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高二英语第五单元检测题第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1.How many bags of bananas does the woman buy?

A.2 bags.   B.3 bags.   C.4 bags.

2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At a restaurant.

B.In a park.

C.At the kitchen.

3.What does the man want the woman to do?

A.Join their club.

B.Do some exercises.

C.Find a basketball teacher.

4.How much will the woman pay?

A.$150.  B.$120.  C.$115.

5.How many children do the woman’s parents have?

A.One.  B.Two.  C.Three.




6.What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Mother and son.


7.How long did the man spend getting to his classroom?

A.20 minutes.  B.40 minutes.  C.45 minutes.


8.What number did the woman dial?

A.28602328.  B.28603282.  C.28602238.

9.What does the woman call Alan for?

A.To ask Alan to play tennis with her.

B.To tell Alan she can’t play tennis with him.

C.To borrow a tennis racket from Alan.

10.What’s the problem with the woman’s rackets?

A.They are broken.

B.They are being repaired.

C.They have been lost in her mom’s car.


11.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a pizza house.

B.On the telephone.

C.In the man’s house.

12.What did the man order?

A.A medium pizza and a large pizza.

B.A small pizza and a medium pizza.

C.A small pizza and a large pizza.

13.How much will the man need to pay?

A.$18.  B.$25.  C.$43.


14.When did Julie miss Professor Smith’s class?

A.Last Tuesday.

B.Last Thursday.

C.Last Friday.

15.What trouble does Julie have?

A.Her mother is ill.

B.She can’t keep up with the class.

C.She doesn’t know how to do her homework.

16.What’s the homework of last class?

A.Listen to some tapes on the topic of Chapter 3.

B.Write an essay on the topic of Chapter 3.

C.Prepare more study materials for Chapter 3.

17.What does Professor Smith suggest?

A.Doing more exercises after class.

B.Taping the lectures and listening afterwards.

C.Asking some other students for help.


18.What can you know from the passage?

A.The family party is usually held on weekend.

B.The family party usually lasts 45 days.

C.The speaker comes back to hometown once a year.

19.What did the speaker bring to the family party?


B.Cookies and cakes.

C.Chips and dip.

20.What does the speaker think of the family party?

A.It is a family reunion.

B.It is noisy.

C.It is an honor.


(Text 1)

M:Bananas!Very cheap!Two dollars a bag!Yes,madam?

W:Six dollars,please.

(Text 2)

W:Is everything all right,sir?

M:Yes.All the dishes are delicious and the service is excellent.Thank you.

(Text 3)

M:Which club do you want to join?I am a member of the basketball club.Do you want to join us?

W:But I don’t know how to play basketball.

M:Don’t worry about it.Our school coach will teach you.

(Text 4)

W:This dress is really nice!How much is it?

M:One hundred and fifty dollars.

W:Oh,no!What about the other one over here?

M:That’s one hundred and twenty dollars.

W:I’ll take it.

(Text 5)

M:Woo,so you have a big family?

W:Not really.But it’s not small.I have two sisters and the older one is married.

M:Does she have any children?

W:Yes.She just gave birth to twins last May.

(Text 6)

W:Welcome back,dear.How was your first day at school?

M:Actually,I’m a little tired.The class started at 9 o’clock,and I was 5 minutes late.

W:But you left home at 8∶20.

M:I got lost.I could not find my classroom.

W:So will you leave home earlier tomorrow morning?

M:I’ve got familiar with my school.I won’t be late again.

(Text 7)

W:Hello,is that 28602238?

M:Yes.It’s David speaking.Who is that?

W:It’s Mary.David,is Alan in?

M:Sorry.He is not in right now.May I take a message?

W:Yes.We decided to play tennis tonight.And I promised to lend him a racket because his racket was broken.But when I got home,my mom told me that the rackets were in her car and she just sent her car to be repaired.

M:OK.I will tell Alan that you can’t play tennis with him tonight.

