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为了帮助学生们更好地学习高中英语,威廉希尔app 精心为大家搜集整理了“高二英语练习:高二英语同步测试题2完形填空”,希望对大家的英语学习有所帮助!




After her husband has gone to work ,Mrs Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom .She was too 36 to do any housework that morning , 37 in the evening she would be going to an interesting fancy dress party (化妆舞会)with her husband .What she wanted to play was a terrible genie(妖怪)and as she 38 that special dress of hers the night before ,she was 39 to try it on . 40 the dress was nothing but a big piece of old cloth which was red ,green ,black and white ,it would be very effective(有效)to make her look like a real 41 .After putting it on Mrs Richards went 42 happily .She wanted to find out 43 it would be comfortable(舒适)to 44 .

Just as Mrs Richards was entering the dining-room there was a 45 at the door .She thought that it 46 be the baker(面包师) .She had told him to come straight in if she 47 to open the door and leave the bread on the kitchen table .Now not wanting to 48 the poor man ,Mrs Richards quickly hid in the small storeroom under the 49 .She heard the front door open and a man enter .When Mrs Richards realized that it was the man from the electricity board (供电局) who had come to 50 the meter(电表),she stepped out of the hiding-place in a 51 and tried to explain the matter ,saying with a smile ,“It’s only 52 ! It is not 53 for you to be 54 !”But it was too late .The man let out a sharp 55 and jumped back steps .Then he ran away ,shutting the door behind him with great force and noise .

36.A.angry B.ready C.frightened D.excited

37.A.for B.but C.as D.and

38.A.had liked B.put on C.wore D.had made

39.A.expected B.worried C.anxious D.nervous

40.A.Though B.But C.And D.If

41.A.baker B.genie C.man D.woman

42.A.downstairs B.upstairs C.away D.home

43.A.that B.how C.whether D.when

44.A.feel B.look C.dance D.wear

45.A.knock B.voice C.man D.baker

46.A.may B.must C.wouldn’t D.couldn’t

47.A.managed B.had C.tried D.failed

48.A.see B.frighten C.help D.scold(责备)

49.A.kitchen B.dining-room C.door D.stairs

50.A.read B.watch C.see D.write

51.A.way B.quick C.minute D.hurry

52.A.me B.you C.a game D.a play

53.A.good B.necessary C.late D.early

54.A.off B.here C.afraid D.sorry

55.A.cry B.laugh C.sound D.call






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