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1.Robbery is not ________(常见的)in this area.

2.There are not many ________(区别) between British and American grammar.

3.Playing the piano well requires a lot of p________.

4.She speaks English with an Australian ________(口音).

5.The children here are quite ________(友好的).

6.He always has an ________(乐观的) view about something.

答案:1.common 2.differences 3.practice 4.accent 5.friendly 6.optimistic


1.What do these achievements have ________, Professor Li?

A.in total         B.in general

C.in common   D.in short

答案:C 句意是:李教授,这些成就有什么共同点?in total“总计;合计”;in general“一般说来”;in common“共同的”;in short“简言之”。

2.A new ________ bus service to Tianjin Airport started two months ago.

A.normal   B.usual

C.regular   D.common

答案:C 句意是:两个月前,一趟定时发往天津机场的班车开始运行了。normal“正常的”;usual“通常的”;regular“定期的”;common“普通的”。

3.I don't like his works. ________, I am busy. I know little about his hero ________ that he is a police officer.

A.Besides; except   B.Beside; except

C.Besides; besides   D.Except; except

答案:A 本题考查besides和except的用法区别,besides在此是副词,表示“而且;此外”。而except后面可跟从句。依语境,besides和except为正确选项,故选A。

4.—Have you passed the English exam?

—Well, success is ________ my grasp now.

A.within   B.at

C.around   D.on

答案:A 句意是:“——你通过英语考试了没有?”“——噢,成功在望。”within one's grasp的意思是“为某人的能力之所及”。

5.The technical cooperation and cultural ______ between our nation and other countries are daily on the increase.

A.change   B.exchange

C.attraction   D.interoperation

答案:B 句意是:我国与其他国家之间的技术合作和文化交流正在与日俱增。此句中exchange作名词,意为“交流”。

6.—I'm going swimming with my uncle in the East Lake this weekend.


A.Good idea   B.That's all right

C.Take care   D.Have fun

答案:D 句意是:“——这个周末我准备与叔叔去东湖游泳。”“——祝你玩得开心。”Have fun常用来表示祝愿。Good idea表示同意对方的建议;That's all right用于回应别人的感谢或道歉,意为“不用谢;没关系”;Take care用来提醒对方,意为“小心”。

7.The Foreign Minister said, “________ our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.”

A.This is   B.There is

C.That is   D.It is

答案:D 本句主语是that引导的主语从句,由于主语太长,用it作形式主语,因此选D。

8.The Summer Olympics ________ about two weeks and the summer athletic events are ______ five categories.

A.run for; divided into

B.go for; split into

C.run for; separated into

D.go on for; broken into

答案:A 第一个空可用run for或go on for,后接时间段表示持续某段时间;第二个空可用divided into或split into,指夏季体育项目被划分为五个类别。go for“去找;设法获取;拥护”;break into意为“闯入;突然发出”。

9.In our daily life, everyone fails every now and then. It is how you react that makes a ________.

A.development   B.difference

C.progress   D.point

答案:B 句意是:日常生活中,每个人都会偶尔失败。真正重要的是你对此的反应。 make a difference表示“重要”;progress和development是不可数名词;make a point表示“立论”。

10.—Could you please tell me more about how the advanced machine works?

—Sorry, I'm an outsider. I know nothing else ________ you know now.

A.except for   B.but that

C.except what   D.but for

答案:C 答语的意思是:对不起,我是门外汉。除了你现在了解的情况外,我也一无所知。except后面可接what引导的宾语从句,what作know的宾语。













1.It is a fact that British and American English have a lot/much in common.

2.I didn't tell him anything except that I needed the money.

3.He finds it hard to live within his income.

4.The teacher divided our class into five groups.

5.The rain didn't make much difference to the game.




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