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52. Which of the following about The Grass is Singing is true?

A. It is mainly about racial conflict between the whites and the blacks in the US.

B. The main characters are a white farmer’s wife and her black servant.

C. It was published in Africa.

D. It was Doris Lessing’s most famous novel.

53. We can infer from the passage that __________.

A. Journalists are very interested in the election of Doris Lessing’s for Nobel Prize.

B. Doris Lessing regard The Golden Notes as a pioneering work of feminism.

C. Doris Lessing has written about many different subjects.

D. Many writers have the courage to stick to the equality between the male and female  experience.

54. The underlined word school in the last but one paragraph means________.

A. institution for educating children

B. college or university

C. department of a university

D. group of writers, thinkers

55. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?

A. Doris Lessing wins Nobel Prize for literature.

B. The greatest British female writer.

C. The oldest Nobel Prize winner.

D. 2007 Nobel Prize announced in Stockholm.


In America, drivers’ education is part of the regular high school curriculum. Every student in his or her second year of high school is required to take a class in driver’s education. However, unlike other courses, it is not given during the regular school year. Instead it is a summer course.

The course is divided up into two parts: class time for learning laws and regulations and driving time to practice driving. Class time is not unlike any other class. The students have a text from which they study the basic laws they must know to pass the written driving test that is given to anyone wanting to get a driver’s license.

Driving time is a chance for the students to get behind the wheel (steering wheel) and practice starting steering, backing up, parking, switching lanes, turning corners, and all the other maneuvers (操作) required to drive a car. Each student is required to drive a total of six hours. The students are divided up into groups of four. The students and the instructor go out driving for two hour blocks of time. Thus, each student gets half an hour driving time per outing. The instructor and “driver” sit in the front seats and the other three students sit in the back.

Drivers Ed cars are unlike other cars in which they have two sets of brakes, one on the driver’s side and one on the other side where the instructor sits. Thus, if the student driver should run into difficulties the instructor can take over. The car also has another special feature. On the top of the car is a sign that reads: STUDENT DRIVER. That lets nearby drivers know that they should use extra caution because the student driver is a beginning driver, not very experienced and prone to driving slowly.

After the student has passed the driver’s education course and reached the appropriate age to drive (this age differs in every state but in most cases the person must be 16 years old), they can go to a designated state office to take their driver’s test, which is made up of an eye examination, a written test, and a road test. The person must pass all three tests in order to be given a driver’s license. If the person did well in his or her driver’s education class, he or she will pass the test with flying colors and get a driver’s license.

56. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A. Driving Classes.  B. Driving Learning.

C. Driving Course.  D. Driving Experience.

57. In America, the driver’s course mentioned above _____.

A. is considered as part of the advanced education

B. is given to any student wanting to get a driver’s license

C. is carried on at the same time as other courses

D. is offered to all the students of Grade 2 in high schools

58. To prevent accidents, a drivers Ed car _____.

A. has a sign inside it  B. has two sets of brakes

C. is big enough to hold five persons D. can’t run very fast

59. Which of the following does not agree with the requirements for the students wanting to get their driver’s license?

A. They must be 16 years of age.

B. They should go to have their driver’s test.

C. They must have their eyes examined.

D. They ought to do well in their driver’s course.

60. In the last sentence, “with flying colors” means _____.

A. happily B. successfully C. colorfully D. quickly




A. Wharfedale Festival of Performing Arts        West Yorkshire, the United Kingdom

Young people are invited to compete in this art festival with classes covering speech, guitar, dance, poetry and short story writing, and so on. The previous year's winners are invited back to perform again at a special concert. With a long and well-known history behind it, this well-attended competition is a kind of forerunner of popular television talent contests such as Pop Idol.

B. Sydney Writers' Festival         Sydney, Australia

Held at Sydney's Wharf 4/5, the annual Sydney Writers' Festival is the biggest literary event of its kind in Australia and one of the biggest book fairs in the world. Attracting a mix of authors, poets, editors, publishers and book lovers, this is a great event at which people can look through thousands of titles while enjoying workshops, book reading and seminars.

