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When I was a college student, I did a lot of traveling abroad. That was because a professor

41   me to do so. She said, “Now is the time for you to travel around the world,   42   your knowledge through actual experiences and have fun!” I   43    her.

Since I started to work for a   44   company, however, I have done most of my traveling through the Internet. By using the Internet, I have seen the   45    of many cities on my computer screen. And I have really made business   46    , too. With the help of the Internet, I have also got   47   about food in different countries.

Therefore, I was beginning to feel that actual tries were   48   necessary when I happened to read a famous chef’s (厨师) comment on the Internet. He said, “It is very difficult to have real Italian food in a foreign country, because we enjoy food and the   49   around us at the same time. So why don’t you fly over to Italy and enjoy real Italian   50   ?” Those words reminded me of my   51   advice. As information technology   52   , you might be able to do without making some real trips. But this also means that you will miss the various   53   you can get from traveling.

Today there are people who   54   direct communication with others and spend much of their time on the Internet. It is not surprising to see a group of people    55    not with each other but into their micro phones. It seems as if such people are    56   by an invisible wall. They seem to be losing out on a good chance to    57    and talk with other people. I do not think that they are taking good advantage of information technology. We should use information technology as a tool to make our daily   58   more fruitful. However, we should never let it

59   our time for face-to-face communication. Let’s make use of information technology more   60   , and have great fun in experiencing the actual world.

41. A. promised  B. allowed  C. hurried   D. encouraged

42. A. build up  B. use   C. practice   D. exchange

43. A. agreed with  B. learned from C. followed   D. obeyed

44. A. computer  B. food   C. clothing   D. machine

45. A. life   B. rivers   C. sights    D. houses

46. A. plans   B. bargain  C. progress   D. trips

47. A. information  B. taste   C. cooks    D. feelings

48. A. even more  B. no longer  C. much    D. actually

49. A. people   B. drink   C. atmosphere   D. environment

50. A. shoes   B. dishes   C. customers   D. situations

51. A. friends’  B. parents’  C. professor’s   D. boss’s

52. A. produces  B. advertises  C. forms    D. advances

53. A. news   B. pleasures  C. troubles   D. places

54. A. avoid   B. keep   C. lose    D. enjoy

55. A. meeting  B. talking   C. communicating  D. traveling

56. A. stopped  B. met   C. surrounded   D. hurt

57. A. look at   B. employ  C. travel    D. meet

58. A. communication B. study   C. work    D. action

59. A. spare   B. increase  C. reduce    D. make use of

60. A. wisely   B. correctly  C. or less    D. slowly



LOS ANGELES---BYD is a rapidly developing car-maker in China. It makes green cars and other green products, and the company said on Friday it would open a North American branch in Los Angeles, with plans to begin selling cars in the U.S. by the end of 2010.

BYD was started in 1995 and moved into the car business in 2003. The company now employs 150,000 people.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the governor of California, says the arrival of BYD Inc, of Shenzhen, China, will create about 150 high-paying jobs, since the company has to employ managers and engineers. Once it begins to sell cars in the United States, several hundred more jobs will be created in service and sales. He also praised it as part of green-energy programs in U.S. The city is attracting high-tech, clean-energy companies that will help reduce pollution. “As I’ve always said, what is good for the environment is also good for development,” he adds.

Wang Chuanfu, BYD’s president, says, “BYD stands for building your dream. Our dream is a green one, and we also wish to make your green dream come true. We have been working for a greener environment. We hope that we will lead to a cleaner and nicer future.” The company introduced its latest model earlier this year. It is what BYD plans to begin to sell in the United States by the end of this year.

61. BYD’s new branch in the United States will ________________________.

A. employ managers and engineers from China

B. produce a new model to sell there

C. sell car technology to the U.S.

D. create many new jobs for the U.S.

62. From the passage we learn that ___________________________________.

A. only service and sales jobs will be offered.

B. BYD will only make cars in China

C. the governor welcomes BYD’s arrival

D. BYD will have finished planning by the end of 2010

63. The “green dream” in the passage means _____________________________.

A. a new world with more trees

B. a dream of high technology

C. a world with a better environment

D. a dream of fewer cars

64. The best title for the passage would be ____________________________.

A. The Green Dream of BYD

B. BYD Joins Green Energy Programs

C. New BYD Car Exhibition in Los Angeles

D. Green BYD Putting Roots in Los Angeles


The US is one of the biggest countries in the world. It is well-known because its population comes from all over the world. The immigrants(移民) can learn English to keep the United States united, but it is unfair to have to drop their culture for an American way of life.

I believe that recent immigrants should learn English in order to live in this country. If they don’t learn English, they won’t be able to communicate and do what they want. Anita, one of my mother’s friends, came here from Ecuador three years ago. She does not speak English. One day her daughter got a serious fever. She didn’t know what was going on, so she tried to call an ambulance(救护车). However, when she called the hospital, she couldn’t talk. The operator(接线员) couldn’t understand what Anita was saying. Thankfully, her sister arrived and called the ambulance. The doctor told Anita that if she hadn’t arrived at the hospital in time, her daughter would have died.

Immigrants should learn English to speak with the public, but they should also keep their language at home. If we learn English only and forget our own language, we won’t be able to communicate with our parents. Florence, my co-worker, speaks English only. Her mother didn’t teach her Spanish, her mother language. She has lost her mother language, tradition and culture, so she can’t pass them down to her future generations.

In conclusion, immigrants should learn English in order to communicate with the public and to keep the country united, but they shouldn’t drop their culture for an American way of life.

65. When Anita’s daughter was ill, Anita_____________________.

A. couldn’t speak

B. tried to call an ambulance

C. called her sister for help at once

D. sent her to the hospital immediately

66. The author mentions Anita’s experience mainly to show us __________________.

A. English is a difficult language for immigrants to learn

B. it is necessary for immigrants to learn the common language

C. immigrants should help each other in a strange country

D. immigrants should keep their own language and culture

67. Florence is a woman who __________________.

A. can speak both English and Spanish

B. was born in Spain but grew up in the US

C. has given up her native culture

D. is one of the author’s classmates


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