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第二节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


All the latest mobile phones today include phone tracking(追踪). This technology is really helpful in many ways.

You can be like a full-time detective because you can  41  your partner’s movements at any time. Especially when you suspect something is wrong, it’s of great  42 . You will also be free of  43  wondering where your son or daughter might be when they are away from you. If you are not  44  with a city and you want to eat at a nearby restaurant, phone tracking can help you find one. If you have lost your mobile phone and it contains  45  information, you can track the location of the phone through this technology.

Most of all, this technology could be crucial (决定性的;重要的) during an emergency like the 9/11 attack. Every day many  46    are sure to occur. This technology is  47  when we are in trouble. If you call 911 on a GPS cell phone, the emergency services can respond much faster. Thus, more lives can be  48  by the use of phone tracking.

Despite(尽管) the countless  49  the phone tracking provides, there are still privacy concerns. We always take our mobile phone and wallet or other  50  things with us whenever we  51 . So our movements can  52  be known by someone with bad intentions. To our  53 , there are new types of phone tracking. With these you need to have the cell phone owner’s agreement if you want to track someone. In court, if there is not enough other evidence, information obtained from phone tracking is not  54 .

Phone tracking has more advantages than disadvantages when you  55  them; the advantages easily cancel out the disadvantages.

41. A. notice B. decide C. check D. test

42. A. quality B. achievement C. patience D. use

43. A. anxiety B. disappointment C. puzzle D. excitement

44. A. concerned B. popular C. familiar D. satisfied

45. A. small B. interesting  C. common D. important

46. A. accidents B. stories C. deaths D. ideas

47. A. ability B. comfort C. existence D. convenience

48. A. found B. saved C. collected D. buried

49. A. types B. facts C. theories D. benefits

50. A. powerful B. necessary C. priceless D. strange

51. A. move away B. drive off C. go out  D. jump down

52. A. slowly B. partly C. easily D. gradually

53. A. delight B. surprise C. regret D. knowledge

54. A. offered B. required C. adopted D. allowed

55. A. weight B. track C. drop D. repair

第三节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)把答案根据题号写到答题卷上。

Eye problems can be prevented in many ways. One of those ways for people is to have a vision check-up or sight tests. The main goal of the test is  56  (learn) about the current condition of your eyes. In other words, the test  57  (do) to check out whether your eyes are healthy or not.

Having vision check-ups regularly can avoid eye problems and keep eyes working  58  (proper). Although oculists ( 眼科医生 ) today can handle most eyes diseases, prevention is better  59  cure.  However, many people forget that.

Eye diseases usually attack adults, 60  regular check-ups are also recommended for children and even babies. An eye check-up should be conducted at least once a year.

Sometimes many people feel  61  eyes are normal because they have no symptoms of eyesight problems. The fact is  62  some eye problems do not start with any symptoms, 63  is something you need to remember and consider.

In conclusion, 64  you love your eyes, you need to take an eye check-up regularly. Only in this way, further or more serious eye problems can be avoided and you will have  65  bright and colorful world forever.

第三部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 阅读理解  (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)



If you are walking around a supermarket and see a woman with a shaved head, a ring through her nose, a tattoo(纹身) design on her arm and she has a small child in her shopping trolley, what would your opinion be? Do you think this kind of body decoration is attractive or ugly? Different people have different ideas. The following are some examples of body decoration from around the world.

In many parts of Africa, it is thought that an attractive girl should have really shinny skin.

On Bali, a little island in Indonesia, they believe that a beautiful woman or handsome man must have perfectly straight, flat teeth. The Balinese believe that teeth with pointed edges make you look like an ugly wild animal. So when a girl or boy becomes a teenager, he or she is taken to a special person in their village who will file(锉去) off teeth points to make them smooth and flat. There is no anesthetic(麻药) and this tooth filing is really painful. It is a kind of test. If you can stand it without screaming or crying too much, then you are thought ready to become an adult.