C. Flipside Festival         Singapore

As part of the Singapore Arts Festival Outreach Programme, Flipside aims to reach a much wider audience with three weeks of lively, fun street performances. Flipside promises to bring out the adventurous side of you with a combination of physical theatre and mind games as well as free outdoor performances such as music performances from local singers.

D. Hay Festival         Hay on Wye, the United Kingdom

The little market town, Hay, has a population of 1500 and no fewer than 39 bookshops. It bills itself as the world's first and most distinguished book town, and is, therefore, a perfect place for a literary festival. The festival is a celebration of great writing. There are events including film screenings and musical concerts and the bookshops remain open throughout.

E. Bergen International Festival          Bergen, Norway

Founded in 1953, the Bergen International Festival presents an impressive cast of outstanding international artists in the fields of music, ballet, opera and other performing arts. More than 120 events take place in late May to early June, which is a time of beautiful spring weather. The main festival venue is the Grieg Hall while the smallest and most unusual is an old trolley bus with seating for just 33 people.

F. Nuits Sonores        Lyon, France

Held each May, this relatively new festival brings together some of the biggest club DJs from around the world. The focus is on electronic dance music, but it also embraces all musical forms ranging from hip hop to jazz. For those that want to see daylight hours after a hard night clubbing, there is a wide variety of cultural events during the day ranging from special festival food programmes to films.




Many people think teachers give pupils too __1__ homework. They say that it is __2__   (necessary) for children to work at home in their free time. __3__, they argue that most teachers do not properly plan the homework tasks they give to pupils. The results are __4__ pupils have to repeat tasks which they have already done at school.

Recently in Greece many parents complained about the difficult homework __5__ (give) to their children. The parents said that most of the homework was useless, and they wanted to stop it. Spain and Turkey are two countries which __6__ (stop) homework recently. In Denmark, Germany and several other countries in Europe, teachers cannot set homework at weekends. In Holland, teachers allow pupils to stay at school to do their homework. The children are free to help one __7__. Similar arrangement also exists in some British schools.

Most people agree that homework is not fair. A pupil who can do his homework in a quiet and comfortable room is in a much __8__ (good) position than a pupil who does his homework in a small, noisy room with the television __9__. Some parents are ready to help their children with their homework. But other parents even take __10__ interest at all in their children’s homework


It was John's quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slades's life. He immediately asked __11__ for bandages, but when nobody could __12__, his father got some tea towels and tape from their house. John used these to treat __13__ to Ms Slade's hands. He slowed the bleeding by __14__ until the police and __15__ arrived.



16. We went to a beautiful town and spent a/an _________________ (forget) day.

17. I have no _______________ (inform) about where he has gone.

18. The composer is also a __________________ (gift) pianist.

19. When Susan fell off her cycle , her only ______________ (injure) was a twisted ankle.

20. The fireman ______________ (brave) went into the burning house.

21. Try to make some __________________ (adjust) of your differences so that you can work together without quarrels.

22. This ancient book contains _______________ (describe) of China.

23. The new book is full of ______________ (challenge) ideas.

24. It causes a lot of ______________ (convenience) when the buses don’t come.

25. How can you ____________ (tolerance) all that noise while you are working?

八、翻译 (20个空,每空0.5分。每空填一个词,共10分)

26. 只有愿意发挥想象,你才能读得进这本书。

_______ if you are willing to use your imagination will you be able to become ________ in this book.

27. 值得称赞的是,史密斯先生愿意无私帮助我们完成计划.

To his ____________, Mr. Smith __________________ offered to help us with the project.

28. 我们应该乐观向上,永远对生活保持一种积极的态度。

We should be _____________  and always keep a _____________  ____________towards life.

29. 她指责比尔对她说谎,但这无法让其他人相信。

She _______________ Bill of ________________ to her, but failed to ____________ others of it.

30. 这个公司为顾客提供各式服务。

This company _______________  a _______________ of services ____________ its customers.

31. 在某人受伤时,懂得急救知识能发挥重要的作用。

It is a _____________ of first aid ___________ can make a real _________ when someone is hurt.

32. 只有专心工作才能进步。

One must concentrate _______________ his work in order to ___________ progress.

33. 出生于北京的一个工人家庭,她5岁就开始打乒乓球。

________  into a worker’s family in Beijing, she began to play table tennis ________ the age of five.







3. 提出呼吁。










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