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76. at your convenience    77. appeal to      78. To our delight/joy   79. in place

80. absorbed/lost/buried in  81. in particular  82. in possession of   83. put up with



84. suggestions  85. library   86. more  87. teachers     88. their

89. if     90. practice / practise      91. on       92. helpful      93. hearing


One possible version:

Hello, everyone! I feel honored to share with you about my dream. Frankly, I dream to be a journalist. As far as I know, it is a great challenge to be a journalist. First of all, we have to be sharp in mind so as to react to different situations quickly. Secondly, creativity can help us produce outstanding ideas. What’s more, it is necessary for us to hold unique opinions towards hot issues.

Just as you see, my qualities just meet the requirements above. Besides, I am social and love communicating with different people. It is an essential character helping me gather a wide variety of news materials. And I have plenty of hobbies, which inspire me to have the passion of covering stories in different fields.

I believe all these can make me a good journalist as long as I am committed and never give up. (128)


Text 1

M: I’m sleepy. I have been studying for almost two hours. Can I watch TV now?

W: Oh, boy, don’t you think that you should finish your h omework first?

Text 2

W: I’m sorry, I am late.

M: Oh, I just arrived here 10 minutes ago.

Text 3

W: Honey, I am going to have a business trip in three days. I think I have no time to pay the bills.

M: I can manage it.

Text 4

M: I would never talk to Jim again.

W: What’s wrong?

M; He spoke ill of me behind my back. I thought I was his friend.

W: How could he!

Text 5

W: Bill, who was the guy you wer e with at the theater last night?

M: Oh, Sarah, it’s Mark. He’s learning Chinese from me and the film was my lesson for him.

Text 6

W: Get up, Tom. It’s time for school.

M: Oh, Mom. I don’t feel well. I’m not myself now.

W: What’s the matter? Oh, my! So hot! You have got a fever.

M: Maybe, Mom. I feel cold.

W: No wonder. I’ve told you to close the windows before you go to bed. It’s getting cooler and cooler. It is October now.

M: Sorry, Mom. I should have closed all the windows, but I studied too late last night.

W: What a pity. Let’s go to see your father. He is on duty in the hospital now. And he will give you an examination.

M: OK, Mom, I prefer to take some medicine rather than have an injection.

W: But it depends on your father, not on you.

M: I see. But Mom…

W: Stop talking. Try to get up, and I will go out to call a taxi.

Text 7

M: Hi, Mary, I had a great interview with Admissions at Columbia University today.

W: Really? Will you get into the school?

M: Well, they didn’t say anything for sure. But I think I’ll have no problem.

W: Columbia University is a terrific school. What are you going to do?

M: I haven’t decided, I also applied to New York University. What about you? How was your interview with Michigan University?

W: The interview was fine. My father would like me to go there. He and my grandpa both graduated there.

M: You can follow in your gather’s footsteps to be a lawyer.

W: Oh, John, I’d like to follow in my own footsteps.

M: What do you want to study?

W: I have been thinking. I thing I want to study journalism so as to be a reporter.

Text 8

W: Peter, what kind of sports do you like?

M: Me? I like playing badminton, basketball and soccer. And I go swimming about three times a week in summer.

W: You are such a sportsman.

M: Kind of. But it’s a pity that I can’t find myself a companion.

W: Really? You know what, I like sports, too. We can do sports together.

M: Wonderful!What is your favourite?

W: I enjoy basketball most. Girls usually don’t like this kind of violent game.

M: But It’s a good game to show your power.

W: I am going to play with my friends at 9:00 tomorrow morning. Would you like to join us?

M: I’d love to. But I have to have my English class. Next time is OK.

W: All right!

Text 9

W: What can I do for you, Sir?

M: I’m trying to find a birthday present for my wife.

W: Do you have anything particular in mind?

M: I’m afraid not. Have you got any suggestions?

W: What do you usually give her?

M: I usually give her flowers. But I’d like to get her something different this time.

W: What about jewelry? It’s on sale today in our shop.

M: That sounds good. My wife is going to buy a pearl necklace.

W: OK, what about this one? It is made of 64 pearls that are absolutely identical in size and color.

M: How much does it cost?5ykj.com

W: The tag price is 800 yuan, but we’re offering a 20% discount today. It’s really a bargain.

M: OK, I’ll take it.






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