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高二人教版英语必修三单元练习题:unit2Healthy eating





A fad diet is a diet that suddenly becomes popular, usually because it promises people that they will lose a lot of weight overnight. Although dieters may really show weight loss from a fad diet, they will almost certainly get back the weight if their usual eating habits (习惯) remain unchanged. Moreover, fad diets continuously call for special products of questionable value or for “health foods” that may cost twice as much as supermarket(超市) foods. Worse yet, certain fad diets don't include nutrients(营养)good for health. People have been known to become very ill as a result of following medically unhealthy diets.

The worse fact of fad diets, though, is that they keep people who are over-weight or sick from receiving the medical care that they truly need.

1. The word “fad” in the first sentence means ______.

A.new         B. wonderful

C. popular quickly  D. loved by people

2. From the text we know that ______.

A. people refuse to accept fad diets

B. fad diets can help people to lose weight

C. a man can lose weight after eating a fad diet

D. fad diets are now welcomed by people

3. In the writer's opinion, fad diets______.

A.are very helpful   B.are not healthy diet

C.won't cost much   D.include lots of nutrients

4. A fad dieter has to ______.

A.spend more money       B.lose much weight

C.keep his usual eating habits D.go to doctors very often

5. The last paragraph tells us ______.

A.that fad dieters are often overweight

B.how fad dieters get sick

C.fad dieters need medical care if they are overweight or sick

D. overweight or sick fad dieter can’t get medical care easily


In the United States, 30 percent of the adult(成年人)population has a “weight problem.”。 To many people, the cause is clear: We eat too much. But scientific evidence(科学证明)does little to support this idea. Going back to the America of 1910, we find that people were thinner than today, yet they ate more food. In those days people worked harder physically (体力地) walked more, used machines much less, and didn't watch television.

Several modern studies, moreover(此外) .have shown that fatter people don't eat more on average (平均) than thinner people. In fact, some investigations, such as a 1970 study of 3,545 London office workers, report that, on balance, fat people eat less than slimmer(苗条) people.

Studies show that slim people are more active than fat people. A study by a research group at Stanford University School of Medicine found the following interesting facts.

The more the men ran, the greater loss(失去)of body fat.

The more they ran, the greater their increase(增加) in food intake(吸收)。

Thus those who ran the most ate the most, yet lost greatest amount of body fat.

6. What kind of physical problem do many adult Americans have?

A. They are too slim.  B. They work too hard.

C. They are too fat.   D. They lose too much body fat.

7. Based on(基于) the statistics given in the article, suppose there are 500 adult Americans, about how many of them will have weight problems?

A. 30  B. 50  C. 100  D. 150

8. Is there scientific evidence to support eating too much is the cause of a “weight problem”?

A. Yes, there is plenty of evidence.

B. Of course, there is some evidence to show this is true.

C. There is hardly any scientific evidence to support this.

D. We don't know because the information is not given.

9. In comparison(比较)with the adult American population today, the Americans of 1910____

A.ate more food and had more physical activities

B.ate less food but had more activities

C.at less food and had less physical exercises

D.had more weight problems

10. What have modern medical and scientific researches reported to us?

A. Fat people eat less food and are less active.

B. Fat people eat more food than slim people and are less active.

C. Fat people eat more food than slim people but are less active.

D. Thin people run less, but have greater increase in food intake

Keys:1-5 C D B A D  6-10 CDCAA



高二英语必修三Unit2单元测试:Healthy Eating



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