in savings D. storing

5. - Susan, go and join your sister cleaning the yard.

- Why ______? John is sitting there doing nothing.

A. him B. he C. I D. me

6. ______ the airport, he was arrested by the police.

A. As soon as arriving B. Upon he arrived

C. On arriving D. Upon arrival at

7. I leave it on the shelf so that you can use it you want to .

A.whatever B.whichever C.whenever D.wherever

8. -What was the conference like ?- .A. There is some important news B. I think you are pity not to attend

C. Quite interesting D. It's all right

9. The poor artist made a _____ by making sketches of _____ animals.

A. living, alive B. life, live C. living, living D. life, alive

10. _______in a bright red coat, she was easy to ______.

A. Being dressed, choose B. Dressed, pick out

C. Having dressed, be picked out D. Dress, be chosen

11. By the time you graduate from college, _______ you _______ for the job that lies ahead?

A. will; get preparing B. have; got preparing

C. have; got prepared D. will; have been prepared

12. Our elder son has been ______ the Continent for several months.

A. knocking about B. knocking down

C. knocking over D. knocking off

13. This worm can't be seen in any place, but ______ the soil is loose.

A. if B. whose C. where D. in which

14. He managed to ______ the earthquake which killed many people.

A. live through B. live on C. be survived D. be alive

15. He is _______ to burst into anger if he is disturbed while working.

A. likely B. possible C. probable D. friendly

16. Word came ______ some guests will come for a visit to our company next month.

A. which B. why C. that D. whether

17. It is only when you nearly lose someone _______ fully conscious of how much you value him.

A. do you become B. then you become

C. that you become D. have you become

18. - How is everything going?

- It couldn't be _______, for I lost my wallet this morning.

A. worse B. bad C. good D. better

19. To my surprise, the well-dressed gentleman _______ out to be a thief.

A. came B. let C. went D. turned

20. These new discoveries may _______ light on the origin of the universe.

A. put B. gave C. threw D. brought




My father was dying of cancer and no one could save his life. All my family could do was 21 Dad at home until his death. I was then a 22 and was taking a required course twice every week.

A week before the 23 ended, Dad's condition became terminal (晚期的). I knew I 24 to let my professor know that I might be 25 from the classes. I told him the truth in his office and asked if he would allow me to 26 up for the classes later. The professor looked down at his book and then 27 said, "Don't worry. The course 28 for you today. You've been an A student. How would this change in a 29 ? Go home to your father. That is 30 you need to be." A few days later, as I 31 my father during his last hours, I knew that the professor's kindness had 32 the heavy burden from my heart. The kindness also made it 33 for me to give all my 34 to my father during his last days. Until today, I still treasure the memory of being 35 to be at home with my father at the time of his death.

Now, I have been a 36 . Over the years, I have had several occasions to 37 that professor's example as I worked with my students, 38 tragedy in their own lives. Yes, I did learn about research methods in his class. However, the 39 of a teacher's understanding and sympathy 40 the greatest lesson I learnt from him.

21. A. allow for B. wait for C. attend to D. rely on

22. A. student B. doctor C. professor D. worker

23. A. research B. tragedy C. course D. year

24. A. prepared B. had C. tended D. referred

25. A. late B. missing C. absent D. present

26. A. cut B. make C. pick D. give

27. A. hurriedly B. immediately C. gently D. proudly

28. A. adjusts B. ends C. disappears D. cancels

29. A. week B. day C. month D. while

30. A. who B. that C. how D. where

31. A. watched B. supported C. accompanied D. comforted

32. A. taken B. solved C. decreased D. removed

33. A. easy B. possible C. eager D. potential

34. A. time B. effects C. progress D. belief

35. A. persuaded B. forced C. allowed D. arranged

36. A. doctor B. lawyer C. teacher D. manager

37. A. keep B. follow C. set D. use

38. A. dealing with B. coming across C. aiming at D. looking into

39. A. influence B. result C. supply D. exhibition

40. A. grows B. lasts C. gets D. remains




Rice plants normally grow well in still water. But most will die if they are completely underwater for more than four days. Now, researchers have identified a gene (基因) that helps rice survive longer underwater. They say the discovery will lead to new kinds of rice plants that can survive flooding, and therefore reach their final aim, ensuring more dependable food supplies.