W:Please tell him that I’m sorry and we can fix another time if he still wants to go.

M:No problem.

(Text 8)

W:Good morning,Pizza House.This is Mary speaking.May I take your order?

M:Yes.I’d like a medium pizza with pepperoni,olives and extra cheese.

W:We have a two­for­one special on large pizzas.Would you like a large pizza instead?

M:OK.That sounds good.

W:OK!Anything else?

M:Yes.A small one,please.Make it with ham,pineapple and green peppers.

W:OK.Your total is  $43.

M:What?How much is it?

W:$ 25 for a large one and $ 18 for a small one.

M:OK.How can I pay?Cash?

W:Yes.You can give the money to the delivery boy.

M:That sounds convenient.

(Text 9)

M:Come in,please.

W:Hello,Professor Smith.I’m Julie Taylor.

M:Hi,Julie.Have a seat.What can I do for you?

W:I’ve come to see you because I missed your class last Thursday.My mum was ill.

M:I’m sorry to hear that.Have you got the notes from another student?

W:Yes,I have.Thank you.Did you give any homework?

M:Yes.I asked you to write an essay on the topic of Chapter 3.

W:I see.Is there any requirement for the essay?

M:Yes.It should be 8 to 10 pages,and you should write it in French.

W:Thank you.When should we hand in the essay?

M:You should finish it within two weeks.

W:Thank you.And,Mr.Smith,I have a problem now.I can’t keep up with your class.Is there anything you would suggest?

M:Some students record the lectures on tapes and listen to them afterwards.That seems to help.

W:That’s a great idea.I’ll definitely try that.

M:If you have any other problem,you can ask me after class.

W:Thanks a lot.

M:No problem.See you in class.

W:See you.

(Text 10)

I visit my hometown about once a year.This year,I was in town for about five days and there was a family get­together.It wasn’t a family reunion because some family members didn’t go back,but still,about 45 people showed up.

Our family parties are always held at the home of one of my brothers or sisters.We never have formal dinner parties and so we never need to cook.At the family party,some people brought casseroles,some brought chips and dip,and some brought cookies and cakes for dessert.I usually don’t have to bring anything since I’m the guest of honor.

There is always a lot of talking and laughing at our family parties.Someone always brings up old childhood memories or a funny story from the old days.Some people may think that this kind of family get­together is tiring.Because when they ask me what it’s like to be part of such a big family,I always tell them one thing:It’s noisy!

答案:1~5BAABC 6~10BCCBC

11~15BCCBB 16~20BBCAB

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. If a person develops an H1N1,it is ________ to get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once.

A.serious        B.anxious

C.vital   D.previous

解析:选C。 考查词义辨析。serious严重的;anxious不安的;vital至关重要的;previous在先的。句意:如果一个人患上甲型HlNl流感,马上送患者去看医生或去医院是至关重要的。只有C项符合题意。

22.________ a certain doubt among the people as to the practical value of the project.

A.It has   B.They have

C.It remains   D.There remains

解析:选D。考查there be结构。remain替代了be动词。

23.You can make a complaint to the local government ________ you are happy with the way things are.

A.unless   B.if

C.once   D.as


24.I feel greatly honored ________ into their society.

A.to welcome   B.welcoming

C.to be welcomed   D.welcomed


25.For miles around me,there was nothing but a desert,without a single tree ________.

A.in sight   B.on earth

C.at a distance   D.in place

解析:选A。in sight在视野之中。at a distance在远方,与所提供的语境for miles around me矛盾。in place“在原来的地方;在合适的位置”。

26.The Beatles,________ many of you are old enough to remember,came from Liverpool.

A.what   B.that

C.how   D.as


27.Some researchers believe that there is no doubt ________ a cure for AIDS will be found.

A.which   B.that

C.what   D.whether

解析:选B。there is no doubt that...是固定句型,意为“毫无疑问……”。

28.After a fire broke out in the lab,a lot of equipment ________.

