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第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;满分30分)



Some critics considered Jack Kerouac a great writer. Others did not. But one thing is sure —young people loved "On the Road". The book is about two young men who travel back and forth across the United States, exploring new places and meeting new people. Their names are Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarity. The characters in the book are like Jack Kerouac and his friends.

Jack Kerouac did, in fact, travel across America several times in the late nineteen forties and early nineteen fifties. He traveled to almost every state in the United States and in Mexico. Often he hitch-hiked: he just asked people for a ride in their cars. Sometimes he traveled with his friend Neal Cassady.

Jack Kerouac wrote "On the Road" in just three weeks in nineteen fifty-one. He typed it on several long pieces of paper that he connected to form a continuous document about thirty-six meters long. It took six years for the book to be published. But it immediately became a best-seller. One critic said "On the Road" was about all things American: individualism, the pioneer spirit, jazz, even apple pie.

But Kerouac could not deal with the success and fame resulting from his book. He also could not deal with the way he believed his writing was misunderstood. He drank too much alcohol and died in nineteen sixty-nine at the age of forty-seven.

American businessman Jim Irsay bought Kerouac's original typed "On the Road" for more than two million dollars. It was shown all across the United States. Now, for the anniversary, it is being shown in Jack Kerouac's hometown of Lowell, Massachusetts.

Experts say Jack Kerouac's writing helped start the rebellious(反叛的) movement of American young people in the nineteen sixties. They also say young people today still read and enjoy "On The Road" , but are not influenced to leave college and travel as Kerouac did.

61. From the first passage we learn that_______.

A. Jack Kerouac liked writing stories about young people

B. Jack Kerouac was a controversial (有争议的) writer

C. Jack Kerouac was considered the most productive writer

D. “ On the Road ” is popular all over the world

62. How did Jack Kerouac usually travel across the country?

A. On foot    B. By car    C. By bus    D. By bike

63. Which of the following statements about “ On the road ” is TRUE according to the passage?

A. It took Jack Kerouac six years to write the book.

B. The book was published shortly after it was written.

C. The book sold well after it was published.

D. The book was mainly about young people in the US.

64. The book “ On the Road ”________.

A. was misunderstood by most people   B. brought Jack Kerouac great fame

C. brought Jack Kerouac great joy    D. encouraged Jack Kerouac greatly


World Expositions are Exhibitions of human inspirations(心灵)and thoughts. Since 1851 when the Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations was held in London, the World Expositions have achieved success. So what will Expo 2010 Shanghai China deliver to the world? There is no doubt that the Chinese people will present to the world a successful, splendid and unforgettable exposition.

The Expo 2010 Shanghai China will be a great event to explore the full potential of urban life in the 21st century and a significant period in urban progress. Exposition 2010 will attract governments and people to focus on the theme "Better City, Better Life". For its 184 days, participants will display urban civilization, exchange their experiences of urban development and explore new approaches to human habitat(居住地), lifestyle and working conditions. They will learn how to create an eco-friendly society and keep up the continuous development of human beings.

Firstly, the Expo will centre on innovation(创新) and interaction. Innovation is the soul, while cultural interaction is an important special task of the World Expositions. In the new era, the Expo will contribute to human-centred development, scientific and technological innovation, cultural variety and win-win cooperation for a better future. Secondly, the Expo will try to attract about 200 nations and international organisations to take part in the exhibition as well as 70 million visitors from home and abroad, gain the understanding and support of various countries and peoples, in order to turn Expo 2010 Shanghai China into a happy reunion of people from all over the world. In addition, it will offer a wonderful opportunity for cross-culture dialogues and value the opinions to be offered by the participants, which express people's ideas for future cooperation and development and wide common desires.

Our motto is: "Keeping in mind the next 60 years' development while preparing for the six months' Exposition". We expect the continuing attention, support and participation of all the peace-loving countries.