Tests are now being done in Laos, Bangladesh and India. The researchers say experimental rice plants with the gene have survived underwater as long as two weeks. When flooding happens, most kinds of rice plants cannot get enough oxygen, carbon dioxide or sunlight. But the scientists say crop loss depends on several conditions. These include soil conditions and plant age. Others include the amount of time the plant is underwater and the amount of fertilizer (肥料) used on the crop.

On a genetic (遗传的) map of rice, the scientists became interested in a group of three genes. They experimented with one of them, a gene known as Sub-One-A. They found that when this gene becomes very active, it improves the ability of rice to survive longer when rice is covered by water. They believe it succeeds because it affects the reaction to hormones (荷尔蒙). They control the ability of a flooded plant to survive. Placing the gene into rice plants that are especially good for conditions in India, researchers say the genetically engineered plants not only survived but also produced good crops.

The researchers are now trying to identify all the genes governed by the Sub-One-A gene. Being able to leave water on rice plants for an additional week might also help farmers prevent the growth of weeds. Less weed growth around their crops would mean less need for herbicide (除草剂) chemicals.

41. Crop loss depends on all the following conditions EXCEPT _______.

A. soil conditions and plant age

B. the amount of water the plant stands in

C. the amount of fertilizer used on the crop

D. the amount of time the plant is underwater

42. What is the final aim of this research?

A. To identify the gene that helps rice survive underwater.

B. To increase the ability of rice to fight against floods.

C. To help farmers spend less time removing weeds.

D. To make sure of enough food supplies.

43. What does the underlined word "They" in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. Genes. B. The experiments.

C. Genetically engineered plants. D. Hormones.

44. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Rice research is going on in Laos and India

B. How to reduce the influence of floods on rice

C. Gene researchers work on flood-resistant rice

D. A great discovery in the agricultural fieldB  People fell in love with Elizabeth Taylor in 1944, when she starred in National Velvet-the story of Velvet Brown, a young girl who wins first place in a famous horse race, At first, the producers of the movie told Taylor that she was too small to play the part of Velvet. However, they waited for her for a few months as she exercised and trained-and added three inches to her height in four months! Her acting in National Velvet is still considered the best by a child actress.

Elizabeth Taylor was born in London in 1932. Her parents, both Americans, had moved there for business reasons. When World war II started, the Taylor moved to Beverly Hills, California, and there Elizabeth started acting in movies. After her success as a child star, Taylor had no trouble moving into adult(成人)roles and won twice for Best Actress: Butterfield 8(1960) and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)

Taylor's fame(名声)and popularity gave her a lot of power with the movie industry, so she was able to demand very high pay for her movies. In 1963, she received $1 million for her part in Cleopatra-the highest pay received by any star up to that time.

Elizabeth Taylor is a legend (传奇人物) of our time. Like Velvet Brown in National Velvet, she has been lucky, she has beauty, fame and wealth. But she is also a hard worker. Taylor seldom acts in movies any more. Instead, she puts her time and efforts into her businesses, and into helping others - several years ago, she founded an organization that has raised more than $40 million for research and education.

45. The producers didn't let Taylor play the part of Velvet at first because they thought she ______ .

A. was small in size B. was too young

C. did not play well enough D. did not show much interest

46. What Elizabeth Taylor and Velvet Brown had in common was that they were both ______ .

A. popular all their lives B. famous actresses

C. successful when very young D. rich and kind-hearted

47. Taylor became Best Actress at the age of______ .

A. 12 B. 28 C. 31 D. 34

48. In her later life , Elizabeth Taylor devoted herself to_____________ .

A. doing business and helping others

B. turning herself into a legend

C. collecting money for the poor

D. going about research and education workC  It's great fun to explore (探索) new places-it feels like an adventure, even when you know you're not the first to have been there. But make sure not to get lost or waste time going round in circles.

