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高二英语必修3单元基础与能力测试:Unit5 Canada-the true north



63.From what Rikke says at the end of the text we can feel that she _____.

A.is sorry she has to download her e-mail in the basement

B.wishes she would continue to use the Screenfridge

C.is not satisfied with the Screenfridge

D.doubts whether she can really depend on the Screenfridge




Deep into the night,the bus pulled into a Howard Johnson’s restaurant and everybody got off the bus except Vinge.The young people began to wonder about him,trying to imagine his life:perhaps he was a sea captain;maybe he had run away from wife;he could be an old soldier going home.When they went to the bus,one of the girls sat beside him and introduced herself.After a long time,slowly and painfully,he began to tell his story. He had been in prison in New York for the last four years,and now he was going home.?

“Well,when I was in prison I wrote to my wife.I said,Martha,I understand if you can’t stay married to me.I said I was going to be away a long time,and that if she couldn’t stand it,if the kids kept asking questions,if it hurt her too much,well,she could just forget me.Get a new young man—she’s a wonderful woman—and forget all about me.I told her she didn’t have to write to me,and she didn’t,Not for the three and a half years.”?

“Last week,when I was sure freedom was coming through,I wrote to her.I told her that if she had a new young man,I would understand.But if she didn’t,if she would take me back,she should let me know.We used to live in this town,Brunswick,and there’s a great big oak tree just as you come into the town.I told her if she would take me back,she should put a yellow handkerchief on the tree,and if she didn’t want me,forgot me,no handkerchief and I’d keep going on through.”?

Soon all the others were in it.When they were 20 miles from Brunswick,the young people took over window seats on the right side,waiting for the approach of the great oak tree.Vinge stopped looking,tightening his face into the ex-con’s mask.Then it was 10 miles,and then five,and the bus became very quiet.?

Then suddenly all of the young people were up out of their seats,screaming and shouting and crying,doing small dances.All except Vinge.

64.Vinge in the story used to be a .

A.soldier in the war

B.sea captain


D.manager on business



65.In the story,the yellow handkerchief probably means ________.



C.I hate you

D.I still love you



66.Vinge “stopped looking,tightening his face into the ex-con’s mask.”because.

A.he was excited to think of his wife

B.he was ashamed for what he had done

C.he was afraid to see the handkerchief on the oak tree.

D.he was afraid that he might not see the yellow handkerchief on the oak tree



67.The bus became quiet when it came near the town because all the passengers.

A.goy tired after a long journey

B.got too sad to say anything

C.grew excited and worried to see the oak tree

D.were attracted by the story




Interview with a president

While many teenagers may dream of meeting with pop star Jay Chou or NBA hero Yao Ming,Li Jing had a far more powerful person on her mind.The Senior 2 from Beijing No.35 High School dreamt of meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin.

After more than a year of hard work and with a little good luck,Li fulfilled her dream.On October 11,2004,the 16?year?old girl joined a team of Chinese journalists who went to the Kremlin,in Moscow,to interview Putin.?

Li felt nervous before talking with Putin.“But his greeting and warm smile put me at ease,”she said.?

Li admires Putin very much,because of his strong will and style of leadership.“He looks very cool,”Li said.During her interview,Li asked Putin whether he plans to educate his two teenage daughters to be officials in the future.Putin smiled and answered he hopes they can do whatever job suits their interests and personalities.

Although Li would only have several minutes,she started working on her interview questions last August after applying for the opportunity.“Journalists work is by no means easy.You need to do lots of homework on your interviewee,”she said.She read many books about Putin and Russia in her spare time.?

Li’s parents encouraged her to be a student journalist.“We fully support her,as long as it does not affect her studies,”said her father.Previously in her job for a student magazine,Chinese Young Journalists,she wrote a letter to president Hu Jintao during the SARS epidemic.?

Li has learnt a lot from her experience.She said learning to manage her time and develop the confidence to speak with important people were not things she could learn in class.

68.The underlined word “interviewee” in the fifth paragraph probably means ______.

A.the person who interviews

B.the person who is interviewed

C.the person who know how to interview

D.the person who plan to interview a famous people



69.Which of the following best describe Li Jing’s parents? attitude towards her being a student journalist?

A.They think to be a student journalist is purely a waste of time.

B.They worry that to be a student journalist will affect her studies.

C.They consider it is quite good for Li Jing on the condition of not striking her study.

