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段落 关键词 句 大意推测

第一段(pa ra.1) Passive, an active exercise, attention and hard work, realize, willing 聆听不是我们所理解的被动的接受,而是需要付出专注和努力的积极活动。

第二段(para.2--3) Concentration, Bracketing, stepping into his or her shoes, acceptance, Sensing, open up the inner part , True communication, lack this energy, listening selectively, desired results, satisfactory, more interested 聆听需要专注说话者,让说话者感觉到被接受,融入到说话者的内心世界,通常聆听者总是倾向于选择性的聆听,以期待交流按照我们的意愿达到令人满意的结果。

第三段(para.4) Being truly listened to, frequently, therapeutic,

surprising improvement, the roots, the patient’s sense, for the first time 当病人感知到被真正聆听时,在没有暴露出任何问题根源之前,居然很多人病情居然都有了很大的改善,这种现象应该主要是病人感受到了他们被真正的聆听的原因。


31.D。细节理解题。难度: 中等。由第二段Bracketing includes …, to experience as far as possible someone else’s world from the inside可知:这个短语其实就是对此句的转化表述,上下文都在围绕专注于聆听着要专注于说话者,让说话者感觉到被接受,融入到说话者的内心世界。

32. A。判断推理题。难度:中等。第二段第一句“Listening well also requires total concentration upon someone else.”是本段的key sentence,真正的聆听要求专注于说话者,本段下文均围绕,解释如何做才是真正的聆听,因此答案为A选项。

33.B。细节理解题。难度:难。根据题意,可以定位到第三段第二句“Even though … what we are usually doing is listening selectively.”即使我们感觉我们在认真听,而事实是在交流中我们通常是在加以选择性聆听,所以本题答案B为正确。

34. B。细节理解题。难度:中等。由路标词可以定位到最后一段最后一句“…but chief among them, I believe, was the patient’s sense that he or she was being truly listened to ..”众多原因中,作者认为最主要的原因就是病人知道他们被真正的聆听,故而答案B正确。

35. D。判断分析题。难度: 中等。本文主要是向人们说明作为一个真正的聆听者,我们不可以作为一个被动的接受者,而是要成为和如何做我们才能成为积极的真正聆听者,最后一段则通过实例说明真正的聆听在心理治疗上的重要性。因此,本文是在向我们宣讲大众科学,所以D选项为正确答案。


41.B go ahead表示先走,或用于答应某人的请求; watch it(尤指在危险情况下告诫某人)注意留神;make it <口>达到预定目标。由语境可知:Amy和迎面跑来的一男孩相撞,小男孩提醒她“小心”。

42.C由语境:小男孩发现Amy 走路有点跛后,脸上露出不怀好意的笑(a silly smile)然后握住(take hold of)自己的腿,模仿她跛行。

43.D由下文可知,事发后Amy 径直向教室走去(head for),没有责备(blame)他,也没有责骂(scold)他,更没有打(beat)他。所以此处选ignore(不理睬)。


45.C由最后一句“(请求圣诞老人)让她拥有一天不被嘲笑的日子”可知:每一天(every single day)都有人嘲笑她。

46.A由59空后的“the way I walked and run and talk”可知。

47.A由文意可知:Amy已厌烦了(be tired of)每一天都有人嘲笑她。free from没有...的; be angry with生某人的气;be satisfied with对……满意的均不符合文意/搭配。

48.B有文意:有时在教室里当着全体同学的面,这种嘲笑使他完全无孤独助(all alone)了。这里all用作副词,表示完全地;全然地。

49.C形容词辨析。 calm镇定沉着的、不慌乱的;eager 热心的,渴望的;quiet安静的,沉默的;pleased 高兴的。有上文Amy在学校的经历和感受,可以推断回家后的表现应是默默无语的。

50.A结合上文,以及back home,可以看出应是在学校里不大顺利。

51.C看着女儿心事重重,做母亲的马上想到和她分享(share …with)几条令人兴奋的消息。

52.D由57空后的wish 可知:一家无线广播电台正在进行圣诞节愿望征集比赛(a Christmas wish contest)。


54.B someone(某人)用于肯定句,此处就是指的Amy。



57.C top此处意为:处于…的最前头。

58.D由语境可知,全家人的积极猜测来看,他们都很想知道Amy想要什么礼物,但是Amy却不愿意(wasn’t ready to)告诉大家她的愿望,因为那是秘密的(secret。)

59.D由语境可知:大家嘲笑“我”是由于(because of)“我”(脑瘫造成的)行走、跑及说话的方式。



Text 1

W: Jimmy, take this umbrella with you.

