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21. Although ______ badminton is my favourite sport, I am not ______ very good player.

A. the; a             B. the; the            C. /; a          D. a; a

22. The boss was not satisfied with ______ of the two projects and asked the young man to present ______

to him.

A. both; the other        B. either; another

C. all; the others       D. neither; another

23. Each time I return from a business trip abroad I will have so many things to ______ in the company.

A. add to             B. contribute to        C. appeal to       D. attend to

24. The old couple intended to celebrate their gold-wedding anniversary on ______ was described as one of

the most beautiful island.

A. that               B. what           C. which    D. where

25. It will be long before the plan is put into practice, so you ______ hurry. ______ you change your design,

please keep me informed.

A. won’t; Might        B. shouldn’t; Could     C. can’t; Would   D. needn’t; Should

26. The mail I ordered on the Internet the other day ______ to me now.

A. is delivering       B. was delivered       C. has been delivered  D. delivered

27. — Has your paper been handed in to Professor Smith?

— Yes, but ______ satisfaction, he required me to make a lot of corrections.

A. far from            B. apart from          C. instead of    D. regardless of

28. ______ caused Mary to hold another party a week later.

A. We being absent                     B. Our being absent

C. We were absent                      D. Because we were absent

29. — How much do you charge for a room for a night?

— It depends on what kind you need, and the prices ______ from 80 dollars to 620 dollars.

A. increase           B. reach    C. differ       D. range

30. I like such books ______ I can obtain peace and true happiness.

A. which     B. the ones    C. as     D. where

31. Mom, you promised to read me a story every night as long as I behave well, so you must ______.

A. do it     B. do reading it   C. read a story   D. do reading

32. Watching the clown’s ______ pose, all the audience present burst out ______.

A. amused; laughing                B. unexpected; laughing

C. unexpecting; laughter                   D. amusing; laughter

33. The hotels in Cardiff are of great service, especially for the disabled; there is good wheelchair ______ to

most facilities.

A. entrance           B. arrival             C. access    D. exit

34. People from all over the country ______ they are old or young, rich or poor, are doing whatever they can

to help the sufferers in the earthquake-stricken area.

A. even if            B. whether            C. no matter    D. whichever

35. — I am sorry I have left my wallet at home. Would you mind waiting for me a moment to fetch it?

— ______.

A. Think nothing of it               B. Of course not; take your time

C. The more quickly, the better               D. Don’t forget it next time

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Hello everyone, my name is Thomas Suarez. I’ve always had a   36   for computers and technology, and I’ve made a few apps(应用程序)for the iPhone, iPad Touch and iPad. I’d like to   37   some with you today.

My first app was a unique fortune-teller called Earth Fortune, which will display different colors of earth depending on   38   your fortune was. My   39   and most successful app is Bustin Jieber. I created it because students disliked this spoof program, so I   40   to make the app.

I persuaded my parents to pay the 99-dollar-fee, and my apps are on the app store. I’ve got a lot of   41   from my family, friends and even the staff at the Apple Store. And that’s been   42   help  to me. I’ve also got a lot of inspiration from Steve Jobs. After I   43   an Apple Club at school, a teacher is   44   spon- soring my Apply Club. Any student at my school can come and   45   how to design an app. This is how I can share my   46   with others.

These programs are called the iPad Pilot Program(试点计划)and I’m   47   enough to be part of one. A big   48   is: How should the iPads be used and what apps should we put on the iPads? So we’re getting xkb1.com

49   from teachers at this school to see what kind of apps they’d like. When we finish designing the app and   50   it, it will be free to local districts but   51   to others. All the   52   from that will go into the local Education Foundations. This is valuable to   53  , and educators should recognize this resource and   54   it.

I’d like to create more apps, more games.   55  , I’ll continue my app club and find other ways for students to share knowledge with others. Thank you.

