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高二年级英语上册单元测试题:《Astronomy:the science of the stars》




一、 单项选择(10%)

1. Robert is interested in ____ astronomy and he wishes he could make a trip into ____ space one day.

A. the, the  B. an, the    C. an, /    D. /, /

2. A sudden noise made all the birds in the trees fly _____.

A. in all direction   B. from all directions  C. in all directions     D. to all directions

3. The boy___ when he said that he ___ the eggs___ by the hen in the closet before he ___down to have a rest.

A. was lying, had laid, laid, lay   B. had laid, lay, laid, was lying    C. lay, was lying, lain, lay   D. laid, lay, lain, lies

4. Can you believe that in ____ a rich country should be ____ many poor people ?

A. such, such   B. such, so     C. so, so     D. so, such

5. —Shall we go for a picnic this weekend?   ---Well, ____. We’ll have to see if the weather is fine .

A. it all depends   B. it depends on   C. O.K.   D. I don’t know.

6. All    made   possible for China to succeed in carrying on its reforms and open-door policy.

A. what happened; it    B. what happened; that    C. that happened; it     D. that happened; that

7. It is never harmful ___ you to be polite and gentle to others and___, as is often the case, you can get what you want.

A. to; thus    B. for; thus    C. of; therefore    D. with; however

8. They are demanded to finish their work _______.

A. all the time  B. at the same time C. ahead of time   D. for the first time

9. ______ his sister, he is fond of swimming very much.

A. Likely    B. Unlike   C. dislike    D. Like

10. To our _____, he did solve the _____ problem in such a short time!

A. surprised, puzzled B. surprised, puzzling  C. surprise, puzzling  D. surprise, puzzled

二、 完形填空(30%)

From boyhood he was __1__ in Astronomy, __2__ while __3__ Cambridge he would sit up at night to watch the stars. But he was dissatisfied __4__ the telescopes of those days __5__ they didn’t show him a clear picture of things. At first he thought there must be something wrong with the lens(镜头). Bu no matter how hard he tried to improve the lens, the trouble was __6__ there.

This set Newton thinking. He began to study the nature of light and colors. In the end he found that sunlight, or white light, is __7__ made up of a row of colors. He counted(数) seven colors __8__. This was of course a great discovery. But Newton still wasn’t __9__. His mind was busy with another problem. __10__ Newton’s time, scientists had already discovered that the sun, not the earth, was the center of the universe, and they knew that the earth and __11__ planets moved round the sun. but they couldn’t explain __12__ this was so until Newton gave the answer.

One autumn evening while Newton was sitting under an __13__ tree __14__ these problems, he saw the moon __15__ in the sky. Why, he asked himself, should the moon round the earth, never leaving the same path? At that moment, he heard an apple __16__ from the tree. Why should the apple drop to the ground? Why didn’t it go sideways or fly up? There __17__ only one reason: The earth was drawing it ---that is the force of gravity. If a stone is tied to the end of a string and whirled(旋转) around, it flies round and round in circles because of the string. __18__, the force of gravity, thought Newton, must be the force that __19__ the moon going round the earth and the __20__ round the sun.

1. A. interested   B. interest   C. interesting   D. interests

2. A. and    B. but   C. or     D. otherwise

3. A. at    B. for    C. with    D. on

4. A. with    B. about   C. at     D. of

5. A. because of   B. because   C. in case    D. in case of

6. A. still    B. also   C. already    D. yet

7. A. actual    B. total   C. totally    D. actually

8. A. above all   B. in all   C. after all    D. at all

9. A. satisfy   B. satisfying  C. satisfaction   D. satisfied

10. A. Before   B. After   C. During    D. In

11. A. another   B. other   C. the other   D. others

12. A. why    B. what   C. when    D. how

13. A. pear    B. cherry   C. apple    D. lemon

14. A. thinking over  B. thought over  C. thinking out   D. thought out

15. A. arise    B. rise   C. raise    D. rose

16. A. drop    B. fall   C. fly     D. walk

17. A. seemed to be  B. was   C. seemed    D. used to be

18. A. At the same time B. In the same way C. as well as   D. in time

19. A. prevents   B. stops   C. protects    D. keeps

20. A. planets   B. stars   C. moons    D. sun






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