A.is damaged   B.had damaged

C.damaged   D.was damaged

解析:选D。equipment是不可数名词,根据语境,火灾发生在过去,很多设备被毁坏,因此选择was damaged。

29.The number of people invited ________ fifty,but a number of them ________ absent for different reasons.

A.were;was   B.was;was

C.was;were   D.were; were

解析:选C。the number of意为“……的数量”,作主语时谓语用单数形式;a number of意为“许多”,作主语时谓语用复数形式。

30.—I’ll be away on a business trip.Would you mind looking after my cat?

—Not at all.________.

A.I’ve no time   B.I’d rather not

C.I’d like it   D.I’d be happy to


31.He was ________ in the battle and had his leg broken.

A.hurt   B.injured

C.damaged   D. wounded


32.The flowers his friend gave him will die unless ________ every day.

A.watered   B.watering

C.water   D.to water

解析:选A。 在when,while,if,as if,though,although,as,until,once,whether,unless等连接的状语从句中常省略跟主语相同的主语和系动词be。该句中watered 前省略了they are。句意为:他朋友给他的这些花如果不每天浇水就会死。

33.Peter has been out of work for half a year,so he wants to ________ a job in this company.

A.prepare for   B.apply for

C.wait for   D.care for

解析:选B。apply for意为“申请”;prepare for“为……作准备”;care for“喜欢;照料”。

34.—Do remember to see a doctor tomorrow.

— ________.

A.Got it   B.Heard it

C.Made it   D.Taken it

解析:选A。“Got it”口语中常表示“知道了”、“明白了”。句意:“务必记住明天去看医生!”“明白。”

35.The price of the computer sold on www.taobao.corn vary from ¥1,000 to more than  ¥6,000,________ the brands and qualities.

A.depended on   B.depending on

C.decided on   D.deciding on

解析:选B。 考查非谓语动词短语。物品的价格根据品牌和质量而有所变化,要用depend on,且表示主动,故用现在分词形式。而decide on一般表示主语对某事做出判断和决定。

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


I was coaching girls’ track in Iowa.There was a young discus (铁饼) thrower on the team with __36__ potential (潜能).Here goes her story. www.xkb1.com

At the end of our training __37__ the district track meet,this discus thrower,Lucy,asked me if she __38__ come to the school on Sunday for a little __39__ training.I agreed.The year before,she had been __40__ second at the district meet and narrowly missed going to the state meet.She had won every discus event,__41__ that district meet!And,her throws in the competitions had __42__ been between 106.1 feet and 110.1 feet.

Something began to __43__ me.Why couldn’t Lucy __44__ to get the discus to 111 feet?I wondered if it was more a psychological barrier __45__ a physical one.I decided to try something __46__.I made up my mind to __47__ to Lucy.

On Sunday,after her drills (训练),I said,“Why don’t you throw five or six good ones for me to __48__?”She began to throw again,but __49__ were farther than what she had already thrown.But,I didn’t tell Lucy.As I was measuring the __50__ one,I pulled out some more tape (量尺) and yelled out to her,“Come to see this!This one is __51__!”It wasn’t.Lucy,thinking that this was a personal best,jumped wildly into the air in __52__.

The next afternoon,at the district meet,Lucy __53__ with a personal best throw of 114.1 feet!Just 24 hours after I had lied to her.However,this time she had __54__ thrown the discus four feet further than she had ever thrown it before.

Sometimes we __55__ our own barriers in our mind.So learn to take control of your mind.