● Do the map reading if you're being driven somewhere. It'll be easier if you keep turning the map so it follows the direction you' re traveling in. Keep looking ahead so that you can give the driver lots of warning before having to make a turn, or you'll have to move to the back seat.

● Get a group of friends together and go exploring. You'll need a good map, a compass (指南针), a raincoat, a cell phone to call for help in case you get lost, and a bit of spare cash for emergencies (应急现金). Tell someone where you're going before you set out and let them know what time you expect to be back. The test is in not getting lost, not in seeing how fast you can go, so always stick together, waiting for slower friends to catch up.

● See if your school or a club organizes orienteering activities, in which you need a map and a compass to find your way. This can be done as a sport, with teams trying to find the way from A to B (and B to C, etc. ) in the fastest time, or simply as a spare-time activity. Either way, it's not only good fun, but a great way to keep fit.

49. Sitting beside the driver, you should ________.

A. direct the driver when necessary

B. look ahead to see where there's a turn

C. move to the back seat if feeling uncomfortable

D. keep looking at the map to find a place to go to

50. Why do you need to tell someone your exploration plan before setting out?

A. To get information when in danger.

B. To be saved in case of an accident.

C. To share the fun with him/her in exploration.

D. To tell him/her what's going on with the group members.

51. Orienteering activities can ________.

A. make people work fast

B. help people stay healthy

C. help people organize other activities

D. make people get prepared for sportsD  Far from the land of Antarctica(南极洲), a huge shelf of ice meets the ocean. At the underside of the shelf there lives a small fish, the Antarctic cod.

For forty years scientists have been curious about that fish. How does it live where most fish would freeze to death? It must have some secret. The Antarctic is not a comfortable place to work and research has been slow. Now it seems we have an answer.

Research was begun by cutting holes in the ice and catching the fish. Scientists studied the fish's blood and measured its freezing point.

The fish were taken from seawater that had a temperature of -1.88℃ and many tiny pieces of ice floating in it. The blood of the fish did not begin to freeze until its temperature was lowered to -2.05℃. That small difference is enough for the fish to live at the freezing temperature of the ice-salt mixture.

The scientists' next research job was clear: Find out what in the fish's blood kept it from freezing. Their search led to some really strange thing made up of a protein(蛋白质) never before seen in the blood of a fish. When it was removed, the blood froze at seawater temperature. When it was put back, the blood again had its antifreeze quality and a lowered freezing point.

Study showed that it is an unusual kind of protein. It has many small sugar molecules(分子) held in special positions within each big protein molecule. Because of its sugar content. It is called a glycoprotein. So it has come to be called the antifreeze fish glycoprotein. Or AFGP.

52. What is the text mainly about?

A. The terrible conditions in the Antarctic.

B. A special fish living in freezing waters.

C. The ice shelf around Antarctica.

D. Protection of the Antarctic cod.

53. Why can the Antarctic cod live at the freezing temperature?

A. The seawater has a temperature of -1.88℃.

B. It loves to live in the ice-salt mixture.

C. A special protein keeps it from freezing.

D. Its blood has a temperature lower than -2.05℃.

54. What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 5 refer to?

A. A type of ice-salt mixture. B. A newly found protein.

C. Fish blood. D. Sugar molecule.

55. What does "glycol-" in the underlined word "glycoprotein" in the last paragraph mean?

A. sugar B. ice C. blood D. moleculeE  Napoleon, as a character in Tolstoy's War and Peace, is more than once described as having "fat little hands." Nor does he "sit well of firmly on the horse." He is said to be "undersized," with "short legs" and a "round stomach". The issue here is not the accuracy of Tolstoy's description ---- it seems not that far off from historical accounts ---- but his choice of facts: other things that could be said of the man are not said. We are meant to understand the difference of a warring commander in the body of a fat little Frenchman. Tolstoy's Napoleon could be any man wandering in the streets and putting a little of powdered tobacco up his nose ---- and that is the point.

