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高三英语必修三unit5单元测试:Canada——“The True North”




1 --How's Karen today?

--She is feeling slightly ________ she was yesterday.

A. other than  B. more than           C. rather than         D. better than

2. Work means much to me. It is _________ of my life _________ air, water and sunlight.

A. a part as much; as                 B. as much a part; as

C. as a part much; as                 D. so much a part; as

3. On that rainy night, he walked ______ as the small town which was 20 miles ________to call a doctor in.

A. as far; far   B. as far; away            C. so far; far away        D. as far; for away

4. With a lot of difficult problems        , the man felt like a cat on a hot brick.

A. settling              B. settled             C. to settle             D. being settled

5. _______ the teacher couldn't understand was       fewer and fewer students showed interest in his class.

A. What; that           B. All that; because    C. Why; that           D. What; why

6. When it _________ high technology, he is completely at a loss.

A. refers to                     B. comes to               C. happens to     D. speaks to

7. --- Isn’t it time you _________ down to _________ your own things?

--- I’m sorry for the delay, Dad.

A. get, pack                    B. got, packing          C. got, pack       D. get, packing

8 AIDS is said _________ the biggest health problem in Africa over the past years.

A. to be                           B. that it is               C. to have been      D. that it has been

9.At first he refused to admit he had stolen but when he was shown the videotape(录像带)he ________ and admitted everything.

A. broke up         B. broke away     C. broke down     D. broke in

10.________ everyone else wouldn’t go to the mountain area, he went without a second thought.

A. As long as         B. While         C. Where           D. In spite of

11.—Did you remember to give Jenny the money?

—Yes. ________ I saw her, I'm sure.

A. So long as        B. So far as         C. The moment     D. Any time

12. _____ he got off the bus, did he find his pocket _____.

A. Not until; stolen      B. Unless ; gone    C. Not until; picked   D. Unless ; lost

13. Mike has been making great efforts in practice in order to _______ his dream to win championship in the coming Olympics.

A. come about                 B. come true C. make                          D. live

14. _____ all the inventions have in common is ____ they have succeeded.

A.  What; what       B. That; that       C. What; that        D. That; what

15.---Why do you like ads?

--- Because they have attractive pictures ____ their original slogans.

A. except           B. beside         C. besides         D. except for


1---5DBBCD 6----10 BBCCB 11-----15 CCDCC






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