36. A. love    B. demand    C. pain     D. patience

37. A. tell     B. share     C. speak     D. talk

38. A. why    B. where     C. which     D. what

39. A. distant    B. magic     C. favorite     D. ordinary

40. A. decided    B. deserved    C. imagined    D. insisted

41. A. pleasure    B. support      C. comfort    D. pressure

42. A. normal    B. limited    C. serious    D. huge

43. A. entered    B. closed     C. joined     D. started

44. A. calmly    B. unwillingly    C. kindly     D. fairly

45. A. learn     B. wonder    C. look        D. teach

46. A. cost    B. worry     C. experience     D. secret

47. A. upset    B. fortunate     C. disappo inted   D. anxious

48. A. challenge    B. solution    C. dream     D. success

49. A. troubles     B. problems    C. gifts     D. comments

50. A. sell     B. buy     C. hire     D. offer

51. A. cheap    B. chargeable     C. convenient    D. acceptable

52. A. payment   B. salary     C. money     D. debts

53. A. pupils    B. me     C. officials    D. teachers

54. A. set aside   B. look into    C. make good use of  D. put forward

55. A. However    B. Meanwhile    C. Therefore     D. Otherwise

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



One summer on my way to New Orleans, I passed a young man standing by the roadside, with his thumb out for a lift. I drove right by him. Now you’re a fool for helping. “I don’t want to get involved” seems to have become a national motto.

Several days later I was thinking about the hitchhiker, about how I didn’t even move my foot off the accelerator(加速踏板)for him.

“Does anyone stop any more?” I wondered. Blanche Dubois once said: “I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.” Was that possible these days? One way to test this would be for a person to journey across the US without any money, just relying on the others’ good will. What would happen?

The idea interested me. So I decided to really do it. Without a penny, for six weeks I hitched 82 rides and covered 4,223 miles across 14 states. I would only accept offers of rides, food and places to sleep.

I found people were generally compassionate. Hearing I had no money and would accept none, people bought me food and gave me necessities. Those who had the least to give often gave the most. In Nebraska, a house painter named Mike  noted the freezing weather and gave me a big army-style jacket. A lumber-mill worker in Michigan named Tim invited me to a simple dinner with his family in their shabby house. Then he offered me a tent.

I was treated kindly everywhere I went, amazed by people’s readiness to help a stranger and feeling grateful to all the warm-hearted people. My faith in ordinary folks was renewed. It turns out you can still depend on the kindness of strangers.

56. How did the author felt days after he refused to give the young man a ride?

A. Guilty.         B. Worried.          C. Confused.         D. Satisfied.

57. Why did the author decide to go on a hitchhiking journey without any money?

A. To test his doubts about people’s kindness.

B. To experience the fun of hitchhiking.

C. To call for trust and love among people.

D. To have a cool and romantic journey.

58. The underlined word “compassionate” in Paragraph 5 most probably means ________.

A. reliable     B. warm-hearted    C. loyal      D. responsible

59. During the author’s journey, ________.

A. his puzzle about people strengthened

B. he found poor people more eager to help

C. he learned m any survival skills

D. he didn’t receive as much help as he had expected

60. Which can be the best title of the story?

A. A crazy journey.       B. Never get involved.

C. Sweet memories.       D. Believe in people’s kindness.


If you are looking for a creative solution to a piece of work or a school assignment, don’t lock yourself up in a quiet room.

A new study suggests that moderate background noise is a better motivation to creative thinking than the sound of silence, Time magazine reported.

A paper published in the Journal of Consumer Research says that the perfect  working environment should buzz(嗡嗡作响)with a little noise.

Researchers found that test subjects were at their most creative state when background noise was measured at 70 decibels, the level one might find in a busy coffee shop.

A nearly silent environment (50 decibels) was too quiet. Turning up the volume to 85 decibels (a jackhammer tearing up the pavement outside your building) had an opposite effect—the noise became a distraction.

The researchers asked 65 students at the University of British Columbia, Canada, to perform various creative tasks while noises recorded at a roadside restaurant were played in the background.

In one experiment, scientists asked participants to brainstorm ideas for a new type of mattress (气垫). Test subjects had the most successful discussions when the noise in the background was noticeable but not too loud.

While a quiet environment may make it easier to read a book, the authors of the study say that moderate background noise creates just enough of a distraction to force people to think more imaginatively, without breaking their focus so completely that they can’t think at all.

