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Tiny Tot's big adventure: Super Baby, a multimedia children's play co-produced by Beijing Children's Art Theater and Yeowoobi Animation Company of South Korea, is running at Beijing's Cultural Palace of Nationalities.

Adapted(改编) from a popular South Korean cartoon book by Korean writer Cho Soo Min , the play tells the story of the boy named Siqing, who sets out in search of adventure with his friend Weiwei, a dinosaur, and a panda to rescue his kidnapped grandfather.

In director Hang Cheng's eyes, it is a story of hope, dreams and courage.

He says it is a Chinese interpretation of Alice's Adventure in Wonderland, and Cheng hopes it could inspire the young audience members to love one another, treasure friendship and pursue their dreams.

Time: 7:30pm, until August 26

Place: 49 fuxingmen Neidajie Street, Xicheng District

Tel: 400 - 810 - 1887 , 5905 - 9082

Lords of the rings: The Chinese Acrobatics(杂技) Group, established in 1950, will put on a performance that includes traditional acrobatics, circus, magic, old Beijing folk plays and more.

The show blends(融合)music, dance, local opera and martial(军事的)arts with acrobatics.

Time: 7:30pm, daily

Place: Tiandi Theater, Dongsi Shitiao, 100 meters north of Poly Theater, Chaoyand District

Tel: 6416 - 9893

Fooling around: Dashan is taking to the stage with the otherwise all-Chinese cast of Chaoji Bendan, or Super Idiot. The play is an adaptation of the famous French comedy, Le diner de Cons (The dinner Game).

Dashan, or Mark Rowswell, is a Canadian who became a household name and popular TV host who speaks superb Chinese. He plays the role of Pierre Brochant, a successful Parisian publisher, who attends a weekly "idiots' (傻瓜)dinner". Each guest must bring along an "idiot" for the amusement of the other invitees. At the end of the dinner, the evevning's "champion idiot" is selected.

Time: 7:30pm, September 29~30

Place: Poly Theater, 14 Dongzhimen Nandajie, Dongcheng District

Tel: 6416 - 9990

Classic comeback: Chinese drama classic The Top Restaurant (Tianxia diyilou) will be staged by Beijing People's Art theater. Written by He Jiping, the drama has been one of the most popular Chinese theatrical works performed by the renowned(名望) Beijing People's Art Theater. It has been staged more than 400 times since the premiere(首次公演).

Time: 7:30pm, September 5~14

Place: Capital Theater, 22 Wangfujing Dajie

Tel: 6524 - 9847

Order now , and you can get a 20% discount. More information, please click here.

63.If you want to enjoy magic on Sunday, you can go to___ .A. Red Theater

B. Tiandi TheaterC. Poly Theater

D. Capital Theater

64.The advertisements are about"___ ".A. exhibitions

B. meetingsC. stage performances

D. western cultures

652 grow faster than normal ones .Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Super Baby, a children's play, is performing at Beijing's Cultural Palace of Nationalities.

B. The Chinese Acrobatics Group can perform old Beijing folk plays.

C. Dashan is a popular TV host who speaks superb Chinese.

D. The Top Restaurant will be performed by He Jinping

66. This passage is most probably taken from___ .A. a textbooks

B. a magazineC. a newspaper

D. a websiteDThe United States government wants to know what the public thinks about its findings on the safety of cloned animals.

The Food and Drug Administration says meat and milk from clones of adult cattle, pigs and goats are safe to eat. An F.D.A. official called them "as safe to eat as the food we eat every day." And when those clones reproduce sexually(有性繁殖), the agency says, their offspring(后代) are safe to eat as well. But research on cloned sheep is limited. So the F.D.A. proposes that sheep clones not be used for human food.

The United States this year could become the first country to approve the sale of foods from cloned animals. First, however, the public will have ninety days to comment on three proposed documents. On December 28th the F.D.A. released a long report, called a draft risk assessment, along with two policy documents.

The agency says it must receive comments by April second. The F.D.A. seemed ready to act several years ago, but an advisory committee called for more research.

For now, the government will continue to ask producers to honor a request that they not sell foods from cloned animals.

Clones are still rare. They cost a lot and are difficult to produce.

The F.D.A. says most food from cloning is expected to come not from clones themselves, but from their sexually reproduced offspring. It says clones are expected to be used mostly as breeding(繁殖) animals to spread good qualities.

Public opinion studies show most Americans do not like the idea of food from cloned animals. But this research also shows the public knows little about cloning.

Cloning differs from genetic engineering. A cell taken from a so-called donor(捐赠者) animals is grown into an embryo(胚胎)in the laboratory. Next, the embryo is placed into the uterus(子宫)of a female animal. If the process is successful, the pregnancy reaches full term and a genetic copy of the donor animal is born.

67. From the passage we know that___ .

A. foods from cloned animals are popular in America

B. cloned adult animals are safe to eat except sheep.

C. cloned animals will be easy to produce

D. most foods from cloning is expected to take place of other foods

68.The main purpose of the text is to ___.A. tell a interesting story

B. give some advice on foodsC. give a report

D. compare different opinions

69. Who believe that foods from cloning are safe to eat?A. Most Americans

B. An advisory committeeC. Critics

D. The F.D.A.

70.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ___.

A. cloning has much in common with genetic

B. not every cell taken from a donor animal can grow into a genetic copy

C. the donor animal should be a female one

D.cloned animals grow faster than normal ones.EThe Internet has led to a huge increase in credit-card (信用卡) fraud.Your card information could even be for sale in an illegal web site(非法网站).

Web sites offering cheap goods and services should be regarded with care.

On-line shoppers who enter their credit-card information may never receive the goods they thought they bought.The thieves then go shopping with your card number-or sell the information over the Internet. Computers hackers (黑客) have broken down security(安全)systems, raising questions about the safety of cardholder information. Several months ago, 25,000 customers of CD Universe, an on-line music retailer (零售商) , were not lucky. Their names, addresses and credit-card numbers were posted on a Web site after the retailer refused to pay US $157,828 to get back the information.

Credit-card firms are now fighting against on-line fraud. Mastercard is working on plans for Web-only credit card, with a lower credit limit. The card could be used only for shopping on-line. However, there are a few simple steps you can take to keep from being cheated .

Ask about your credit-card firm's on-line rules: Under British law, cardholders have to pay the first US $78 of any fraudulent (欺骗性的) spending.

And shop only at secure sites; Send your credit-card information only if the Web site offers advanced secure system.

If the security is in place, a letter will appear in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. The Web site address may also start https: // - the extra "s" stands for secure. If in doubt, give your credit-card information over the telephone.

Keep your password(密码)safe: Most on-line sites require a user name and password before placing an order. Treat your passwords with care.

71. What do most people worry about the Internet according to this passage?

A. A lot of stolen credit-cards were sold on the Internet.

B. Fraud on the Internet.

C. Many Web sites are destroyed.

D. Many illegal Web sites are on the Internet.

72. What is the meaning of "fraud"?

A. Cheating. B. Sale. C. Payment. D. Safety.

73. How can the thieves get the information of the creditcard?

A. The customers give them the information.

B. The thieves steal the information from Web sites.

C. The customers sell the information to them.

D. The thieves buy the information from credit card firms.

74. How many pieces of advice does the passage give to you?

A. Four. B. Three. C. Five. D. Six.

75. You are shopping on the site: http: // www. Shopping. com, and you want to buy a TV set, what does this article suggest to do?

A. Order the TV set at once.

B. Do not buy the TV set on this site.

C. E-mail the site your credit-card information.

D. Tell the site your password and buy the TV set for you.


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