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Even better, Paley’s Remote Scanning Services Company could detect crop problems before they became visible to the eye. Mounted on a plane flown at 3, 000 feet at night, an infrared scanner measured the heat given out by crops. The data were transformed into a color-coded map showing where plants were running “fevers”. Farmers could then spot-spray, using 50 to 70 percent less pesticide than they otherwise would.

The bad news is that Paley’s company closed down in 1984, after only three years. Farmers resisted the new technology and long-term backers were hard to find. But with the increasing concern about pesticides on produce, and improvement in infrared scanning, Paley hopes to get back into operation. Agriculture experts have no doubt the technology works. “This technique can be used on 75 percent of agricultural land in the United States, ” says George Oerther of Texas A & M. Ray Jackson , who recently retired from the Department of Agriculture, thinks remote infrared crop scanning could be adopted by the end of the decade. But only if Paley finds the financial backing which he failed to obtain 10 years ago.

( ) 67. Plants will give out an increased amount of heat when they are______________.

A. sprayed with pesticides

B. facing an infrared scanner

C. in poor physical condition

D. exposed to extreme sun rays

(   ) 68. In order to apply pesticide spraying precisely, we can use infrared scanning to__________.

A. estimate the damage to the crops

B. measure the size of the affected area

C. draw a color-coded map

D. locate the problem area

( ) 69. Farmers can save a considerable amount of pesticide by___________.

A. adopting spot-spraying

B. consulting infrared scanning experts

C. transforming poisoned rain

D. detecting crop problems at an early stage

(   ) 70. The application of infrared scanning technology to agriculture met with some difficulties of ___________.

A. the lack of official support

B. its high cost

C. the lack of financial support

D. its failure to help increase production

( ) 71. Infrared scanning technology may be brought back into operation because of__________.

A. the desire of farmers to improve the quality of their produce

B. growing concern about the over use of pesticides on crops

C. the forceful promotion by the Department of Agriculture

D. full support from agricultural experts


I don’t think there is anything wrong with your blood. The key to your problem is that long nap (打盹,小睡) after dinner.

If you didn’t sleep for hours during the early part of the evening, you would be more ready to sleep at bedtime. If you didn’t nap after dinner, you would not want to stay up so late, and you would not feel the need to take a sleeping pill. The pill is still working in your system when you get up in the morning. This helps account for the fact that you feel tired all day.

You should get out of the habit of sleeping during the evening. Right after your evening meal, engage in some sort of physical activity --- a sport such as bowling, perhaps. Or get together with friends for an evening of cards and conversation. Then go to bed at your usual time or a little earlier, and you should be able to get a good night's rest without taking a pill.

If you can get into the habit of spending your evenings this way, I am sure you will feel less tired during the day. At first it may be hard for you to go to sleep without taking a pill. If so, get up and watch television or do some jobs around your house until you feel sleepy. If you fall asleep and then wake up a few hours later, get up but do not take a sleeping pill. Read a while or listen to the radio, and make yourself a few hours’ sleep that night, you will feel better in the morning than you usually feel after taking a pill. The next night you will be ready to sleep at an earlier hour.

The most important thing is to avoid taking that nap right after dinner and avoid taking pills.

( ) 72. According to the writer, it is difficult for you to go to sleep because _____ .

A. you get the habit of staying up late      B. you haven’t taken sleeping pills

C. you sleep for hours after dinner         D. you fail to do some exercises

( ) 73. Which of the following is NOT true if you want to get out of the habit of sleeping during

the evening?

A. Go to bed earlier than usual.         B. Talk with friends after dinner.

C. Stay with friends after dinner.        D. Do some physical labor.

( ) 74. You feel tired all day probably because ______ .

A. you stay up too late         B. you get up too early in the morning

C. you take sleeping pills      D. you wake up too frequently at night

( ) 75. We may infer that the author is most probably a _____ .

A. doctor     B. reporter     C. scientist          D. professor





Internet shopping is a new way of shopping. You no longer need to walk round hundreds of shops looking for the items you need. Nowadays, you can shop for just about anything from your armchair. All you need is a computer which is linked to the Internet.

People can shop for a variety of products on the Internet. Physical products include items such as books, CDs, clothes and food. These types of products are the most common purchases(购入品) through the Internet. You can also buy information products such as on-line news, magazine stories, or computer software. Services such as booking airline tickets, reserving(预定) hotels or renting cars are also available(可得到的)on the Internet. You can also go shopping on the Internet for entertainment services and take part in online games or e-mail “chats”.

Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper. The most important advantage is convenience. You can shop when you like as the on-line shops are open 24 hours a day, and you do not have to queue with other shoppers at the check-out counters. Secondly, it is easy to find what you are looking for. Finally, it is often cheaper to buy goods through the Internet, and you can tell the shop exactly what you want.

The main disadvantage of Internet shopping is that you cannot actually see the products you are buying or check their quality. Also, many people enjoy shopping in the city and miss the opportunity to talk to friends. Some people are worried about paying for goods using credit cards, so Internet companies are now finding ways to make on-line payment safe.

Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead. It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of thing—from tonight’s dinner to a new car.

Title Shopping    76

Products you can buy on the Internet You can shop for    77    products, eg. Physical products, services etc.

78   for Shopping On The Internet 1. It is    79    to shop on the Internet. You can shop at any time as the shops are open 24 hours a day. You needn’t   80    in the queue at the check-out counter.

2. You can find the items you want    81   .

3. The goods on the Internet are not so   82  .

Disadvantages of Internet shopping 1. You can’t see the goods or get their quality    83   in person.

2. You may miss the chance to talk to friends.

3. Somebody may    84   about paying for goods using credit cards.

85  of Internet shopping It will be more and more popular, and will change the way we buy goods.

76.            77.           78.            79           80.

81.           82.            83.           84.            85.


根据以下图画,写一篇100字左右词的短文,简要描述图画内容,结合生活实际,以“Lifelong Learning”为主题。


一、 听力

1~5 BBCAC     6~10 ACACC    11~15 CBBCB    16~20AAABC

二、 单项选择

21~25 BCDCA    26~30 CBACC    31~35 DACBD

三、 完形填空

36~40 CBABD    41~45 ABDCC    46~50 BBDAC    51~55 ABDCD

四、 阅读理解

56~59 ADBC    60~62 CDB    63~66 AADA    67~71 CDACB    72~75 CDCA

五、 任务型阅读

76. online    77. various    78. Advantages/Benefits

79. convenient    80. wait/queue  81. easily

82. expensive    83. checked      84. worry     85. Future

六、 写作范文

In the picture we can see that Granny Wang is sending an e-mail to her granddaughter, who is studying in America. Sometimes they even chat face to face online. However, not long ago Granny Wang didn’t know how to send e-mails. If she wanted to see her granddaughter, she had to go to America to visit her in person. It cost her too much money and took up too much time.

Then she learned how to use the internet and now it is possible for her to communicate with her granddaughter easily. She began to use the computer half a year ago. Even though it was hard for her, she never thought of giving it up. This reminds me of the old saying, it’s never too late to learn. Nowadays everything is changing and developing so fast that if we don’t continue to learn new things, we will fall behind in this fast changing world.






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