Should we all head for Starbucks to get creative? Not necessarily.

Researchers found limited work time surrounded by the low-level noise of a coffeehouse is what really stimulates creativity.

Equally, working in a café environment isn’t good for everybody. The productivity boost was most obvious among those who were naturally creative to begin with.

61. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. The less noise, the better state of study.   B. Noise is no bad thing at any time.

C. Noise in the coffeehouse is enjoyable.    D. Moderate noise helps creativity.

62. The recommended level of background noise is ________.

A. 50 decibels    B. 65 decibels   C. 70 decibels   D. 85 decibels

63. Why is moderate background noise good for creativity?

A. It relaxes people and stops them from getting bored.

B. It can help people to focus on a subject.

C. It can absorb sudden noises that cause distraction.

D. It pushes people to use their imagination but doesn’t reach a level that disturbs them.

64. According to the last three paragraphs, ________.

A. the low-level noise of a coffeehouse may be too loud for people to work with

B. if a person is not a creative type, then background noise may not be of so much help to them

C. a person’s own creativity ability is as important as the environment they are in

D. working in a coffeehouse is creative for most people

65. Which can best describe the writer’s tone in the passage?

A. Passive     B. Objective   C. Enthusiastic   D. Doubtful


Here are brief introductions to some popular novels.

WATCHERS  Two mutants(突异变种), both changed from the animals they once were, escape and no one who encounters them will ever be the same again. A lonely widower, a ruthless assassin(刺客), a beautiful woman and a go vernment agent are drawn together in a deadly hunt. All four are cruelly propelled(推进)towards a fight with an evil beyond human imagining.

THE MASK  She had appeared out of nowhere in front of Carol’s car. She was a teenager with no past and no memory. Carol and Paul were instantly drawn to her, and they called her Jane — she was the daughter they never had. But then the questions began. Where had Jane come from? Who was the girl behind the mask?

THE FUNHOUSE  Young Ellen ran away, joined a carnival, married a man she grew to hate and gave birth to a child so ugly that she killed it. Years later she has a new husband and two children, Amy and Joey, but the time has come for Amy and Joey to pay for her sins(罪恶)as Amy is pregnant and the carnival is back in town.

LOVE STORY  He is Oliver Barrett Ⅳ, a rich jockey from a stuffy Wasp family on his way to a Harvard degree and a career in law. She is Jenny Cavilleri, a wisecracking working-class beauty studying music at Radcliffe. They are opposites in nearly every way. But they fall in love. This is their story.

66. Which novel is about a fierce fight between justice and evil?



67. According to the brief introduction to the novel THE FUNHOUSE, we can infer ________.

A. Ellen was a kind woman

B. Ellen didn’t get along well with her two husbands

C. the main plot has something to do with carnival

D. Amy and Joey hate their mother

68. If you like romantic stories, you would prefer to read ________.



69. What does the author try to express in the underlined sentence?

A. They are the same in every way.

B. They are quite different from each other in most aspects.

C. They have a lot in common.

D. They are attracted by each other.

70. THE MASK is probably ________ based on the brief introduction.

A. a tragedy           B. a science fiction

C. a mystery story        D. a comedy


Does your school have any problems with discipline? What happens when students step out of line?

Here are some examples of bad behaviour:

• Playing truant (missing school without permission from parents).

• Stealing, smoking, hitting, swearing, running, kissing.

• Cheating on exams.

• Calling a teacher or another pupil a bad name.

• Not doing homework.

• Not listening or not paying attention in lessons.

• Wearing unsuitable clothes.

Here are some of the ways that UK school children can be punished:

• Exclusion: a pupil is asked to leave the school and not come back. The pupil has to find a new school or a different method of education.

• Suspension: a pupil cannot enter the building or attend lessons until the school has a meeting about their situation. Suspension can last from one to 45 days. The pupil is usually given work to do at home with a special teacher.

• Detention: a pupil is asked to stay after school and work for 30-60 minutes before they can leave.

• Lines: a pupil has to write a sentence many times (e.g. 100 or more) on a sheet of paper, e.g. “I must not shout in class.”