36.A.little   B.great

C.no   D.limited


37.A.after   B.during

C.since   D.before


38.A.could   B.must

C.should   D.would


39.A.helpful   B.extra

C.real   D.regular


40.A.put   B.stood

C.placed   D.replaced


41.A.except   B.including

C.despite   D.with


42.A.sometimes   B.always

C.never   D.seldom

解析:选B。由下一段的111 feet可推知露西这一段时间的成绩总是在106.1到110.1英尺之间。

43.A.frighten   B.please

C.shock   D.trouble


44.A.seem   B.pretend

C.need   D.ask


45.A.apart from   B.rather than

C.because of   D.according to

解析:选B。rather than“而不是”,指作者认为露西的问题在于她的心理因素,而不是身体因素。apart from“除……之外,还有”;because of“因为”;according to“根据”。

46.A.impossible   B.familiar

C.new   D.easy


47.A.lie   B.turn

C.reply   D.call


48.A.look   B.measure

C.match   D.take


49.A.many   B.all

C.some   D.none


50.A.worst   B.closest

C.first   D.final


51.A.higher   B.farther

C.bigger   D.longer


52.A.excitement   B.anxiety

C.puzzlement   D.anger


53.A.disappeared   B.lost

C.won   D.arrived

解析:选C。由114.1 feet可知露西赢了区运动会。

54.A.actually   B.hardly

C.nearly   D.only


55.A.break   B.remove

C.take    D.set

解析:选D。set barrier“设置障碍”,指有时候是我们自己设置了障碍。

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



Falls are common in young children and older people.Although most result in mild bumps and bruises,some falls can cause serious injuries that require immediate medical attention.

What to do:

Do not move the person and call for emergency help if the person:

•may have seriously injured the head,neck,back,hipbones or thighs

•is unconscious or was briefly unconscious

•is having difficulty breathing

•isn’t breathing (starts CPR)

•has a seizure(癫痫突然发作)

•has clear fluid or blood coming from the nose,ears or mouth

Call a doctor or seek medical attention if the person:

•becomes very sleepy and is very difficult to wake up

•brings up more than two or three times

•complains of neck or back pains

•complains of increasing pain anywhere on the body

•isn’t walking normally

•doesn’t seem to be focusing his or her eyes normally

•has any behaviour or symptoms that worry you

If you think it’s safe to move the person:

•place a cold compress (敷布) or ice pack on any bumps or bruises

•give acetaminophen (解热镇痛药) for pain

•let the person rest,as needed,for the next few hours

•watch the person closely for the next 24 hours for any unusual symptoms or behaviour

Never leave young children on any bed or other furniture unsupervised(未监督).Always strap(用带捆住) children into high chairs,changing tables,shopping carts,and strollers.Always buckle(扣住) kids into age­appropriate safety seats when riding in motor vehicles,and make sure they always wears helmets when biking or skating or when using skateboards or scooters(踏板车).

56.What is the text mainly about?

A.Falls can’t cause serious injuries.

B.Ways to deal with falls.

C.Ways to prevent falls.

D.Falls happen to kids.

解析:选B。主旨大意题。根据文中的黑体字what to do以及下面的内容,可以看出本文是一篇介绍如何处理“跌倒”的文章,故答案为B。

57.You mustn’t move the person if he ________.

A.isn’t walking normally

B.becomes very sleepy

C.isn’t breathing

D.brings up more than twice

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一个标题中的第四条isn’t breathing可知,在伤者不呼吸的情况下不能移动他。

58.If a person bleeds from his mouth after the accident,what should you do?

A.Shake him forth and back.

B.Move him to another place.

C.Give him some medicine to have.

D.Let him stay where he is.


59.Which of the following will be the best title for the last paragraph?

A.Prevent Your Kids   B.Place Furniture Well

C.Wear Helmets   D.Prevent Fall



For years,drugs have been one of the major destroyers of people’s lives,as well as their families.The people who do drugs might not even realize that what they’re doing has changed the lives of not only themselves,but of the people close to them in their lives.

People on drugs have usually become addicted because of the fact that they’ve used drugs for years and have always used drugs to deal with their problems.Finally,they have no other way to deal with their problems and use other drugs to eliminate the feelings caused by other life problems.

There are several ways to get rid of (摆脱) drug addiction.The first step,as I’m sure you have heard hundreds of times,is to realize that there’s a problem.If someone in your life has been doing drugs,you’ll need to let them know that it’s hurting more than just them.

