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33. ___________ for several weeks, the city needed food.

A. As having flooded   B. Being f looded   C. Having been flooded   D. To flood

34. She is writing a letter to a friend of hers, ___________ him to attend the meeting.

A. having invited      B. inviting        C. to invite            D. invited

35. It is no good ________ work and not __________ up our experience.

A. doing; to sum       B. doing; summing     C. to do; to sum     D. to do; summing

36. He is not ______ the kind of man who could have done such a rude thing to a lady. You must

have been mistaken.

A. likely              B. possible           C. probable         D. maybe

37. The old man is _______ with his retired life that he always wears a ______ smile.

A. so satisfied; content               B. well content; contented

C. so content; contented              D. satisfied; satisfying

38. Having arrived at the station, ________________.

A. it was found that the train had left      B. the train had left

C. the train was found left                   D. he found that the train had left

39. ---He was born and grew up in the town.

---_______ he knows it so well.

A. No doubt.       B. No problem.       C. No curiosity.      D. No wonder.

40. We firmly believe that war never settle anything. It only __________ violence.

A. build up           B. defend against          C. leads to      D. cut off


Once upon a time, there was a large mountainside, where an eagle’s nest rested. The eagle’s nest contained four  41  eagle eggs. One day an earthquake rocked (使震动) the mountain  42  one of the eggs to roll down the mountain,  43  a chicken farm, which was in the valley below. The chickens knew that they must  44  and care for the eagle’s egg, so an old hen (母鸡)  45  to hatch (孵) and raise the large egg.

One day, the egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born.  46 , however, the eagle was raised to be a(n)  47 . Soon, the eagle believed he was  48  more than a chicken. The eagle loved his home and family, 49  his spirit cried out for more. While playing a game on the farm one day, the eagle looked to the skies above and  50  a group of eagles soaring in the skies. “Oh,” the eagle  51  , “I wish I could soar like those birds.” The chickens shouted with 52 , “You cannot soar with those birds. You are a chicken and chickens do not soar.”

The eagle  53  staring at his real family up above, 54  that he could be with them. Each time the eagle would let his  55  be known, he was told it couldn’t be done. That is  56  the eagle learned to believe. Slowly, the eagle  57  dreaming and continued to live his life like a chicken.  58 , after a long life as a chicken, the eagle  59 .

You become what you believe you are; so if you ever dream to become an eagle, 60  your dreams, not the words of a chicken.

41. A. large        B. curious   C. small    D. fortunate

42. A. guiding        B. blowing   C. causing   D. inviting

43. A. on         B. over   C. past    D. to

44. A. introduce      B. punish   C. protect       D. share

45. A. offered       B. regretted  C. managed   D. turned

46. A. Carefully     B. Gently   C. Sadly    D. Luckily

47. A. chicken        B. eagle   C. hero    D. fool

48. A. something     B. everything  C. anything   D. nothing

49. A. and        B. but     C. so       D. however

50. A. noticed        B. recognized  C. respected   D. watched

51. A. cried        B. smiled   C. argued       D. explained

52. A. excitement       B. anger   C. laughter   D. surprise

53. A. approached     B. avoided   C. continued   D. considered

54. A. promising      B. proving   C. believing   D. dreaming

55. A. suggestion     B. advantage  C. dream       D. discovery

56. A. what        B. why   C. how    D. when

57. A. went        B. enjoyed   C. began       D. stopped

58. A. Happily        B. Finally   C. Quickly   D. Probably

59. A. gave up      B. broke down  C. passed away  D. died out

60. A. steal        B. follow   C. have    D. remember




VINCOUVER (Reuters)——South Korea’s Kirn Yuna can finally relax and does not need to think about the future after she won the gold medal in the women’s figure skating (花样滑冰)on Thursday.

The 19-year-old was the overwhelming (压倒性的)favorite to finish top of the podium (颁奖台) but said the pressure going into the event was large.

“I feel now as if a huge burden has been lifted,” the Games’ highest-earning female athlete-she makes an estimated $8 million a year —said after her near-perfect program where she nailed all of her 11 jumps.

“I will enjoy this moment and think about things later. I was just thrilled(兴奋的) on the podium and I feel so relieved.I had been running toward this dream of the Olympics and was so happy to be here,” she said.

“Since I have achieved the most important goal in my life. I am going to enjoy this moment for a while and then think about what I am going to do,” a smiling Yuna said.

Japanese rival Mao Asada took silver while Joannic Rochette of Canada grabbed the bronze medal four days after her mother died.

“I still cannot believe I did what I wanted to do at the Olympics.I have been dreaming about this moment and I cannot believe it is not a dream any more.” said Yuna.

Sout h Korea was counting on her to grab their first gold medal in figure skating and the first Winter Olympics gold medal outside short track and speed skating.

“I was just happy to have skated a clean program. It was the first time I had skated two clean programs. During the program when I finished all elements I thought ‘this is going to be yeah...this is it’.”

61. According  to the passage, Kim Yuna_________.

A. had a strong sense of team spirit in the Games

B. won the first gold medal for South Korea in the Winter Olympics

C. had expected she would surely win the gold medal

D. joined in the competition with great pressure from her country

62. The underlined word “ rival” in Paragraph 6 most probably means “__________”.

A. competitor        B. coach          C. judge          D. hostess

63. It is known from the passage that____________.

A. Kim Yuna is a person of great confidence

B. Joannie Rochette joined in the games with great sorrow

C. Kim Yuna is the richest athlete in South Korea

D. Mao Asada took silver medal by accident


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