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76. Lin Shuhao has become well-known        (遍及)the world.

77. They got into an        (争论)about whether to go by sea or by air.

78. If we work with a strong will, any difficulty can be        (克服) however great it is.


Not all cultures greet each other the same way, 79.________are they comfortable in the same way with distance between people. I came to realize that after meeting this year’s international students.

After half an hour of waiting for the flight 80.________( arrive), I saw several people enter the waiting area looking around 81.________. I went to greet them and introduced them to each other. I was astonished by Julia’s reaction. When Tony 82.________her and tried to kiss her on the cheek, Julia stepped back 83.________ (appear) surprised and put up her hands, as if in 84.________. This was probably a major 85.________. After their arrival, there were also other pairs of students, among 86.________also exist some cultural mistakes.

Through this experi ence, I learn more about body language. In 87.________, though, studying international customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in today’s world of cultural 88.________.





修改:在在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写上修改后的词。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处, 多者 ( 从第11处起 ) 不计分。

All Senior 2 students of Taizhou High School is going to visit Zhejiang University in two days. According to Mr. L, headmaster of this school, the activity had been held once a year since 2006.

Apart from the students, some of their teachers will also join in, but they will set off at about 7 o’clock and returning at about 4 pm. In the morning, they will visit the new campus of Zhejiang University. In a afternoon, they will have a directly and sincere conversation with some freshmen of the university who just graduated Taizhou High School.

It is believed that this activity will help the students having a good knowledge of campus life in advance, and make them to work hard to achieve our dreams in the near future.


Nick是一个25岁的澳大利亚青年, 出生 时无手无脚, 曾被很多人当作怪物嘲笑。但他以“态度就是高度”为人生信条,永不言弃, 乐观自信。他不仅学会了游泳、冲浪、钓鱼,还完成了大学教育并获得了双学位, 现在是两个公司的CEO。他的成功之路被认为是奇迹。

请以“Attitude is Altitude”为题目, 根据以上信息概述Nick的人生经历,并谈谈他对你的启发, 写一篇120词左右的短文。首句已给出,不计入总词数。

参考词汇: 四肢limbs

Attitude is Altitude

Nick is a 25-year-old Australian man, whose life is full of hardships.


六、  课文填空


Text 1

W:What kind of music do you like?

M:I really enjoy  pop music.How about you?

W:I also like pop music.But classical music is even more enjoyable.

Text 2

W:I knew you’d been to London and Paris.But New York is the place I am longing for.

M:Oh,me,too.It’s a great city,but I have to pay for a new car first.

Text 3

M:You won’t believe what Bill did last night!He moved his piano by himself.

W:You’re kidding.He shouldn’t have done that.He could have broken his back.

Text 4

M:I didn’t go to the film yesterday because I had to take care of my baby.

W:It’s a pity that you missed it.We haven’t seen a better one for years.

Text 5

M:I heard you took a trip to Mexico recently.What was it like?

W:I got sick and tired of staying in the hotel and eating the hotel food.

M:I can imagine.East or west,h ome is best!

Text 6

W:Hey,Jack.Your dad and I plan to go swimming this Sunday.Will you join us?

M:Sorry,mum,but I have a lot of homework to do.

W:It’s a pity!What about next Sunday?

M:I don’t think I’ll be free then.

W:What a poor boy you are!You spend all your time in the house.You do not even go out to get some fresh air and exercise.

M:Yes,mum.I must study hard now.The college entrance exams are coming.

W:You know you are the apple of my eye.When you get into college,I’ll take you for a trip anywhere in the world you want to go.

M:Thank you,mum.

Text 7

W:Hello.Paul.I’m ringing about Granddad’s 70th birthday party.Will it be on Friday the 26th,or Saturday the 27th of May?

M:Actually,mum and Uncle Jerry decided on 28th because several people couldn’t do Saturday or Friday.

W:OK.Are you going to have the party at your house?

M:It’s too small!There’s a nice r oom at his goal club,so we’ll have it there.There’s a lunch before the party at Mario’s restaurant.

W:Great.Will the party still start at 3:30?

M:No,4:00.We’ll finish eating around 2:45 and it’s an hour’s drive.

W:Mm.I can take you there in my car.

M:Thanks,but I’ll have mine.

W:Now,what about presents?My brother’s going to buy Granddad a set of three CDs,and there’s a beautiful mirror I’d like to get for him.What do you think?xkb1

M:Sounds excellent.I’ve bought him a leather suitcase.

W:He’ll love that.Well,see you on the day then,Paul.


Text 8

M:Hello,House Rentals.May I help you?

W:Hello.My husband and I are  looking for a house to spend the holidays,and we heard that you have a nice one for rent.

M:Yes,Madam.How many people are there in your family?

W:My husband and I,and our three children.

M:How long will you stay in the house?And when will you move in?

W:About three months,moving in on May 1st.By the way,how many rooms has it got?

M:Well,the ground floor has two double rooms,both beautifully decorated.There’s also a large kitchen and a large dining room.And then upstairs,it’s got a very large sitting room with windows all around,and a backyard with a big swimming pool.

W:That’s great!How much is it?

M:$600 a month.

Text 9

W:Bob,do you know who I saw the other day?Old Jake is looking terribly sad.Did he get pensioned off at last?

M:Yes.They made him retire after 50 years at sea.He is pretty upset about it.

W:He is all alone,isn’t he?

M:Yes,his wife has been dead for years.They had one daughter,Daisy.But she went off to town as soon as she left school.And he hasn’t heard from her since.I hear she is making good money as a model.

W:Maybe someone could get in touch with her.Get her to come back for a while to help.

M:I don’t suppose she’ll come.She never got on with her father.He is a bit of a tough character and she is rather selfish.Oh,I expect old Jake will get by.He is healthy at least,comes into a clinic for a check regaularly.

W:Are you his doctor?

M:No,my partner doctor Johnson is.

W:That bad-tempered old person?

M:Oh,he isn’t bad-tempered.He just looks it.He is an excellent doctor,taught me a lot,and he has a very nice family.His wife invites me over there to supper every week.Very pleasant.

W:Yes.I teach their daughter Pen at school.She is a bit careless and lazy about her school work,but a bright little thing and very popular with her age group.

Text 10

I taught in Tokyo,Japan,and I thought I had prepared myself pretty well with the necessary travel books and my helpful Japanese-Canadian roommate.I was really excited about teaching because it was my first paid job.I began each class by introducing myself.I could see the excitement in my studens’ faces as they had a real American girl.Their warm welcome made me feel comfortable,and so I let them ask me some questions.To my surprise,I was asked questions like“How old are you?” “Are you married?”“Why aren’t you married?”“Why did you come to Japan?”I was really surprised.I couldn’t believe that the students could ask such personal questions and expect honest answers.After th is happened in several classes,I stopped giving the students a chance to ask me these questions.I later found out that these questions are acceptable in Japan,and that is not information that is considered too personal.Once I realized that the students didn’t mean to be impolite and actually cared about me,I felt much more comfortable about my first experience.






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