It is a way the novelist uses to show the moral nature of a character. And it turns out that, as Tolstoy has it, Napoleon is a crazy man. In a scene in Book Three of War and Peace, the wars having reached the critical year of 1812, Napoleon receives a representative from the Tsar(沙皇), who has come with peace terms. Napoleon is very angry: doesn't the have more army? He, not the Tsar, is the one to make the terms. He will destroy all of Europe if this army is stopped. "That is what you will have gained by engaging me in the war!" he shouts. And then, Tolstoy writes, Napoleon "walked silently several times up and down the room, his fat shoulders moving quickly".

Still later, after reviewing his army amid cheering crowds, Napoleon invites the shaken Russian to dinner. "He raise his hand to the Russian's...face," Tolstoy writes, and "taking him by the ear pulled it gently...." To have one's ear pulled by the Emperor was considered the greatest honor and mark of favor at the French court. "Well, well, why don't you say anything?" said he, as if it was ridiculous in his presence to respect any one but himself, Napoleon.

Tolstoy did his research, but the composition is his own.

56. Tolstoy's description of Napoleon in War and Peace is ______.

A. far from the historical facts B. based on the Russian history

C. based on his selection of facts D. not related to historical details

57. Napoleon was angry when receiving the Russian representative because ______.

A. he thought he should be the one to make the peace terms

B. the Tsar's peace terms were hard to accept

C. the Russians stopped his military movement

D. he didn't have any more army of fight with

58. What did Napoleon expect the Russian representative to do?

A. To walk out of the room in anger. B. To show agreement with him.

C. To say something about the Tsar. D. To express his admiration.

59. Tolstoy intended to present Napoleon as a man who is _____.

A. ill-mannered in dealing with foreign guests

B. fond of showing off his iron will

C. determined in destroying all of Europe

D. crazy for power and respect

60. What does the last sentence of the passage imply?

A. A writer doesn't have to be faithful to his findings.

B. A writer may write about a hero in his own way.

C. A writer may not be responsible for what he writes.

D. A writer has hardly any freedom to show his feelings.


(Mike is picking up the phone when Alice enters.)

Alice: Are you phoning Linda?

Mike: Yes. But how do you know?Alice: 61Mike: What did they say?Alice: 62Mike: What happened?

Alice: 63 She had to go and take his place for three days.

Mike: That's too bad.Alice: 64Mike: You see, I had arranged for us to have dinner with a friend tonight.Alice: 65Mike: Sure, why not?

A. Isn't she your girlfriend?

B. They said she had left for London.

C. What's the problem?

D. Her office left you a message.

E. Why not invite me, then?

F. They said they had phoned Linda.

G. The manager at their office had suddenly fallen ill.










Last summer I go to America and studied at a language 61. _________

school. I had many wonderful experience, but I also 62. _________

had a sad one. One day, the school held party, where 63. _________

I was invited to talk about Tianjin. After that they asked me a lot of 64. _________

things about China. But I couldn't explain them with English 65. _________

clearly. I felt sadly. I learnt a lesson from this experience. I 66. _________

have already studied English for eight years, I can't use it 67. _________

very good. I must work hard to improve my spoken English 68. _________

so that I will not be able to communicate freely with foreigners. 69. _________

I hope I can be a bridge between China and others countries. 70. _________

第二节 书面表达(满分35分)



1.广交朋友 2.可自由表达思想 3.利于外语学习


1.浪费时间 2.影响学习 3.可能上当受骗?




3.参考词汇: 网络朋友on-line friend(s),上当受骗to be cheated





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