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56. This passage is probably taken from _______.

A. a newspaper for general readers       B. a magazine for language teachers

C. a book for language learners           D. an advertisement for a new book

57. Which of the following can best be put in the blank in the passage?

A. countries      B. mountains         C. rivers          D. cities

58. The author of the passage advises us to do all the following EXCEPT_______.

A. we should think before, while and after we read a passage

B. we’d better look up every new word in a dictionary

C. we should learn to guess the meanings of new words

D. the clues in a passage should be made use of


Dear Readers,

Think about an 11-year-old child spending her days washing clothes, looking after a baby brother, and doing hard work on the farm.

Think about the poor little girl—she knows there will not be enough food for dinner, and has no water to drink because it is not clean. She has watched her father, brother and sister lose their lives as the family has no money to send for a doctor.

Hard to believe? For Maria Pastora, these are the facts of life.

Maria would gladly walk to school, but her mother, now alone, really needs her at home. Maria has to leave school to work for her poor family.

But with only five dollars a week, you can help out a child like Maria. Show her that somewhere, some¬one will help her. Through Save the Children, you can help Maria’s mother get better crops from their farm, and earn the money to support the family.

To help Maria most, your money is to be put to¬gether with other helpers’, so hardworking people can help themselves. Build a school or a hospital, make their farm better, and bring in clean water... This is what Save the Children has been about since 1932.

For you there are many returns. You can write letters to each other, get photos, or study reports. Know you are helping and saving another person in the same world as you. That’s how Save the Chil¬dren works. But without you, it can’t work. Please take a moment to fill in this form to help a child like Maria and her village.

It can make such a difference in her life and yours.

Save the Children

David L. Guyer


59. This letter mainly tells readers to    .

A. know about poor people      B. earn some money for poor children

C. show pity to poor people      D. donate money to help poor children

60. It is     years since Save the Children was set up.

A. 66             B. 79          C. 11      D. 100

61. The last sentence in the letter means    .

A. if Maria goes to school, you will be rewarded   B. what you give is more than what you take

C. both Maria’s life and yours will change a lot   D. Maria and you can help each other at school


Trees are useful to man in three important ways: they give him wood and other useful things, they give him cool places, and they help to stop drought and flood.

Unluckily, in many parts of the world, man has not found that the third of these points is the most important. Man wants to make money from trees, so he has cut them down in large numbers, only to find that without them he has lost the best friends he had. And also, he is usually too careless to plant and look after new trees. So the forests slowly disappear.

This does not only mean that man will have fewer trees. The results are even worse: for where there are trees, their roots break up soil-make the rain in-and also bind the soil, thus stopping it from being washed away easily; but where there are no trees, the rain falls on hard ground and flows away, causing floods and carrying away the rich top-soil. When all the topsoil is gone, nothing is left but useless desert.

62.The most important points of trees to man is ________.

A. they help him to make money

B. they give him cool

C. they give him wood and other things

D. they help him to stop drought and floods

63.In many places forests slowly disappear because ________ .

A. many trees have been cut down by man

B. new trees are not well looked after

C. man has not paid enough attention to planting trees

D. all the above

64.Land becomes desert after all trees are cut down because ________ .

A. roots of trees break up the soil

B. there are too many rainfalls

C. strong winds bring a lot of sand

D. there are no longer trees to keep the rain and protect the top-soil.

65.Which title best fits the passage?

A. Trees and Man

B. The Function of Tree Wood

C. How do People do with Trees?

D. The Usage of Tree Roots




66. A lot of my teachers are good, but Amber is ___________ (杰出的).

67. We spent the morning ___________ ( 漫步) around the old part of the city

68. I was jealous of her full marks and got f__________ because I failed again.

69. Thinking about his encouragement gave me the _________(动力) to devote myself to the preparations for the exams.

70. It is not          (合适) to wear this kind of tie attending a wedding.

71. They set out to          (积累) a lot of money.

72. The young man holds a party in           (庆祝) of his success.

73. The patient is in           (紧急的) need of medical attention.

74. Tom often comes into         (矛盾)with his parents.

75. What was his r      to the bad news?




2.1991年起获得多次胜利,到纽约友好运动会体操锦标赛(gymnastics tournament at the New York Goodwill Games)前一直致力于体操事业11年,总被人们看作为精力充沛,快乐,勤奋型运动。










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