Once you’ve gotten them to realize this,if possible,you’ll need to find help for them.You’ll need a way to work out the problems in life that drag (拉) them towards drugs,or to create something else that will keep these people away from drugs.

Sometimes other addictions are in line.For example,most heavy drinkers suffer from depression (抑郁症).Over 40% of Americans suffer from depression,and over 60% of the male population of these people have turned towards drinking to deal with their problems connected with depression.This greatly increases the chances of spousal (配偶的) and child abuse (虐待),as well as many other horrible effects of alcohol.

When someone becomes addicted to drugs,you need to deal with it immediately.Help him get rid of the problem before it turns into one which cannot be controlled.

【解题导语】 吸毒不仅仅对个人有害,也严重影响着所有和吸毒者亲近的人。文章分析了吸毒行为的深层原因,也介绍了帮助他人戒除毒瘾的一些做法。

60.The passage is mainly about ________.

A.why Americans suffer from depression and how to help them get over it

B.the family life of those who take drugs

C.the bad effects of taking drugs and how to help a drug addict

D.the number one destroyer of people’s lives


61.The underlined word “eliminate” in the second paragraph probably means “________”.

A.give in   B.get rid of

C.make use of   D.give up

解析:选B。词义猜测题。第二段第一句提到:吸毒的人通常对毒品上瘾是因为他们好多年来一直在使用毒品,而且总是把吸毒作为逃避问题的方法。所以该句话是说:最后他们没有办法,只好寻求更多的毒品来摆脱(get rid of)更多的生活问题带来的情绪。

62.According to the passage,why do people become addicted to drugs?

A.Because they want to keep on being excited.

B.Because they want to try something different.

C.Because their friends persuade them to get drugs.

D.Because they get used to dealing with problems with drugs.


63.What can you do to help your friend to give up his/her drug addiction?

A.Tell him/her it’s harmful.

B.Try to know about his/her family.

C.Take drugs away from him/her.

D.Do what you are interested in.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第三段中的If someone in your life has been doing drugs,you’ll need to let them know that it’s hurting more than just them.可知,如果你发现有人吸毒,可以告诉他/她毒品是有害的,不仅伤害他们自己,也伤害所有和他/她亲近的人。


Giving Back

Fair Way

The Westborough High School golf team had taken the official photos with the state prize.The other teams,disappointed,were on the bus heading home.And then Westborough instructor Greg Rota noticed something wrong on one of the score cards.A 9 had been recorded as a 7.They were not the state prize winner;Woburn High had won.“No one would have known,”said Woburn’s instructor,Bob Doran.For Rota,it wasn’t a difficult decision,“The prize wasn’t ours to take.”

Coin Stars

“College students are lazy,but they also want to help,”says University of Pennsylvania graduate Dana Hork.So she made it easy,placing cups in rooms where students could leave their spare coins,and handing out cups to first­year students to keep in their rooms.Her“Change for Change”effort has collected $40,000 for charities (慈善机构),which were decided upon by students.

Never Forgotten

A school in Massachusetts received a $9.5 million check from Jacques LeBermuth.But it took officials several days of digging to discover his connection to the school.Records showed the LeBermuth came from Belgium and studied in the school in the 1920s.When his family fell on hard times,he was offered free room and board.LeBermuth became a trader,owned shares of AT&T and lived off the earnings until he died,at age 89.

【解题导语】 本篇是就Giving Back(归还,回报)这一主题展开的三篇小短文。

64.What did Greg Rota probably do in the end?

A.Took photos of Doran.

B.Had a meeting with Doran.

C.Returned the prize to the organizer.

D.Apologized to Woburn High School.

解析:选C。推理判断题。由Fair Way(公平,公正)短文,尤其是最后一句it wasn’t a difficult decision,“The prize wasn’t ours to take.”可知,Rota发现了记分错误,并决定把他们不应该获的奖还回组委会。故答案为C。

65.Greg Rota’s decision shows that he was ________.

