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16.C 根据文章首句teenagers start learning how to drive at fifteen可以推知,他们16岁就被“允许(allowed)”考驾照了。

17.B 文章多次出现的license提示了本题答案。

18.A 根据本句中作者的年龄eighteen years old,再结合第一段中提到的正常考驾照的年龄at sixteen可知,其他人要比作者“小(younger)”。

19.C 根据下一句中的I tried to calm down可知,作者参加考试时很紧张,因此在“发抖(shaking)”。

20.D 因为紧张,作者想平静下来,因此是安慰自己:“如果(if)”这次过不了,冬天还可以再考。

21.A 根据However一词可知,虽然作者在安慰自己,但是仍然不能“停止(stop)”出汗。

22.B 作者在第二段描述了自己紧张的状态,结合本段中对他参加钢琴表演的叙述可知,这是另外一次让他感到非常紧张的情况,故nervous符合此处语境。

23.D 因为是在回忆,所以说作者“记得(remember)”那次表演时感到窒息。

24.C 由于紧张,手指冒汗,因此作者“演砸(ruined)”了。

25.A 想到上次 失败的情形,作者担心这次再出现“同样的(same)”情况。

26.D 因为是驾照考试,所以说考试时教官上了“车(car)”。

27.B 根据本句中的and felt confident及下文中的I was sure可以看出,作者并没有失控,故in control符合此处语境。

28.A 全篇讲的主要是作者此次考驾照的经历,因此这里应该是说六分钟后“考试(test)”结束了。

29.D 根据上文可知,作者考试时很自信,表现很好,所以他确信自己“通过了(passed)”此次考试。

30.B 作者在参加考试,父亲应该是在“等着(waiting for)”他。

31.A 父亲此次的陪伴让作者想起了他五岁时父亲“教(taught)”他学骑自行车时的情形。

32.C 学骑自行车时作者才五岁,而此时已经18岁了,因此作者是在感慨“怎么(How)”就已经过去13年了呢?

33.D 汽车与自行车相比速度“更快(faster)”,也会把作者带到离父亲越来越远的地方。

34.B 见下题解析。

35.C 根据本段第二句话It was about not disappointing people可知,作者想了这么多后,“突然(Suddenly)”体会到,这不仅仅是通过一次考试的事情了,这个驾照与作者所想的相比“意味着(means)”更多的含义。

第二部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Sydney is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and the 2000 Olympic Games put it on the map as one of the most lively and modern c ities in the world. Any trip to Sydney is an adventure and with some of the world's most beautiful beaches, this city has so much to offer. Sydney is so large an area that choosing a hotel is something you need to do very carefully. Public transport is good, but it can be slow and being close to where you want to be is probably the most important factor.

The first and most obvious choice is hotels around Circular Quay. Circular Quay is the heart of the city and one of the major interchanges where trains, buses and ferries meet. It's also where Sydney's two most famous landmarks are located — the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbor Bridge. This area is active and offers some of the best views you will ever get from a hotel room.

The farther hotels in the city are much more suited to business travelers and they are usually less expensive. Darling Harbor is a great choice as it mixes a great view with being right in the centre of the city. Darling Harbor has hundreds of pubs, clubs and restaurants along the water's edge.

If you don't feel like dealing with the hustle_and_bustle of the city and are looking for something a bit quieter, why not head out to the Northern Beaches. It's only a short ferry ride over to Manly where you can find two major hotels on the beach with a number of smaller boutiques (时装店,精品店).

语篇解读 风光旖旎、交通便利、闻名 遐迩的悉尼让你流连忘返。如何食宿?在哪里住宿?这里有各种条件的旅馆让你来选。

36.What made Sydney famous as one of the most lively and modern cities in the world?

A. Its traditional culture.        B. Its beaches and hotels.

C. The traffic system.       D. The 2000 Olympics.

答案与解析 D 细节理解题。由第一段中的“... and the 2000 Olympic Games put it on the map as one of the most lively and modern cities in the world.”可知答案为D项。

37.If you want to live in a quiet hotel and buy some fashionable clothes or expensive gifts, you should    choose one in ________.

