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第二节 完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1.5分,满分30分)


One evening, Mr. Green was driving his car along a lonely country road. He had __36__$10,000 from the bank in town. Suddenly a man in rags(衣衫褴褛) stopped him and asked for __37___. Mr. Green told him to get on and continued his way. __38___ he talked to the man, he _39___ that he had just broken out of prison. Mr. Green was very afraid at the __40__ of the money. Suddenly he saw a police-car and had a __41__ idea. He __42__ on speed and drove as quikly as possible. Then he found the police-car running _43___ him. After a mile the police-car passed him and ordered him to _44____. A policeman came up. Mr. Green hoped to tell him about the trouble but the man put a gun to Mr. Green’s __45___.

The policeman said he wanted Mr. Green’s name and _46__ amd Mr. Green obeyed. The policeman wrote it down in his notebook and put it in his __47___. “You _48___ appear at the police station,” he said, Then he talked to Mr. Green about _49____ driving.

Mr. Green started up his car again. He had given _50___ all hope of his $10,000, but as he reached a more lonely part, the robber said he wanted to __51___, Mr. Green stopped and the man said , “_52____, You’ve been _53___ to me. This is what I can do in __54___.” And he handed Mr. Green the policeman’s __55__, which was stolen while the policeman was talking to Mr. Green.

36. A. taken     B. held    C. brought    D. drawn

37. A. money    B. help    C. a lift       D. a ride

38. A. As       B. Since    C. Then     D. Because

39. A. recognized   B. learned   C. supposed    D. expected

40. A. sight      B. idea    C. touch     D. thought

41. A. fast      B. bright    C. strange    D. practical

42. A. put       B. got     C. took       D. had

43. A. behind    B. with      C. after    D. ahead of

44. A. go       B. stop      C. stand    D. park

45. A. head      B. shoulder   C. back    D. neck

46. A. number    B. home    C. place   D. address

47. A. car       B. pocket    C. hand    D. trousers

48. A. shall     B. will     C. would    D. need

49. A. careful   B. fast     C. careless    D. dangerous

50. A. out      B. away    C. up     D. in

51. A. run away   B. break away    C. set out   D. get out

52. A. I’m sorry    B. You’re welcome  C. That’s all right  D. Thank you

53. A. kind     B. polite   C. known  D. necessary

54. A. all      B. fact    C. return   D. the end

55. A. gun     B. pen    C. money   D. notebook

第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



The painter Georgia O’keeffe was born in Wisconsin in 1887 and grew up on her family’s farm. At seventeen she decided she wanted to be an artist and left the farm for schools in Chicago and New York, but she never lost her bond with the land. Like most painters, O’Keeffe painted the things that were most important to her, and nearly all her works are simplified portrayals of nature.

O’Keeffe became famous when her paintings were discovered and exhibited in New York by the photographer Levered Stieglitz, whom she married in 1924. During a visit to New York in 1929, O’Keeffe was so moved by the bleak(荒凉的) landscape and broad skies of the Western desert that she began to paint its images. Cows’ skulls and other bleached(变白的) bones found in the desert figured prominently(突出的) in her paintings. When her husband died in 1946, she moved to New Mexico permanently and used the horizon lines of the desert, colorful flowers, rocks, barren(贫瘠的) hills, and the sky as subjects for her paintings. Although O’Keeffe painted her best known works in the 1920’s, 1930’s and 1940’s, she continued to produce tributes(贡品、颂词) to the Western desert until her death in 1986.

O’Keeffe is widely considered to have been a pioneering American modernist painter. While most early modern American artists were strongly influenced by European art, O’Keeffe’s position was more independent. She established her own vision and preferred to view her painting as a private endeavor. Almost from the beginning, her work was more indentifiably American than that of her contemporaries in its simplified and idealized treatment of color, light, space, and natural forms.

56. Which of the following best tells what this passage is about ?

A. O’Keeffe was a distinctive modern American painter.

B. O’Keeffe was the best painter of her generation.

C. O’Keeffe liked to paint only what was familiar to her.

D. O’Keeffe used colors and shapes that are too reduced and simple.

57. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an influence on O’Keeffe’s paintings ?

A. Her rural upbringing         B. Her life in the West

C. The works of European artists  D. The appearance of the natural landscape

58. Which of the following is most similar to O’Keeffe’s relationship with nature?

A. A photoghrapher’s relationship with a model.

B. A writer’s relationship with a publisher.

C. A student’s relationship with a teacher

D. A carpenter’s relationship with a hammer.

59. Why is O’Keeffe considered an artistic pioneer ?

A. Her work became influential in Europe.

B. She painted the American Southwest.

C. Her paintings had a definite American style.

D. She painted things that were familiar to her.


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