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65. What is ARICEPT ?

A.A medicine to cure Alzheimer’s

B.A medicine to delay signs of aging .

C.A medicine to cure brain damage .

D.A medicine to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s .

66. One who is taking ARICEPT should go to see a doctor if he        .

A.feels like a drunken man  B.feels tired out

C.has no desire to eat  D.can’t fall asleep


Crosstalk, a traditional form of comic storytelling, is making a comeback in China’s teahouses and theaters.Audiences can laugh the night away every Saturday at the Qianxiangyi Teahouse in Tianjin, entertained by the apprentices (学徒) of Hou Baolin, Ma Sanli or Yin Shoushan -- all leading crosstalk artists of years past —for only 20 yuan (US$2.40). The success in Tianjin has also given motivation to the rejuvenation (复活) of crosstalk in Beijing and other places.

Although the art form originated in Beijing in the Qing Dynasty (1644–1911), Tianjin became a place where rising stars developed their styles and new pieces were tried out. The city was famous for the quality of its crosstalk performances.

“We only want to bring the traditional pieces back to the audiences, helping them to learn their charms and definitions,” said Yin Xiaosheng, head of the Zhongyou Arts Troupe.

Known in Chinese as xiangsheng (literally, "face and voice"), crosstalk was the main form of comedy throughout most of the 20th century. In the old days in Tianjin and elsewhere, temple fairs and markets were the main places for crosstalkers to perform, although they occasionally also appeared in teahouses or theaters.

Usually crosstalk pieces draw on every aspect of Chinese culture, from history and folk tales to contemporary social issues. Although there are hundreds of pieces in the traditional works, they are constantly rewritten to suit the times and the audience, while new works are written as well. This is one of the features that have made crosstalk a populist(平民化) art form throughout its history.

“Crosstalk was in the doldrums with competition from other art forms, especially TV,” said Wang Xiaochun, headmaster of the Northern Storytelling Arts School of China (NSAS). “But it has regained its status with crosstalk fans, especially young people, growing aware of its rare qualities.” The reawakening of interest in the traditional art is going beyond merely watching and listening for many. “More and more students are coming to NSAS to study crosstalk, including some girl students,” said Wang, “They are sure that crosstalk will have a strong market.”

67. From the passage, we can know the crosstalk originates(源于) from ______.

A. the TV shows

B. the teahouse and theater

C. the cinema

D. the temple fairs and markets

68. Crosstalk makes a comeback mainly because_________.

A. it is one of the most popular traditional art forms

B. the pieces mainly cover folk tales and social issues

C. the pieces are changing with times and audience

D. it is performed by some leading crosstalk artists

69. Which is the meaning of the underlined word “doldrums” (in the last paragraph)?

A. depression    B. variety.    C. condition.   D. period.

70. From the passage we can predict the future of crosstalk lies in______.

A. making up a variety of traditional pieces

B. having advantages over other media

C. young people’s the awareness of its value

D. the competitive and big markets for art

第 Ⅱ 卷 (共45分)

第四部分  写作:(共三节,满分45分)

第一节 完成句子。根据所给汉语完成下列各句(共6小题;每个空0.5分,满分10分)

71. 为了防止这种情况的再度发生,约翰.斯诺建议所有水源都要经过检测。

To prevent this from happening again,John Snow suggested that the sources of all the water supplies _______  _________.


________  _________ her most was the longitude line.

73. 由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛 。

________ by ________  ________  ________ fresh air ,my head ached.


However, I ______ ______ _______ Wang Ping when we reached_______looked like a large market because of too many flying by in all directions.


It shows that a knowledge of first aid can ______  ________  ________  ________.


_________  ________ you ask many different questions ______ you ______ all the information you need to know.

第二节 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


I’m writing to tell you my imagination about life in the future.

No one can tell exactly what kind of life will be a__________ of    77. ___________

us. But I can ____________ (宣布) with certainty that life will     78. ___________

be m___________ easier. I’m sure there will be more educational  79 ___________

programs on the radio or TV. So children will get _____________   80 ___________

at home w_____________ going to school every day. Besides, most 81 ___________

of us will have videophones at home through __________ we can  82 ___________

have a medical exam or do some _________ (购物) at home. Meanwhile   83 ___________

we’ll have robots to _______ (帮助) us in doing housework, allowing    84 ___________

us more time to enjoy life. With the development of ___________ (科学)   85 ___________

researches, ordinary people may soon be able to spend their holidays

in space and a great __________ of people may live in space or undersea.   86 __________


对于“成功”,各人有各人的理解,请根据提示将你班对此话题的讨论出现的三种观点整理成文,          并阐述你个人的观点。



注意:①词数:120左右。   ②开头已写好,不计入词数。Ks5*u

Recently we have had a class meeting whose topic is “success”. Views vary from person to person.







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