D.They neither support it nor object to it.



70.Li Jing is different from those students of her age in that ________.

A.she doesn’t like pop star Jay Chou

B.she hates meeting with the NBA hero Yao Ming

C.she wants to meet neither Jay Chou nor Yao Ming

D.she dreams of meeting the present powerful Russian leader



71.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A.Li realized her dream not just because of her hard work.

B.Li was at ease at the first sight of president Putin.

C.Li considers Putin a great leader because of his strong will and style of leadership.

D.Li thinks it impossible to learn in class the confidence to speak with great people.




Richard Gray was a famous explorer.He was also a millionaire.He had visited every country in the world.He had crossed the Antarctic,flown across the Atlantic by balloon,and climbed Mount Everest.Last year he decided to walk across Death Valley,the hottest place on Earth.He walked for days over the hot desert sand.One night he found the camp where he had been the night before.Gray had walked in a circle.He was lost.?

Two days later he had drunk all his water.He couldn’t walk.He crawled to the top of a sand dune,and there he saw a man.The man was wearing smart,clean trousers,a white shirt and a tie.Gray crawled over to him.?

“Water...water...”he said.?

“I’m terribly sorry,old boy,”replied the man,“but I haven’t got any water with me.”?

“Help me!”shouted Gary,“I’m a rich man...a millionaire... I’ll give you anything.”?

“That’s very nice of you,old boy,”said the man.“Look,I can’t give you any water,but would you like to buy my tie?”?

“A tie?Of course not!”screamed Gray,and crawled away.He crawled slowly up the next sand dune.His mouth was full of sand.His lips were cracked and dry.He couldn’t breathe.He reached the top of the dune and there he saw a huge good hotel.Girls were swimming in the large swimming pool.Beautiful fountains were all around the hotel.

“Is it a mirage?”he thought.“Am I dying?”He stood up and staggered down the dune.?

A waiter in a shining white uniform came out of the door.?

“Water...water...a bath! Food!”screamed Gray.?

“I’m sorry,you can’t come into this hotel,”said the waiter.?

“Why not?I’ve got plenty of money.I’m a millionaire.”?

“Ah,”replied the waiter,“but you aren’t wearing a tie,”

72.The famous explorer ________.

A.had crossed the Antarctic and the Atlantic by balloon

B.had traveled all over the world

C.had walked across Death Valley

D.had ever been a millionaire



73.Death Valley is ________.

A.a valley where people may die from loss of

B.a dead place where people dare not go

C.a terribly hot valley where people may die of heat

D.a place’s name

解析:因为 Death Valley后有一同位语对它的解释——地球上最热的地方,是一个大沙漠地带即地名。在该地有宿营地,有旅店,有人烟,也就是人们能够去的地方,故B项错。此地有游泳池、泉水等,故A项错。文章并未提到人们因炎热而死亡,故C项错。


74.The man offered to sell his tie to Gray because ________.

A.he wished to get some money from Gray

B.Gray was a rich man

C.he didn’t have any water with him

D.he thought a millionaire needed to wear a tie



75.If Gray ________,he would have got some water to drink in the hotel.

A.had got a lot of money with him

B.had put on his tie at once

C.had said he was a famous millionaire

D.had bought the tie from the man




第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) ?







When I talked to Frank,and I found that from       76._____

children,he have developed the habit of carrying        77._____

a little book into his pocket.He used to read         78._____

whenever he was not doing something else.He found a       79._____

book is especially useful during the periods of        80._____

waiting:waiting meals,doctors,haircuts,          81._____

doctors and for something to happening.          82._____

That was why he found 15 minutes a day         83._____

for reading.That was how he read his 20         84._____

books a year:1000 thousands books in a life.         85._____


76.去掉and 这是复合句,不用连词and。

77.have→had 表示过去的过去。


79.something→anything something用在肯定句中,anything用在否定句和疑问句中。

80.去掉is 本句属于“主语+谓语+宾语+宾补”结构。is多余。

81.meals前加for wait for sth.固定结构。

82.happening→happen 不定式后面跟动词?原形。?

83.why→how 与下句用法一致。


85.thousands→thousand 具体数字用单数而不是复数形式。

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)?





生词提示:野餐picnic 爬行动物reptile


It was the first time that I went away from home without parents during the National Day.I went on a trip with my class to the zoo in Toronto.We left the hotel where we stay very early in the morning because we had a long journey.We spent the whole day in the zoo.I could remember seeing whales,bears and some other animals for the first time.I was very excited!?