A.honest   B.polite

C.careful   D.friendly

解析:选A。推理判断题。Greg  Rota知道奖品本不该属于自己时就马上决定退回奖品,说明他很诚实。

66.The underlined word “Change” in the second paragraph means ________.

A.idea   B.decision

C.cups   D.coins

解析:选D。细节推理题。change作为名词,在英语中常见的意思有两个:变化和零钱。第二篇短文描述了宾西法尼亚大学的“Change for Change(零钱换来改变)”的活动。学生们把spare coins(零钱)收集起来,捐献给慈善机构。故答案为D。

67.What did the school officials do after receiving the check from Mr.LeBermuth?

A.They tried to find out why he gave them the money.

B.They went to Belgium to pay their respects to him.

C.They dug out the records that were buried underground.

D.They decided to offer their students free room and board.

解析:选A。事实细节题。由but it took officials several days of digging to discover his connection...一句可知,学校收到支票后,花了好几天才查清Jacques LeBermuth与学校的联系。故答案为A。


A daughter’s duty?Adult daughters are often expected to caregive for older parents.In 2007,Jorjan Sarich and her dad moved from California to Idaho.It was where he wanted to live his rest time.

“I left my occupation,I left my friends;he did the same thing,”said Sarich,who bought a house with her father,George Snyder,in the China Gardens neighborhood of Hailey after his health began to decline.Though a graduate student struggling to finish her dissertation(论文),Sarich chose to be her dad’s full­time caregiver.

“It’s only now,several years later,that I’m realizing how much work it was.It’s the kind of exhaustion(疲惫)that sleep doesn’t cure,” she said.

About 6 million Americans provide care to elderly relatives or friends living outside of nursing homes.Laurel Kennedy,author of“The Daughter Trap”(Thomas Dunne Books,$25.95),says that women bear a disproportionate(不成比例的)share of the burden—about 70 percent of hands­on caregiving such as bathing.

“I want to be clear: Women don’t hate this,” Kennedy said.“What they hate is that everyone just assumes they’ll do it.”

Kennedy is calling for a_social_revolution equal to the rise of affordable child care and day care: Employers should help working caregivers by offering accommodations.Men should step up more often.It’s unfair that women are always chosen to provide care for an elderly family member.

Despite the hard work it took on Sarich—interrupted sleep and the knowledge that his 2009 death was the end game,she would do it again.Since about half a century had gone by,she wasn’t the person he remembered,and he wasn’t the person she remembered either.Caring for her father changed how each saw the other.

68.Why did Jorjan Sarich caregive for her father?

A.It was a very easy job.

B.She had no work to do.

C.It was the social practice.

D. She lived with her father.

解析:选C。推理判断题。practice意为“惯例;习俗”,根据第一段 Adult daughters are often expected to caregive for older parents.和第四、五、六段可知,女儿照料年迈的父母被认为是一种社会的习俗。Laurel Kennedy提出总是由妇女对年迈的父母提供护理是不公平的。

69.What can we infer from the book“The Daughter Trap”?

A.Daughters don’t like caregiving.

B.Daughters devote a lot to caregiving.

C.Caregiving is daughters’ duty.

D.Caregiving should be sons’ duty.

解析:选B。细节推断题。“The Daughter Trap”一书重点写了女儿在照料年迈的父母中承担了大量的工作,然而他们毫无怨言。Kennedy呼吁一场社会的变革,应当像照料孩子那样重视老年人养老问题,儿子也应积极承担更多的责任。

70.What does the underlined phrase“a social revolution” in Paragrarph 6 refer to?

A.The child care revolution.

B.The reform in day care.

C.The social development.

D.The change in caregiving.


71.How many years did Jorjan Sarich work as her father’s full­time caregiver?

A.Five years.   B.Only one year.

C.Four years.   D.Two years.