M: Why? It's a fine day, isn't it?

W: Yes, but the weatherman said it' going to rain this afternoon.

Text 2  M: Here is a menu printed in English. What would you like, Judy?

W: Well, I think I'll have fried oysters first.

M: That's a good choice, since this is the season for oysters.

Text 3

M: My father does a lot of business and travels a lot. I like his job.

W: Are you going to study International Business at university, then?

M: I have not made up my mind yet, but very probably, yes.

Text 4

W: Tom.

M: Yes?

W: Will you please take this recorder to my office for me?

M: With pleasure. And let me carry some of the exercise books for you.

Text 5

W: I'll get someone to help you carry your luggage to your car.

M: If you don't mind, I'd like to have it delivered.

Text 6

W: Good morning, Sir. What would you like?

M: I'd like a red wine, please. W: Anything else?

M: What snacks have you got?

W: The menu is on the board over there. There's pancake, Greek salad, steak and chips…

M: I'll try the Greek salad, please. Do I pay now?

W: Oh, yes, if you would. That's 75 cents for the wine and 1.30 for the salad.

Text 7

M: Hello. How are you today?

W: Not so good. My leg's playing me up, awful pains in my leg and my toothache!

M: Oh, dear! I've got toothache too and the dentist says he simply can't see me before next week. But what gets me is my headache.

W: I know what you mean, but at least you can do the garden. I can't even do that with my back, the doctor says I mustn't lift or bend.

M: You poor thing.  There's nothing worse than back trouble.  But I don't do much in the garden now because I've hurt my arm. It's really painful.

W: Like my ankle. It's all swollen up.

Text 8

W: Hi, David, you look awful. What's the trouble?

M: Well, believe it or not, I had an accident in the car this morning. Someone drove into the back of my car.

W: No! How did it happen?

M: I was just turning into my drive when another car came round the corner and drove into the back of mine.

W: Didn't you see him?

M: No, I didn't. I looked in my driving mirror and there was no one coming. Not only that, T also looked in the big mirror on the other side of the road.

W: So he must have been coming very fast if you didn't see him.

M: That's right. And he went straight into me.

Text 9

W: Good morning, Miss Smith's secretary.

M: Good morning, may I speak to Miss Smith, please?

W: I'm sorry. She's in conference at the moment. Do you want to leave a message?

M: Yes, all right. Can you tell her that Mr. Johnson called? And tell her that the meeting about the Trade Fair is on Thursday 12th at 2 p. m.

W: Fine, is there anything else?

M: Yes. Could she phone to confirm that she can come before tomorrow?

W: Yes, and what number is it?

M: 802 9714 Extension 246.

W: Fine, I've got that. I'll get the message to her as soon as possible.

M: Thank you very much. Goodbye.

W: Goodbye.

Text 10

I flew to New York to take care of some business with Mr. Smith. But as soon as I arrived, I got sick, and could not meet with him. I had to call our appointment off. Then when I felt better I thought about visiting him at his home, but he lived too far away. I tried to telephone him during

office hours, but he was busy. His secretary said that Mr. Smith would call me back, but he didn't. I gave up trying to make a new appointment because it would take more time and efforts than I wanted to spend.  A few days later, I saw a man on the street who looked like Mr. Smith, and I called out to him. It was someone else. When I returned to my hotel that day, I found a message which said that Mr. Smith had gone out of town on some sudden unexpected business. I was sorry that I had missed seeing him, but I was really enjoying my sightseeing in New York.






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