65. The text mainly presents some contents to us EXCEPT the ______ about the Expo 2010 Shanghai.

A. motto  B. history    C. theme    D. ticket

66. Which kind of life does the second paragraph talk about?

A. Countryside life  B. Material life  C. City life   D. Spirit life

67. What can we know from the third paragraph?

A. The Expo is hardly based on the idea of cooperation, innovation and development

B. The number of people attending the Expo isn’t very large

C. The Expo supplies a good chance to have a cultural communication and dialogue

D. The opinions from the participants can express people’s ideas for their personal benefits

68. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. Human-centered development   B. Brief introduction of World Expo Shanghai

C. Continuous development of human beings D. An unforgettable cross-culture dialogue


Attitude isn’t quite everything when it comes to being successful, but attitude plays a part in every stage of your life. A poor attitude gets more people fired than any other single factor, and a good attitude gets people jobs and helps them keep those jobs more than any other factor.

Your attitude affects many people, from your family to the stranger on the street corner. Your attitude is particularly important when you face seemingly hopeless situations. Losing a job or a friend because of a poor attitude is unfortunate—especially because a bad attitude can be fixed.

You can find at least two ways to look at everything. A pessimist looks for difficulty in the opportunity, while an optimist looks for opportunity in the difficulty. A poet of long ago put the difference between optimism and pessimism this way: two men looked out of the prison bars—one saw mud while the other saw stars.

Unfortunately, many people look only at the problem and not at the opportunity that lies within the problem. Many employees complain about the difficulty of their jobs, for example, not ralizing that if the job was simple, the employer would hire someone with less ability at a lower wage. A small coin can hide even the sun if you hold the coin close enough to your eye. So when you get too close to your problems, to think objectively(客观地) about them, try to keep in mind how your vision(视觉)can be obstructed. Take a step back, and look at the situation from a new angle.

You can’t do anything to change the fact that a problem exists, but you can do a great deal to find the opportunity within that problem. You’re guaranteed a better tomorrow by doing your best today and developing a plan of action for the tomorrows that lie ahead. Just remember to maintain a positive mental attitude.

69. What does the author mean by saying the first sentence in Paragraph 1?

A. If you have a good attitude, you will be successful.

B. Your attitude makes a great influence on your life.

C. Your attitude has nothing to do with your success.

D. Your success is very important to your life.

70. In Paragraph 3, the writer shows us ________.

A. two ways to look at everything    B. the ways to look for opportunity

C. the explanation of pessimist and optimist  D. the ways to look out from prison bars

71. The writer mentions the example of many employees in Paragraph 4 to tell people to ______.

A. ignore the problem      B. make their jobs easy to do

C. wait for the problem to be solved    D. look for opportunity in the problem

72. The underlinde word “obstructed” in Paragraph 4 probably means ________.

A. dropped    B. blocked   C. improved   D. shared


If you want to avoid making impulse(冲动)and unnecessary purchases, then just keep your hands away from tempting(诱人的) products. According to new research, individuals who touch possible items in stores are more likely to have an increased desire to purchase them than those who keep their hands off the products.

Suzanne Shu and Joann Peck, marketing professors at the University of Wisconsin’s business school conducted studies on the connection between touch and feelings of ownership and the effect of perceived(觉察;认知) ownership on the value placed on an object. For one of the experiments, the experts placed two products, a Slinky toy and a coffee cup in front of the vlounteers who were undergraduate students. About half of the participants were allowed to touch the products, while the other half were asked not to touch them.The volunteers then were asked to express their sense of ownership of the products and to report how much money they were willing to pay for each. The results showed that those students who were allowed to touch  the objects, reported significant increased levels of perceived ownership. They also expressed a desire to pay more money to obtain the products.

The investigators also discovered that a sense of very pleasant feelings when touching products, determined how much money consummers(消费者) were willing to pay. However, if the object did not feel pleasant to touch, it significantly decreased the amount the buyers were willing to pay.

Researchers said that many stores have already followed the right path. But what can be done while shopping online, when touching of an item is not possible? In this case, the experts say, just picturing in mind that they are touching it and then owning it, will cause greater feelings of ownership, and thus the consumers will be more likely to buy it.

When you touch an object, you immediately feel some kind of a connection to it, according to the researchers. That connection stirs up an emotional(情感的)reaction. And that emotion can make people buy something they would never even consider buying if they had not touched it.

73. The author develops the text mainly by             .

A. providing typical examples

B. comparing opinions from different fields

C. presenting a cause and analyzing its effects

D. drawing a conclusion through research


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