In Myanmar, there is a small group of people who are called the “Papaung”. They believe that a woman can only be really beautiful if she has a long neck. I mean a VERY long neck. Now you might think that you are either born with a long or short neck and that there’s nothing whatever you can do about it. But you would be wrong! At around the age of 5, a Papaung girl has heavy metal rings fitted around her neck, tightly between the chin and shoulders. Each year more rings are added and very, very slowly their weight pushes the shoulders down, in this way making the neck look longer. A Papaung woman will wear her neck rings all her life, never once taking them off.

So now I’m sure you will all agree that different people have different ideas about what is beautiful.

66. What is mainly talked about in paragraph one?

A. Women’s design.    B. Beautiful body decoration.

C. Attractive decoration.      D. Body decoration.

67. What does the underlined word “trolley” mean?

A. schoolbag B. luggage   C. cart    D. basket

68. On Bali, it is believed that _________.

A. a person with sharp teeth looks ugly

B. a person with straight, flat teeth looks ugly

C. a teenager’s teeth points must be filed off with anesthetic

D. no one will scream or cry when having his teeth points filed


69. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Most African people think that a girl with shinny skin is


B. Many people think that a woman with a ring through nose is

neither attractive nor ugly.

C. It is thought that a beautiful woman should have straight, flat

teeth on Bali.

D. Some people think it beautiful that a woman has a long neck

in Myanmar.

70. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Who is a beautiful woman?

B. What is beautiful?

C. Different ideas about what is beautiful.

D. Body Decoration.


While teaching methods may be different and pupils spend a very long day in Chinese middle school, the facilities and equipment in some schools go ahead of those in many schools that I’ve seen elsewhere.

My experience is somewhat limited to city schools in major cities in Guangdong Province which are not necessarily representative of schools in the Chinese countryside or elsewhere in China.

I was impressed with the teacher’s desks in particular. Desks seemed to be designed for each type of classroom with built-in technology and wired to control the “environment” in the classroom. By this I mean projector controls, PC controls for pupil monitors, sound systems, electric screens rather than blackboards, etc. Many classrooms had microphone systems to enlarge the teachers’ voice as classes of 60 or more pupils were common. These classrooms were well equipped but there was limited room for books and bags as the desks were small and mostly in pairs.

There were a large number of well-equipped laboratories with their own preparation rooms and warehouses(仓库) for physics, chemistry and biology, etc. The chemistry and biology labs had air exchange systems at each position to remove harmful gases produced in experiments. The biology labs were extremely well equipped with jars of specimens(标本).

An interesting thing was the use of CCTV cameras(闭路电视监控) which were explained to be used during exams to monitor cheating.

The library had a wide selection of books and there was a special classroom, called the LA suite, which not only had a laboratory but also a “chatting” area for oral skills practice.

Overall I was really very impressed by the modern teaching equipment in those Chinese schools.

71. Which of the following statements about Chinese schools is NOT correct?

A. Their teaching methods are different from those of other


B. Their students spend much time on study every day when in


C. Schools in the countryside of Guangdong Province are also

well equipped.

D. The equipment in some schools is better than that of other

schools elsewhere.

72. According to the third paragraph, what’s the problem with those classrooms?

A. The environments changed too often.

B. The teachers’ desks were hard to control.

C. They were too crowded for 60 or more pupils.

D. They were so big that teachers couldn’t be well heard.

73. What can we know from the fourth paragraph?

A. The author liked the biology labs most.

B. Students did physics experiments most frequently.

C. It’s dangerous to do chemical experiments indoors.

D. Doing chemical or biology experiments may cause air


74. CCTV cameras were used in order to ______.

A. increase students’ interest in study

B. monitor students’ behavior in class

C. play educational programs for students

D. monitor whether there are students cheating in exams

75. Which class is most suitable to be held in the LA suite?

A. Biology.    B. English.   C. Physics.    D. History.


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