At midday,we are having our picnic lunch in a park near the zoo.After lunch,we visited the reptile house and saw many kinds of animals. It was fantastic.At 5 o’clock,we got on the bus and drove to the hotel.It was the best trip I have enjoyed.


Toronto Film Festival Begins

Last Updated Thu Sep.8,2005 10:54:45 EDT CBC Arts

The prestigious Toronto International Film Festival has begun.This is the 30th anniversary of the festival,which has become a must-stop on the film circuit.?

The festival will feature 335 movies from around the world,and include more than 100 world premieres.Canadian director Deepa Mehta will open the festival with her film called Water.?

Celebrities attending the festival include Gwyneth Paltrow,Anthony Hopkins and Morgan Freeman.

There will be plenty of Canadian content on festival screens.Of the 256 feature films,37 are Canadian,as are 61 of the 79 short films.?

“Toronto has such a nice balance as far as the films they show there,”said Cameron Diaz,who stars in the comic drama ?In Her Shoes,?premiering at the festival.“They kind of give an opportunity to everybody.You get the best of the best there.”

China,Canada agree on building strategic partnership

OTTAWA,Sept.9 (Xinhuanet)— China and Canada agreed here Friday morning on building a strategic partnership aimed at promoting the long-term and steady development of bilateral relations.?

The agreement on raising China-Canada relationship from a partnership of all-round cooperation mapped out in 1997 to a strategic partnership was reached between visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin during their two-hour talks.?

Martin said during the talks that the rapid growth of Canada-China relations has brought pragmatic benefits to the two peoples and is conducive to safeguarding regional peace and stability.?

Canada expects continuous development of cooperation with China so as to make the two countries to become all-dimensional strategic partners,said Martin.

Hu said to enhance Sino?Canadian friendly and cooperative relations constitutes an important component of the Chinese foreign policy and the development of bilateral relations boasts a sound foundation and a good opportunity.

Both sides should push forward all-round cooperation in various fields covering politics,economy,trade,science,technology,culture,education,health and environmental protection as the establishment of such a partnership conforms to the requirements of the times and aspiration of the two peoples,said Hu.

They should also give full play to bilateral cooperative mechanisms and strengthen consultations and coordination on major international and regional issues,the Chinese president said.

He said the two sides should also expand exchanges at various levels and strengthen consultations and dialogues in various fields.Meanwhile,both sides should also strive to raise bilateral trade volume from 15.5 billion US dollars in 2004 to 30 billion US dollars in 2010.

He suggested that both sides further enhance two-way investment,set up a long-term and steady partnership for cooperation in energy resources,promote cultural,educational,scientific,technological and personnel exchanges,and strengthen communication on major international and regional issues.

Echoing Hu,Martin said China is playing an increasingly important role in international affairs and China’s development brings a great opportunity for Canada.

The Canadian government firmly adheres to the one-China policy and will work with the Chinese side to deepen bilateral cooperation in politics, economy, trade, science, technology, energy resources,agriculture and international affairs,said Martin.

Hu arrived in the Canadian capital of Ottawa Thursday morning on a state visit as guest of Canadian Governor General Adrienne Clarkson.


Moon visit as soon as 2008

Wealthy people looking for new ways to spend their holidays now have another choice:space,after a private company said it plans to spend tourists around the moon as soon as 2008.?

Space Adventures,the company behind the plan,sent the first tourist into space in 2001.?Financier? Tito spent 20 million dollars for a voyage to the International Space Station.“Space travel is possible for anyone.”Said Jackton?

However,adventure to the moon may not be possible for anybody.One ticket will cost 100 ?million? dollars,and the trips are set to last between 10 to 20 days.?

The company will work with Russia’s space agency,which also helped send Tito into orbit.Tourists will likely be taken into space using the Soyuz ship.?

However there are potential problems with the trip that have nothing with the technical feasibility (可能性).Room inside the Soyuz is repeatedly equivalent to an SUV.That means passengers will be in very close quarters for the entire flight,with little room to stretch their legs.?

A third space tourist,another multimillionaire Olsen,is scheduled to fly aboard a Russian spacecraft to the space station in October.“It is something I would like to do,”he said.



高二必修3英语单元练习题:unit5 Canada-The True North



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