Freya MacDonald, a 15-year-old pupil from Scotland, made the news when she refused to accept her school’s punishment. Her family says that she was given 11 detentions for trivial things such as having fizzy drinks in class and coming into school through a fire door.

Freya says that repeated detentions ruined her right to an education under Scottish law and made it difficult for her to learn. So she refused to return until the school respected her civil ri ghts. She wants the headmaster and her teachers to sign a letter to promise this. Hundreds of schools in Scotland were told not to use detention as a punishment because of her legal action.

Many UK schools now give parents a home&school contract, explaining their discipline and rules. Parents must sign this document to agree that they accept the school’s rules and discipline and that they are responsible for their child’s behaviour.

71. What is the main purpose of the text?

A. To list common bad behavior in UK schools.

B. To show how UK schools deal with students’ parents.

C. To find out why more and more pupils break rules in UK schools.

D. To introduce how UK schools punish students with their discipline.

72. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A. Playing truant means using bad language.

B. You can wear anything you want in UK schools.

C. Exclusion is the most serious punishment in UK schools.

D. If suspended, the child will miss schoolwork.

73. Given her detentions, what did Freya do?

A. She used the law to argue for her civil right.

B. She forced the school to respect her civil rights.

C. She demanded that her teachers remove the punishment.

D. She would never return to the school.

74. The underlined phrase “make the news” is closest in meaning to ________.

A. covering the story      B. correcting her behavior

C. accepting an interview     D. making her story the focus

75. According to the text, the home&school contract is intended to ________.

A. help parents learn more about their child’s performance at school

B. make parents reach agreement with the school rules

C. remind parents to teach their children school rules

D. ask parents to spend more time with their children

第二卷(非选择题  满分35分)

第四部分  写作(共两节, 满分35分)

第一节  阅读表达(共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)


[1]Cold weather is no excuse to avoid outdoor exercise with your dog. Along with making sure you are appropriately dressed, your dog should also be properly protected from it.

[2]Some large breed dogs such as Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds and Huskies can stand the colder weather better than others. These dogs may also develop a thicker coat over time as they are exposed to colder weather.

[3]Smaller breeds, ________, like Chihuahuas and Miniature Pinschers, breeds with short coats and puppies should wear some type of protection, i.e., a coat or sweater, if the t emperature drops too low. Look for coats or sweaters with high collars or a turtleneck that covers your dog from the base of the tail on top to the belly underneath.

Other tips

[4]When you bathe your dog, dry him completely before taking him out in the cold weather for a walk or exercise. It is especially important to keep your dog well groomed(打扮)during the winter months to protect him from cold weather.

[5]If your dog frequently participates in outdoor activities during the colder months, increase his food intake, especially protein, to help keep his coat grow thick and healthy. Dogs that are not as active during the winter months may need to have their food consumption reduced.

[6]The amount of time you spend outside with your dog will depend on his size, breed type and age. Remember that ill or elderly dogs are more sensitive to cold weather. Dogs whom cold weather agrees with can spend hours outside without getting cold but some of the smaller and younger dogs’ exercise sessions should be kept shorter. Dogs should not be left outside unattended.

[7]Another activity to consider is doggie daycare, which is an excellent alternative during cold weather months. It’s a great place for your dog to get plenty of physical and mental stimulation while being with other dogs.

76. What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 10 words)


77. What does the word “it” (Line 2, Paragraph 1) probably refer to? (no more than 3 words)


78. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 3 words)

Smaller breeds, ________, like Chihuahuas and Miniature Pinschers, breeds with short coats and puppies

should wear some type of protection if the temperature drops too low.

79. According to Paragraph 5, what kind of dogs should be given more food in winter months? (no more

than 10 words)


80. List at least two factors which decide how long you can walk your dog outside? (no more than 8 words)


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

下个月校报编辑部将为同学们开设“Say you, say me”专栏。现在请你根据以下提示内容写一篇短文,向校报投稿。

1) 给你留下印象最深的同学是谁?

2) 他(她)做了什么事情让你印象深刻?

3) 你从此事中悟到了什么?





I’d like to say something about





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