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第四部分 写作(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 单句改错(10分)


81. If convenience, we’ll come tomorrow.

82. Although these cities are not as large as that in China, they have world-famous

football teams.

83. Though lack money, his parents managed to send him to school.

84. When you copy the letter, pay attention to not leaving alone any words.

85. They live in the farmhouse, in front of which stands two bread trees.

86. Having been told many times, but he still couldn’t understand it.

87. Karan rented a furnished flat and had it paint pink for the coming Christmas.

88. He keeps him informed of what is happenin g outside through the Internet.

89. If you make promises lightly, you’ll find yourself in the dilemma.

90. The girl who seems to be easy to get along is easy to get angry actually.

第二节 书面表达(20分)






参考词汇:prominent 突出的,显著的  fixed 固定的 household 家庭

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