A. Circular Quay        B. Darling Harbor

C. Manly                 D. Sydney Harbor Bridge

答案与解析 C 由最后一段可知,要想找更安静的地方,那就去Manly,在那里有许多时装店/精品店,自然可以买到“some fashionable clothes or expensive gifts”。

38.The underlined part “hustle and bustle” in the last paragraph may refer to ________.

A. hot climate             B. serious pollution

C. busy noisy activity     D. slow­moving traffic

答案与解析 C 词义理解题。由最后一段中的“... and are looking for something a bit quieter”可推知“hustle and bustle”的意思应与quieter相对,故答案为C项。

39.We may know from the passage that ________.

A. traveling to Sydney is boring

B. Sydney's public transport is fast

C. hotels in Manly are the cheapest in Sydney

D. you can enjoy good views in Circular Quay

答案与解析 D 细节理解题。由第一段中的“Any trip to Sydney is an adventure ...”可知A不正确;由第一段中的“... but it can be slow  ...”可知B不正确;由最后一段中的“... to Manly where you can find two major hotels on the beach with a number of smaller boutiques (时装店,精品店 ).”可知文章并没有提到Manly的宾馆是便宜还是贵,排除C;由第二段中的“This area is active and offers some of the best views you will ever  get from a hotel room.”可知D项正确。

40.The passage is mainly to ________.

A. advertise the hotels in Sydney

B. tell us how to choose a suitable hotel in Sydney

C. show that Sydney is truly a heaven on earth

D. describe Sydney after the 2000 Olympics

答案与解析 B 主旨大意题。第一段中的“... is so large an area that choosing a hotel is something you need to do very carefully.”引出话题,后三段都是围绕找旅馆展开的。故答案为B。


Long long ago, there lived two brothers in a village. Their parents died and left them a farm. The elder son took everything except for a very small piece of land, a cat and a dog. The younger son had to use the cat and the dog to pull his plough (犁) because he did not have an ox (牛). They did not like this at all and cried out.

Near the farm, there was a mountain called Stone Mountain. A demon (魔鬼) lived on this mountain and people who looked at it carefully could see his face. When the Demon of Stone Mountain heard the cat and the dog crying out, he looked down. He thought a cat and a dog looked funny pulling a plough. He opened his mouth and laughed.

The younger son heard the demon's laughter. He looked up and saw inside the demon's huge, open mouth, it was full of gold and silver. Quickly, he ran up the mountain and hurried inside the demon's mouth. There, he collected a little of the gold and silver and then hurried out again. Now he could buy himself a house, a larger piece of land and an ox to pull his plough.

His brother soon found out what had happened. He immediately got the cat and the dog and used them to pull his plough near Stone Mountain. Once again, the demon opened his mouth to laugh at the sight of a cat and a dog pulling a plough. Quickly, the elder brother ran into the demon's mouth and began filling his bags with gold and silver.

He was so busy that he forgot about the cat and the dog, and it was not long before the two animals lay down to rest. As soon as this happened, the Demon of Stone Mountain stopped laughing and closed his mouth. The elder brother was kept inside and was never seen again.

语篇解读 本文是记叙文。文章通过讲述兄弟二人从魔鬼嘴里拿财宝的故事告诉我们:贪多必失。

41.The underlined word “They” in Paragraph 1 refers to “________”.

A. the two brothers        B. the oxen

C. the cat and the dog       D. the two brothers' parents

答案与解析 C 代词指代题。由前一句可知,弟弟出于无奈,只能让猫和狗帮助他犁地。猫狗不喜欢这样,所以开始哭泣。第二段中的the cat and the dog crying out也是提示。

42.The elder brother used the cat and the dog to pull    his plough to ________.

A. have some fun

B. punish the two animals

C. help his younger brother

D. get treasure from the demon

答案与解析 D 细节理解题。根据第四段可知,哥哥知道了弟弟有钱的秘密,也开始用猫和狗犁地,好让山上的魔鬼也张开大嘴露出财宝。

43.What happened at the end of the story?

A. The younger brother led a very poor life.

B. The cat and the dog were eaten by the demon.

C. The elder brother remained in    the demon's mouth.

D. The demon helped the younger brother plough the field.


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