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Text 8

W:Excuse me ,do you speak English ?

M:Yes ,a little .

W:I’m looking for a bank .

M:I’m sorry,could you say that again ,please ?

W:I’m looking for a bank .

M:There’s a bank just around the corner .I can show you where it is .

W:Thank you very much .That’s very kind of you .

M:That’s all right .

W:Your Englsih is very good .

M:I’m learnig English at evening classes .Are you here on holiday ?

W:No ,I’m giving some lectures at the university .

M:Well,I hope you enjoy yourself here .

Text 9

W:Before we finish ,tell me a little more about yourself .

M:All right ,After I left Harvard University in 1990 ,I went to work as an engineer in Maryland first ,After that I have been working in the National Motors Factory .I am married .My wife ,is a worker at the same factory .We have one child .

W:Yeah…er,…where are you from ?

M:I’m from New York .

W:Do you have any special interests ?

M:Yes ,I played the gutitar and I take dance lessons .

W:I see .Tell me ,do you have any questions for me or for my company ?

M:No ,I don’t think so .I enjoy the time you’ve taken to talk with me .

W:My pleasure .You will hear from us soon .And good luck !

M:Thank you very much .

Text 10

It was two weeks before Christmas ,and Mrs Smith was very busy .She bought a lot of Christmas cards to send her and her husband’s friends ,and put them on the table in the living room .Then, when her husband came home from work,she said to him ,“Here are the Christmas cards for our friends ,and here are some stamps ,a pen and our book of address.Will you please with the cards while I am cooking the dinner ?”

Mr Smith did not say anything ,but walked out of the living-room and went to his reading-room .Mrs Smith was very angry with him ,but didn’t say anything .

In a minute Mr Smith came back with a box full of Christmas cards .All of them had addressed and stamps on them .Mrs Smith was surprised .

“There are from last year .”he said to her ,“I forgot to post them all.”






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