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为了帮助学生们更好地学习高中英语,威廉希尔app 精心为大家搜集整理了“高二英语练习:高二英语同步测试题2听力材料一”,希望对大家的英语学习有所帮助!


Text 1

W:Tom began to swim in 1982 and he joined a swimming club in 1985.

M:Yes ,I know .He set a new world record in 1999.

Text 2

W:There are still so many things to prepare before the get—together .

M:I’d like to help .But I’m sorry I’ve got too much to do .

Text 3

W:Do you have any reason to believe that your case was stolen?

M:Yes .I left it beside this table half an hour ago ,but when I came back ,it was gone .

Text 4

W:Come to the blackboard and write down your answers.

M:I’m sorry I haven’t worked out the problems .

Text 5

W:What are you doing with that camera ?

M:Smile .I want a picture of you .

Text 6

M:I’d like to get a room ,please .Just for the weekend .

W:Friday ,Saturday and Sunday nights ?

M:That’s right .I’ll be leaving early Monday morning .

W:We have some single rooms with bath .They are on the third floor ,facing the sea .

M:What’s the price ?

W:Thirty dollars a day .And every room has a telephone and TV.

M:Here you are .Do I have to pay now ?

W:No.Pay when you check out .Here is your key.The bellboy will take your bags and show you to your room .

M:Thank you .

W:You are welcome.

Text 7

W:Do you like sports programmes ?

M:Yes I do ,eapecially the footaball.

W:Does your wife watch the football programme with you ?

W:No ,she doesn’t .She hates sports.

M:Now ,your children .Do they watch TV on Saturday ?

W:Yes ,they do.They watch children’s television in the morning .

W:Do they watch in the evening ?

M:No ,they don’t .They go to bed at 8 o’clock.






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