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为了帮助学生们更好地学习高中英语,威廉希尔app 精心为大家搜集整理了“高二英语练习:高二英语同步测试题2听力二”,希望对大家的英语学习有所帮助!



12.What is the woman doing ?

A.She is learning spoken English .

B.She is looking for a bank.

C.She is teaching spoken English .

13.Where does the conversation take place ?

A.At the university. B.In the street . C.In front of a bank .

14.Which of the following is most likely to be true ?

A.The woman is a foreign teacher .

B.The man is Englishman .

C.The woman is on holiday in a foreign country .


15.Where is the man working now ?

A.He is working as an engineer in Maryland .

B.He is teaching in Harvard University .

C.He is working in the National Motors Factory .

16.Who is Helen ?

A.The man’s friend who works in a car factory .

B.The man’s wife who works in a factory .

C.The man’s assistant who works for him .

17.Where did the man grow up ?

A.In Maryland . B.In New York. C.In Harvard University .


18.Why did Mrs Smith buy a lot of Christmas cards ?

A.To send to her friends .

B.To send to her and her husband’s relatives.

C.To send to her and her husband’s friends.

19.What were in the box Mr Smith brought out ?

A.Some stamps and a book of address.

B.Many Christmas cards with addresses and stamps on them .

C.Many letters he forgot to post .

20.How do you infer Mrs Smith felt when she knew her husband forgot to post last year’s Christmas cards ?

A.Very surprised. B.Very angry. C.Very disappointed.






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