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II. 单句改错。

1. Near 1.9 million guns were produced in the United States during the war.

2. A man who calls Thompson is waiting for you at the gate.

3. The professor is possible to go abroad to give a lecture next week.

4. Be careful. This kind of snake may be dead for humans.

5. Animals have developed their own senses which enable them survive their environments.

6. Many people think tigers are the most dangerous animals. But, there are still other dangerous animals.

7. Trying and stay in groups, and you will be safe.

8. The chances of attacking by a lion can be reduced if you obey the rules.

9. You can surf on the Internet to find out the information.

10. All of us should think about how design our TV show.

III. 下列各个句子。

1. 我赢得这场比赛的性是微小的。

The ________ ________ my winning the match are very slim.

2. 鱼靠吃草和类东西来维持生命。

This kind of fish ________ ________ ________ the grass and things like that.

3. 你听从你的英语老师的建议。

You’d better ________ ________ ________ of your English teacher.

4. 当攻击时,老虎等你从旁边。

When attacking ________ ________ ________,the tiger waits for you to pass by.

5. 我昨天一下午都在卧室睡觉的。(时)

I ________ ________ ________ in the bedroom the whole afternoon yesterday.

6. 都,苏州被公东方的威尼斯。

As we all know, Suzhou ________ ________________ the Venice in the East.

7. 当你考试失败时,你应该找出并原因。

When you fail in the exams, you should ________________ and analyze the causes.

8. 声音在好长一段距离以外都能听见。

This kind of sound can be heard ________ ________ ________ ________.

9. 而言,污染是非常的。

This kind of pollution problem is of great importance ________ ________ other problems.

10. 年轻人击中了李明的鼻子并迅速跑掉了。

The young man ________ Li Ming ________________ ________ and ran away quickly.


A 卷

I. 单项填空。(10分)

1. The manager has got a good business _______. So the company is doing well.

A. idea B. sense C. thought D. thinking

2. — Where is the new dictionary?

— Look,it’s on the top shelf,out of _______.

A. reach B. sight C. touch D. place

3. The speaker _______ at the audience and then began to make his speech.

A. glared B. stared C. glanced D. looked

4. Jack always finishes his work half way, and leaves _______ to be done by others.

A. the rest B. another C. the others D. other

5. The girl was frightened at the sight of a snake and her heart was _______ fast.

A. striking B. hitting C. beating D. jumping

6. To make our city a healthy one, the government is trying its best to _______ air, water and white pollution.

A. collect B. cure C. reduce D. warn

7. You can never miss the _______ to attend the competition, which is significant to you.

A. luck B. chance C. occasion D. accident

8. All this _______ that knowledge comes from practice.

A. speaks B. proves C. explains D. teaches

9. There was a large box behind the door and Peter couldn’t _______ falling over it in the darkness.

A. help B. resist C. avoid D. prevent

10. — David, what _______ of blood do you have?

— AB.

A. sort B. type C. category D. kind


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