You are from a middle­class family,and live in a normal­size home without any showy possessions,but you are surrounded by surprising consumption(消费).This contrast is beginning to bother your 6­year­old son.You are worried that he will want to live as they do,and wonder if you should move.

Sometimes big pocket money,joyful birthday parties,special playrooms and super­big houses tell you that your neighbors probably have more money than you do,and that they’re not as careful as you are with money,but you may find that they cook and dig in the garden with their children just as often as you do,talk with them as freely and read to them every night.

Or you may find that some of these parents stay in one wing of their big house while their child plays by himself, way off in a wing of his own.In that unfortunate case,he is basically growing up alone without being looked after properly,but this can happen to a child who lives in a normal­size house,too,if he has a TV,a computer and a few video games in his room.Even the most caring parent doesn’t walk in and out of it to see what show her child is watching,what Internet site he has found and if he’s still playing that video game.

Too much uncontrolled screen time may lead to a certain loss of innocence(天真),but mostly this child will lose the sense of unity and satisfaction that comes from being in a family.

A neighborhood should also provide you with a sense of unity and satisfaction,and if it doesn’t,you might decide to move.Don’t judge your neighborhood too harshly(严厉地),though.There are some things that are right with almost any neighborhood and some things that are wrong with the best of them—like those super­big houses.The wealth of their owners—and the way they throw_money_around—may make your son feel sorry for himself,unless you help him understand that you and his dad save some of the money,give some to people who don’t have enough and use the rest to pay for whatever the family needs.

Children want—should be provided with—explanations when their parents don’t give them what they want.

72.What is the problem with the worried parent in the text?

A.Her house isn’t as big as her rich neighbors’.

B.Her son is left alone without anyone in charge.

C.She cannot provide her son with a special playroom.

D.She worries about the effect of her neighbors on her son.

解析:选D。细节判断题。根据“but you are surrounded by surprising consumption.”和“You are worried that he will want to live as they do.”周围邻居的高消费对孩子的影响令人担忧,选C。

73.In paragraphs 2 and 3,the author seems to agree that parents should ________.

A.spend more time with their children

B.give their children more freedom

C.work hard to lead a richer life

D.set an example for their children to follow


74.By saying “throw money around”(Paragraph 5),the author means that rich people ________.

A.spend money carelessly

B.save money for their children

C.help the poor people willingly

D.leave money all round the house

解析:选A。词义猜测题。throw money around的直接意思是“到处扔钱”。根据“may make your son feel sorry for himself, unless you help him understand that you and his dad save some of the money”可知有钱人“扔钱”是随意乱花的意思。

75.What is the main idea the author aims to express in the text?

A.Children are unfortunate to have poor parents.

B.Children should enjoy their comfortable life.

C.Children need proper guidance from their parents.

D.Children feel ashamed of themselves in a rich neighborhood.



第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


I had been thinking of the test result

on my way to school.When I walked into

the classroom,the teacher was handing

o________ the test papers.I was feeling 76.________

very n________.I had not studied at 77.________

________ at the weekend as I had thought 78.________

it would be an easy test.I went t________ 79.________

the paper many times but I could only an­

swer three out of the twenty ________. I80.________

did not want to fail in the exam.Then,I put

my book under my desk,________(打开) 81.________

it and started looking for the answers.

The teacher wasn’t looking at me,so I

________(抄) something.Suddenly,I felt  82.________

a hand on my s________!The teacher 83.________

caught me ________(作弊).I didn’t know  84.________

what to say.The teacher did not punish

me for my doings,________ I felt ashamed .85.________

答案:76.out 77.nervous 78.all/home 79.through

80.questions 81.opened 82.copied 83.shoulder 84.cheating 85.but

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)




3.参考词汇:安全意识awareness of safety;登记register;保安security guard

Dear Tom,

I’m glad to receive your letter and thank you for your concern about our students’ security.



We believe a safer school will provide a better learning environment for us students.


Li Hua


高二英语练习Fit for life同步  


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